Being Sick is not a Crime, Damnit!

They say Europeans take vacations. Americans take sick days. I’m proof of that right now. A virus I had last week keeps getting better, so I keep hitting my day head on, full steam ahead with no hold back, or consideration that I might not be a 100%. I’ve had three setbacks after a day of feeling fine. What should this stubborn American writer learn? That a day of recuperation after being sick is ok. Anita & her men will still be waiting for me. The new project will still be editing. Even that first tentative whisper from Merry & company will still be there, if I will simply let myself rest one extra day. I hope not to have to learn this lesson again. I can be taught. To all you other sicklings out there, “It is not a sin to rest.” It is okay to lay in bed with books & stuffed toys (Yes, I actually do collect stuffed animals, just not penguins) sleep when you can & , weird as it sounds, enjoy being sick without worrying about everything you’re not able to do today. ” It isn’t exactly enjoyable today, but I’m trying to relax & just let myself feel what I feel. No guilt about deadlines, time lost with my daughter, or the thousand other things that eat away at me when I’m sick. No guilt, no worrying allowed, just be, let yourself feel & heal. Being sick is not a crime, damnit! I shake my fist at the Puritan ancestors & strike a blow for sanity. If this is not one of your neurosis, bully for you, but for the rest of us this is an issue that really hurts, sometimes quite literally. Now, I’m curling under the sheets with my non-penguin cuddle objects, a book on tape, & sleep – to sleep perchance to heal.