Thank You!

Thank you to everyone that came out to see us on tour. I say us, because my husband, Jonathon and our security person were by my side at every event. Security person is nameless at his request. Jonathon especially got pulled into the limelight to help answer questions, but then we’re starting to plan our twenty year anniversary celebration, so we’ve been each other’s supplemental brains for a long time. Most of you married over ten years will understand exactly what I mean by that. Thanks to everyone that asked questions, that told us how much you loved Anita Blake and all the characters in the series. Thank you for sharing how much the books had touched you and your lives. I am still honored that my imaginary friends are your friends, too. I never planned or dreamed that my fiction could mean so much to so many people, and impact their real lives.

I am grateful to all the women who have told me that until they read Anita Blake they didn’t know that women could be strong, and that it’s helped them be more kick-ass. I’ve now lost track of the number of women who have told me they’ve left abusive relationships because they knew Anita wouldn’t take it. Blessed be.

I am thankful for the men who have told me that showing male characters that are abusive survivors has helped them find a voice of their own. When I first wrote Nathaniel Graison as a character I had no idea he would be as important to Anita, to me, to the series, or to all of you. He’s become not only a fan favorite but a role model for hope to real life people that have backgrounds of abuse or addiction. We’ve watched him grow healthier, happier and create a life for himself that is full of so many good things. It didn’t occur to me that it was a big deal for Nathaniel to talk about going to a therapist and how much it was helping him. I’ve benefitted from therapy and its just another kind of doctor. If you’re allergic to something you go to an allergist, if you break your arm you see an orthopedist, if you have an emotional wound you see a therapist. It’s just that simple to me. I had no idea that having Nathaniel talk about it on paper, and showing his own healing through the stories would impact real people. For my imaginary bestie Nathaniel and me, thank you to everyone that has told us that they’ve sought therapy because he did. To those women and men that told me they have gotten help for their addictions and gotten clean because if Nathaniel could do it, they could try – I am humbled and so happy that Nathaniel’s journey could help you along your own path.

To all those people over the years that have told me that my books have helped them through some of the darkest times in their lives, thank you, and you’re welcome. I had no idea that my stories would ever have that level of impact on anyone’s real life. The first few times someone told me that my books literally saved their lives, or their sanity, I didn’t know how to respond. I write paranormal thrillers, not self-help books, so I was confused. It’s taken me years to realize that I don’t have to understand what my books and characters mean to you, that it’s about you, not me on this one. You reminded me that books saved me once, too. They showed me better ways to live, to think, to feel, to be, and helped entertain me in the darkest of times. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me that I might do the same for other people someday, but it didn’t. Thank you to all of you that told me how important this series, and the Merry Gentry series, has been and continues to be in your lives.

Thanks to everyone that bought my book the first week and helped us get on the New York Times List and the USAToday List! Thank you to all of you that wrote into my FaceBook page, or Instagram and said you were waiting for payday to buy the book. I remember when a hardback book was something I saved up for, too, so thanks for spending your hard earned money on Serpentine. Thanks to everyone that will buy the book and help us stay on the Lists!

Serpentine Tour – Blog One

Serpentine, my latest novel hits the shelves on August 7th! I can’t wait for you to finally get to read it. There were so many times that I’d write something fun, or surprising and I’d want to Tweet it, or blog about it, but I knew that was a nope. Why? Because it was usually something that would give away the mystery, or character development, or the big reveal. When a certain character finally came on stage it was everything I could do not to Tweet it, or do a quick video for Instagram, but I knew that if I could have behaved myself on Twitter, I’d totally have spilled the beans on a video. So I stayed offline and behaved myself, because I wanted you to be able to read it yourself for the first time, not have me do spoilers months, or even a year ahead of time. But now, the tour for Serpentine is about to begin, and I still won’t be able to talk about spoilers, because not everyone will have read the book yet. Arrgghhh!

So now I have to decide, do I let you and I talk about Serpentine as if we’ve all read the book, or do I police us so we don’t spoil things for those who haven’t finished the book yet? I wish we could all sit down with a cup of coffee, or tea, and just talk about the book, but I can’t talk to each one of you personally, so how do we do it? I’m also doing interviews in print and recorded, some of which have a few spoilers in them. Not like who/what done it, but character interactions and some reveals about plot, so as those come out then we should be able to talk more freely at the signings and tour events. But the first event in Huntington Beach Barnes & Noble (Tomorrow night at 7-10 pm more info in the link) that has to be spoiler free; right? Right? Come on, right? Yes, right, because most people will not have read Serpentine all the way through yet. We have to behave ourselves and let everyone catch up, but I think as the tour continues we might all finally be on the same page. Or not, we’ll see. I’m thinking that maybe you can give your opinion in the comments below. Let me know who’s having time to finish the book so I can gauge whether it would be fair to talk about spoilers at the tour events.

Shiver of Light events update

Chicago Tribune
Harold Washington Library
400 S. State Street
Chicago, IL 60605
An conversation with Courtney Crowder, a staff writer for The Chicago Tribune. A book signing will immediately follow the event.

2720 Cherokee Performing Arts Center
2720 Cherokee St
St. Louis, MO 63118

A question & Answer session with Laurell with photo opportunities to follow. This is a ticketed event sponsored by Left Bank Books. Each ticket includes a copy of the book. “Companion tickets” were also available.

All who purchase a book will receive a raffle ticket and be entered to win a goody bag. You’ll draw TWO winners at the end of the Q&A.

Kiss the Dead tour – San Diego/Carlsbad

Kiss the Dead tour – San Diego/Carlsbad

Thanks to everyone at Mysterious Galaxy that helped with the event, and to everyone who came out see the show. We’re still getting people contacting us saying, “Are you on tour?” “Where are you going to be?” “You were in Carlsbad, and I missed you?” Last night helped me realize a couple of things. First, putting the information about tour up on our web page as a sticky doesn’t seem to be helping everyone find the information. I’m not sure what to do about that, since it’s the first thing you come to on the page. Suggestions for how to make it more easy to see are welcome. Second, maybe putting the info up in twitter and Facebook feeds periodically as the event gets closer may help. We’ll try that for the Atlanta event and see how it works, and if that works, great, if not, we’ll keep working on it.
Jon did remember a question we were asked for the first time in Huntington Beach, because it also came up last night in Carlsbad. The question was, does Jean-Claude truly love Anita, or does he love the power he gains from her? He loves her, maybe as much as he’s able, but I think that perhaps part of the holding back on his part is centuries of pain and loss. I know that just in this lifetime losing people I love made me more cautious about jumping wholeheartedly into relationships. But the question seems to imply that power is somehow bad, and I don’t believe that in this context. Power is what lets Jean-Claude keep his people and all that he cares about safe, without power he would have been dead ages ago, and so would Anita, Richard, and we would never have lived long enough to meet Micah, and Nathaniel would have never lived long enough to mean anything to Anita. If Jean-Claude and Anita weren’t the supernatural power couple that they are, they and the series would be dead ages ago. If you aren’t strong enough to protect those you love, then you can lose them. I don’t just mean the strength to punch someone out, or shoot someone, or any violence. I mean strength of character, strength of conviction, strength of will – to be strong enough to stay the course. I believe without strength love will not survive, but you, as a person, do not have the conviction to do the work for love to be long term. People who are weak of will fail you when love gets hard, and real love, true love, will get hard, trust me on that.
Are you strong enough to love someone? Are you strong enough to protect them, and yourself? Remember that protecting them is keeping that job you hate to put a roof over their head, and food on the table. Protecting your love is doing the housework, when you hate it. Protecting love is about doing what it takes to have a real life with the person, or people you love. Does Jean-Claude love Anita? Yes, by any real definition I’m aware of, very yes.
Remember, it’s not like Anita is twiddling her thumbs on a Saturday night waiting for Jean-Claude to call. She’s as busy with her career as he is with his, maybe busier, and she has Micah and Nathaniel as her other main squeezes.

Kiss the Dead tour – Huntington Beach

I swear I’ve been chilled since we got to Seattle, and Huntington Beach was about the same temperature. *brrrr* I needed to bring a sweater, but it was warmer last time we were here, or maybe I’m just remembering it as warmer. Southern California just sounds like it should be warm, even though living her for a few years let me know that most mornings are chilly and it doesn’t usually get that hot, at least not in Los Angeles. But even though I know better I still had hoped it would be warmer. *sigh* and *laughing* at myself. I so know better.
Thanks to everyuone who came out to participate in the show, and to everyone at the Barnes & Noble in Huntington Beach that helped make it all go so smoothly. I know we got some new questions, but I admit that I’m getting punchy at this point in tour and can’t remember them. The only one I do remember is the request for the title of the book that I read to our daughter, Trinity, when she was about eight to ten about the facts of life. The book is at home and I can’t remember the title. I’ll blog it later after we get home and I hunt the book up.

Time to get some food, before we see you all in about two hours. Looking forward to seeing everybody tonight at the Carlsbad Library.