Monday was a heck of a week…

Monday began with a dawn phone-call from Jonathon’s dad telling us that there’d be a death in the family. Jon’s aunt had been sick for a very long time so it wasn’t a complete surprise, but still the final call always seems to catch you off guard. We got up and Jon started making phone calls to spread the news, and then the next bad news.


One of our good friends, one of my closest friends had been in a car accident with her husband and two of their youngest grandchildren. They were all alive, which was great news, but they were all in the hospital, so we rushed to find out how hurt everyone was. Monday’s supposed to be tough, but this was ridiculous.


The grandchildren had broken legs, but are both home now. My friend and her husband are not so lucky. He’s got a lot of vertebra damage in his back, but the doctor thinks it will heal with a lot of rehab, and no need for surgery. That’s great news, right? A lot of relief, because when we first heard the news we were not sure the outcome would be this hopeful. My friend seemed better everyday. Yesterday she seemed like her old self even with the pain of her injuries, especially the broken ribs. We talked books, writing, history, and science, the usual stuff we’ve talked about for thirty years of friendship. I was going to go see her after FMA (Filipino Martial Arts) and gym this evening. My instructor handed me my certificate for third level tonight. I was looking forward to getting a frame and putting it up on my, love me wall. I used to call it an atta boy wall, but was informed that wasn’t PC, so fine it’s my love me wall. I met Jon at gym for a workout and while there found out that my friend had a fever. The doctor was worried that she has pneumonia. My friend has the worst case of asthma that I’ve ever personally seen in action. She is not a person who needs cracked ribs with a side of pneumonia. No one needs it, but someone with compromised lung capacity really doesn’t need it. Yes, I’m worried.


It started to snow big, fluffy flakes while we were at gym, but had stopped by the time we were finished. I hit the grocery store after gym. Jon went for home. Our Wednesday was going as much as planned as we could make it considering the weather forecast was predicting another snow apocalypse. I hate them using the term for a heavy snow fall, or even a snow storm. Snow apocalypse should be saved for when the super volcano blows and sends us into a second ice age. The grocery store was the usual mad house of a snow emergency, so everything took longer. I was still hoping the storm would miss us, since the funeral for Jon’s aunt is tomorrow early.


I was still debating on if I could swing by the hospital, or should I wait if they find out whether the pneumonia is the contagious variety, or if she would even be up for visitors. When I had bronchitis with the tiniest edge of pneumonia a few years back I hadn’t been much for company. It started to sleet as I loaded the groceries into the car. I decided to run the food home before I made the finally decision on the hospital run for the night.


I’ve just taken the dogs out and we’ve already got an inch to an inch and a half of snow. It’s hard to tell just how much has fallen because the flakes are still huge and fluffy. At least the ice has stopped falling with it. I’m staying home tonight and hospital visits will depend on how much of the downy flakes fall tonight. Did I mention that the funeral is early tomorrow morning, or that it’s at least an hour and a half south of us on clear roads without traffic? Further south in our state is supposed to get hit even harder than we are here in St. Louis.


It’s only Wednesday, can we just call this week over and declare a four day weekend, please?