Protest + Vote

Protest + VoteWe’ve all watched helplessly as Mr. George Floyd was murdered in front of us on video. Some of us have taken to the streets to protest his death at the hands of a police officer, the very person that should have been saving his life, not taking it. We all agree with the horror and outrage of it, but not with the violence that has broken out at some of the protests, but one thing we do agree on is that we want change. We, as human beings and Americans, do not want to see another black man, woman, or child hurt because of the color of their skin, especially not by the police who are supposed to serve and protect us all. How do we bring about real change? First we protest, and then we vote for the change we want to make. We vote in people that will monitor the police and make sure an officer with as many complaints against him as, the policeman who killed Mr. Floyd would have been fired long ago. (I purposefully did not use the policeman’s name here, because I don’t want to put his name in the same sentence with George Floyd.)
I thought we’ll vote in better people to the senate and the congress, and of course the presidency. I mean those are the elected officials that will help us make sure this never happens again, right? Actually, that’s not right. In fact congress, the senate, and the president have very little impact on local police, or any local politics really. You know those little, local elections that most of us skip? Those are where the power to change city and county police reside in your city, my city, our counties, all of it. I was shocked to find out how much power aldermen have. If you already knew this, you’re ahead of me and you can skim for a bit, but for the rest of us, let’s learn together.
It’s the Mayor and aldermen, or a committee that they put together, that hires or appoints the Chief of Police, or Police Commissioner. If you want a committee to oversee police and race relations in your area, it’s the Mayor or usually an alderman who chooses the people that will review any complaints. In some cities the Mayor has almost nothing to do with the police and it’s mostly done by the alderman, but look up how your city and county are organized, because it varies.
There are some cities where you can vote for Sheriff, or Chief of Police, or Commissioner, but it’s more typical that we get to vote for the people that appoint them. Check how it works in your local area, so you’ll know where your vote can count the most to bring about the changes you want at a local level like city and county police.
We will be voting in our county municipal elections tomorrow, so if you live in St. Louis County this is your chance to vote for Mayor, alderman, municipal bonds that can help fund everything from schools to sewer improvement for your city. Please check your own city and county for the local elections so that you can help choose who is in charge of your local police, or who sets policy for them.
We’re voting as a family tomorrow, and we’ll be paying a lot more attention to our aldermen and all the smaller local politicians than we ever did before, because they are the politicians that will help us make sure that we don’t have to have slogans like, Black Lives Matter, because it will be a given, a surety that the color of a person’s skin will not matter to the police or anyone else, because we are all in this together, and together is how we can make the changes we all want.

Fallen Heroes

I got a text from my best friend the other day. We joke that our friendship is old enough to get its own drinks now. He’s a non-practicing Marine, and a former police officer. His text was simple, “Had two friends in law enforcement die today.” It came through when my phone was silenced for Kali sword practice, so I didn’t see it until I was home, then I called him.  
A lot of people wonder, what do you say when something like this happens? You say the usual, I’m sorry for your loss, is there anything I can do to help or make this day any less awful? Sometimes there will be specific things they need, or you can take errands off their plate, anything to help ease the moment, but usually the only thing you can do is listen. Let them talk, let them rail and rant, or be calm, very calm. Police and military people are often incredibly calm outwardly, because they’re trained not to let their emotions get the better of them. Most men are conditioned from childhood to not show too much emotion, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t hurting, but don’t poke at that; okay? This is mainly to the women in the lives of such men, do not poke at the wounds, let them talk, listen to what they have to say, but allow them to show you as much, or as little pain as they are comfortable with, the best thing you can do for them is to listen, just let them talk, if they will. If they want silence and solitude give it to them, but if they talk to you take it as the gift that it is, because men like this don’t talk to just anyone. My BFF and I bonded over a lot of things, but one of the most important was that when something seemed wrong, or off, I asked, and I was ready for the answer. I was able to hear about his day at work as a police officer, whatever it was, and listen with no judgement and no horror and no extra emotion from me got added to his story. That’s really one of the reasons most cops don’t talk to the women in their lives, we have tendency to react too much, show too much emotion on our faces and they see it and are worried that they are burdening us, making us feel the pain and difficulty of their jobs. My BFF and I have been doing this long enough that I can give him more emotion, because he trusts me with it and with his own, and I never forget what a gift that trust is, which is why he and I are each other’s three AM phone call. We have seen each other through divorce and loss, and remarriage and gain, and . . . So much. We are each other’s person in a way that is rare for someone with his background and a civilian like me. That I am a civilian woman and have his trust and friendship is even more rare, but I did know him before he went into the Marines, and he knew me before I sold a single short story. We’ve been in each other’s lives a long time, through a lot of changes. We have earned each other’s trust. 
All this to explain that I’m putting up a link to a Go-Fund-Me campaign in this blog. The Go-Fund-Me is for a man I never met, but my BFF did. Aaron Allan was a Lieutenant with the Southport Police Department, he was previously a school police officer for the Indiana School for the Deaf, and was one of the two friends that died. Lieutenant saw a car speed by and crash, rolling so that anyone would be worried for the safety of the people inside of it, but he was a police officer. It was his job, his duty, the kind of person he was to run for the crash and to check on the driver first, because you know there was a driver, you don’t always know if there are passengers in a crash, so police are taught/trained to check on the driver first. Lieutenant went to help the driver, make sure he was still alive, and the driver shot him. Why? We don’t know yet. The driver is still alive, so maybe he’ll be able to tell us why. Its likely that he and the other person in the car were fleeing from some criminal activity, or something they thought they shouldn’t be doing, and instead of seeing Lieutenant as someone that was there to help, they saw him as an officer, and as a threat and they killed him. My BFF and I talked about the fact that he would have done the same thing if he’d been the officer responding.  
The other friend and officer that was killed was Deputy Chief James Waters, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. He was off duty at the time, and had simply stopped to aid a motorist with a flat tire. He was doing something that a lot of us have done, just helping out someone that seems to need it. Sadly, a semi-truck struck him and he would later die of his injuries. Deputy Chief was from a larger department with greater resources which is why there is no Go-Fund-Me account for him. Southport will do all it can, but its a small town on the edge of a big one and it simply doesn’t have the resources to help the Lieutenant’s family the way the much larger Metro Department would be able to help the Deputy Chief’s family. That’s why the Go-Fund-Me exists for one fallen officer and not the other. My husband and I have personally contributed already, and I’m putting this up here for those of you who might want to help out. No pressure, but I wanted to explain that through my BFF I had a more personal connection to this campaign and that’s why I’m putting the link up. If you feel like helping out, thank you. I understand that for most of you police officers are just someone you see as you drive by their cars, or they give tickets, or they come into your house on the worst possible days and nights, but at their best police officers are the people who run towards the car crashes, the explosions, the screams of pain. They run towards the bad things and try to help the rest of us survive them. I’ve always felt that should be honored and the more men and women in uniform that I am privileged to know, the more I believe that.  

New Pub Date for Crimson Death

 Crimson Death, the new Anita Blake novel, will be published on September 13, 2016. For those of you who follow my blog, you know I’m still writing the book, what you don’t know is that I finished it once already. I typed, The End, one glorious morning as I watched the sun rise; but once the euphoria of the writing high faded and I got some sleep, I knew something was wrong. I’d known something was wrong for weeks, maybe months, but definitely weeks. I was too close to finishing the book, so I ignored my muse and my characters arguing with me. One character in particular wasn’t happy. Damian, who started life as a Viking until one dark night he and his brothers in arms tried to raid the wrong castle. She-Who-Made-Him, a master vampire that traumatized him so badly he’s afraid to speak her name, held him as a virtual slave for centuries. She let him go, and he still doesn’t know why, but he was allowed to go to America where he became a manager at one of the hottest dance clubs in the country, Danse Macabre. In fact, he first appears in the book that introduces the club. The Killing Dance is the sixth book in the series, and this is Damian’s introduction:
“I TURNED to find another new vampire. He was tall and slender with skin the color of clean white sheets, but sheets didn’t have muscle moving underneath, sheets didn’t glide down the steps and pad godlike across a room. His hair fell past his shoulders, a red so pure it was nearly the color of blood. The color screamed against his paleness.”
 Originally, I thought Crimson Death would be a short novel like my books, Micah and Jason, called Damian, but very quickly I realized it was going to be a big book. I believe my largest word count was 300,000 words. I’m one of those writers that writes long and then cuts, but this was excessive, even for me. It was another clue that my muse and I were debating with each other. The original plot had Damian kidnapped and Anita coming to his rescue. It would take me typing to the end, or what I thought was the end, to be willing to listen to my muse, and to Damian. He finally got through to me and not literally said, but basically told me, “I’ve been in the series since book six and now I’m finally getting my own story in book twenty-five and I’m just the damsel in distress. All those newer characters that have come on stage and been heroes, or major love interests, or something more than just the victim du jour, and now I’m just as unhappy, just as powerless, just as afraid as I began. Nineteen books and I haven’t grown at all.” He was right, and it was unusual for me, because I’m all about the character growth and letting my fictional friends have interesting lives, except for him. Damian had been almost static, I don’t know why, but he finally stepped up and threw the gauntlet down.  
 “You can do better than this,” he told me, and he was right. I turned my plot on its ear and now Damian is going back to Ireland to help solve a mystery. He’s going back to face his greatest fears to save lives as a consultant with the Irish authorities about their sudden vampire problem. Sudden, because Ireland isn’t supposed to have any vampires. It’s one of the few countries on the planet that has no folklore about them. The only dead that walk in Irish myths are ghosts and the shades of heroes. But Damian knows differently, he knows that there is a vampire so powerful and so frightening that to even speak her name is to risk her power seeking you out, even across an ocean. She-Who-Made-Him says the vampires plaguing Dublin are not her doing, and that she’s grown weaker since Damian left her side. U. S. Marshal Ted Forrester, AKA Edward, is already there acting as a consultant. He wants fellow marshal Anita Blake to come help hunt the undead and to bring the only vampire that might know the truth about what’s happening. Anita thought Damian was going home, but Ireland was never home, it was the place where he died. 

Dead Ice: Zerbrowski 

Here’s the next blog in the series leading up to Dead Ice. I thought I’d leave the leading men behind and go to one of my favorite supporting characters, Zerbrowski. 
Question: What is Zerbrowski’s first name? 

Answer: Sorry, but he’s keeping that secret a bit longer. He considers it pretty awful though.
Secrets to share: He’s Sergeant Zerbrowski now, moving up the chain of command, but he’s still making wisecracks and being Anita’s main partner when she works with the Regional Preternatural Investigation Squad, though most people call it the Regional Preternatural Investigation Team, so they can use the acronym, RPIT, for the Rest in Peace Team.
Question: When will we see his entire family on stage?

Answer: “Dancing” is an e-special short story where we finally got to see one of the police barbecues at Zerbrowski’s house.  
Secrets to share: I’d been wanting to see Zerbrowski, his wife Katie, and their kids on stage in a major way for years, but there never seemed to be enough time in one of the main books. “Dancing” exists because I wanted to see him at home. I wanted to meet his kids, not just talk about them off stage. Zerbrowski and Katie stand up to any of the police, or their spouses, that are unhappy with Anita taking Micah and Nathaniel as her dates. They bring along four-year-old Matthew who they are babysitting. Seeing Anita dealing with a child at an event with a bunch of other children and parents was very fun.
Question: When will we see Zerbrowski in a major roll in one of the books again?

Answer: Dead Ice has Zerbrowski back at Anita’s side helping her track rogue zombies and evil necromancers.
Sneak Peek from Dead Ice:
Zerbrowski made a face. “I bet. Nothing like coming to put flowers on Grandma’s grave and discovering she’s been scattered all over the place like dog food.” 

Don’t Feed the Trolls

I’ve been getting two new questions online, the last few days – One how did people get my brand new Anita Blake novelette, Dancing, early? Two why are they giving it one and two star reviews, and is the novelette worth the money if it’s getting such bad reviews? To answer the first question, none of the people leaving those reviews have read it yet, they can’t have, but yet they’ve “reviewed” it. This happens a lot with books, movies, music, any kind of art. People decide they hate it, before they’ve read, seen, or listened to it, which means their opinion is uninformed, at best. Most of these people will actually buy my novelette, and they will then hate on it with more detail, but remember they have decided to hate it, which makes them trolls. All haters are trolls on the internet, please ignore the trolls. Whatever you do, don’t feed them.

Yes, I know that even writing this blog feeds the trolls, because they seem to thrive off of any attention be it negative, or positive, but I felt that the people that are asking me how these haters got the novelette early, needed to know that the haters don’t have it early. They don’t have it. They don’t get it, the “it” not being the novelette, but more what I do, what all artists do. We create, haters just try to destroy. The world is divided into two main camps, one tries to build things and build people up, the other side tries to tear things and people down. At the end of the day, I am happy to be in the camp that creates, builds, and tries to make the world a better, more positive place. Those that can only hate and try to cause harm, I’ve never understood them, its too alien to who I am.

So, for all you readers out there asking if you should pay attention to the low star reviews out already for Dancing, the answer is, no. Now you may hate the novelette, you may think it’s not worth the money, that I can’t control that. If you hate it, I’m sorry, but I enjoyed writing it, and thought it was very fun to finally get to share Zerbrowski and his family with all of you. I loved watching Nathaniel, Micah, and Anita interact with other police officers and their families. It was fun as hell to have Anita and the men have little Matthew in tow, and Anita have to do the family thing at the cookout. Now, if none of that interests you, by all means skip this one. But I’ll say that you will miss a deepening of their relationship, and revelations about Zerbrowski and his family that will play a part in at least one more novelette, and maybe a novel. I was really trying to keep the Zerbrowski clan out of a novel length piece, because such bad things can happen in my novels, but I’ve written the beginning of the story, so we’ll see.

So, to sum up, no one has Dancing early, the low star reviews are trolls, please ignore the trolls. On the question will you think the novelette is worth the money, I have no idea, I don’t know your criteria for that, but if I didn’t think the story was interesting and added to my character development and world building, I wouldn’t have written it. Maybe you’ll get it and hate it, I hope not, but regardless of how you feel about my story, or anyone else’s art, try not to feed the trolls. I think if you let the trolls drag you down to their level you risk becoming one of them, and no one likes a troll, not even the trolls. Try it sometime if you think you’re friends with a troll, try disagreeing with them about anything and see how fast they turn on you. Haters are gonna hate, its what they do.

The Announcement at Dragon Con 2013

Sorry that you couldn’t all be at DragonCon to hear my special announcement. It would have been awesome if everyone that had wanted to be there had been able to, but I hope the rest of you had a great labor day weekend. Jon and I had a blast!
How do you celebrate twenty years of writing a serious like Anita Blake? I’m writing on the new Merry Gentry, A Shiver of LIght which will be out summer 2014, but if I’ve done all my pages on Merry then I’ve been giving myself permission to work on anything I want to write in the afternoon, or evening. So, what have I been writing? You’re about to find out, because you’ll be able to preorder the first story, Dancing, tomorrow September 5!
I mention a lot of throwaway lines in the Anita books, scenes we never get to see in the novels, because there just isn’t time in the middle of the mystery. One of those never seen scenes is Sergeant Zerbrowski’s annual police family cookout where Anita takes Nathaniel and Micah. I wrote a novelette where we get to finally meet Zerbrowski’s entire family, and see him and his wife, Katie, at home. We also see how Anita, Micah, and Nathaniel’s relationship has grown from the events in Affliction. Anita and the guys happen to be babysitting Matthew, so we get to see them do the whole family thing with all the other cops’ families. Of course, something goes pear-shaped, but then it wouldn’t be a story if everything went smoothly, right?
How do you celebrate twenty years of a series? For me, I’m planning to write some of the scenes we never get to see on stage in the novels, and things the readers, you, have said, “I’d really like to see that.” Well, guess what, me, too.
I’d planned on maybe putting all the short stories in an anthology of Anita stories, and maybe we’ll do that someday, but thanks to technology you don’t have to wait for this first one, Dancing, you can preorder it as an e-special tomorrow, and have it on your computer, or e-reader, September 17!
Depending on how this one does you may get more of the shorter pieces as e-specials, and we might even do more out-takes like Beauty, but starting this month is your chance to encourage my muse and me to keep writing these extra adventures, and sharing them with you almost as fast as I can write them. Come dance, laugh, argue, and prove that love and friendship just might conquer all. Come Dancing with Anita, Micah, and Nathaniel tomorrow.

order at Amazon  or Barnes & Noble


One Month to Affliction

One month from today Affliction will be on the shelves! I know I’ve conditioned you guys that the new Anita Blake novel hits the stores in June, but I needed the extra month to write a longer book. Affliction has a page count of 570, which makes it the longest book since Incubus Dreams. It would have topped 600 pages, but a choice in printing format means no extra pages at the end of chapters, so you lose a few pages that way, but they would have been blank, or half blank pages, so now every single page is full of story!
I would love to give hints here about some of the surprises that await you in the new book, but I truly suck at hinting. I either don’t give enough information, or I tell far too much. I will run hints by my agent and editor and see if we can come up with some that don’t give away too much, but for a Sunday lets let all the hardworking people in New York have their day of rest.
