Writing and Voting

A great morning of writing. The scene that had seemed insurmountable yesterday was easy as pie today. My mood started to brighten last night after gym. Sometimes I forget just what a mood lifter exercise is for me. Time with the family at dinner & after helped continuing the uplift.

After a truly wonderful family night & a very productive morning on Affliction, we will be taking Trinity for her very first chance to vote. Homecoming dances, first high heels, researching colleges, drivers ED, all milestones that I knew I’d look forward to for her, but I didn’t realize how excited I’d be about Trinity being able to vote. It’s just so cool.

I urge everyone to vote today. Doesn’t matter which candidate you vote for today. It isn’t the day for anything but urging everyone to vote. Your vote matters no matter who you vote for, it’s democracy in action & it’s excited me since I had my own first chance to participate. That was a presidential election, too.