Shutdown, Again

I wrote the story, Shutdown, an original Anita Blake story during a very different government shutdown under President Obama. I wanted to give my fans something positive during a very negative event, and here we are again just it’s President Trump now. I’m tired of all the politics and how they seem to care more about being right, then about doing what is right. To all the government employees and the contract workers that are being so deeply impacted by this shutdown my heart goes out. I know you guys are missing bill payments by now. It seems like there are no more grownups left in Washington D. C. to take care of business, or to take care of the people of this country. I don’t even know what else to say, except here for free it is as an ePub or a mobi file for Kindle, while this current and far too lengthy government shutdown continues is a story for you all to read. If this keeps up I might have to write you another story, maybe Shutdown 2, or something brand new.

EDIT: Jan 30 2019: As The shutdown is over, we’ve removed Shutdown once again.


for those of you having troubl adding the file to your devices, here is a link to basic tutorial on adding an eBook to your device.

A present from me to you, because our government is behaving badly

This story is for all my readers who have been impacted by the current political SNAFU – and for anyone else who might need to enjoy a free story in these difficult times.

“Shutdown”, will be available free for the duration of the government shutdown. Once the government is back in business then the short story will no longer be available on line, at least not until my publisher and I figure out what we might want to do with it. But for right now, while we’re all wondering how it got to this point, here’s a brand new Anita Blake short story, featuring our favorite bad boy werewolf, yep, I mean Richard Zeeman. Hey, I’ve been telling you, he’s been working his therapy: read on to see the results that hard work and being brave enough to own your whole self can get you.

Get “Shutdown” here: