Rafael was released

Rafael came out February 9th, in both the US and UK. If you missed it, maybe that’s because it wasn’t originally scheduled. It was sort of a surprise book to me, and my publisher. How does a surprise book happen? Well, there was little thing called a pandemic and a lockdown and, well you know the rest. We all lived it, are living it. I reached out to as many fans as I could on as many social platforms as I could and the one thing that all of you asked for was, more stories. You told me that my books were your refuge away from the real-life craziness, but even though Sucker Punch had come out in August of 2020 as scheduled, you wanted/needed more now. You needed more books now, not later, but now. I heard you, and I went to my publisher and said, “If I could write you a shorter Anita Book like Jason or Micah, could we do that?”

The answer was obviously yes, but then I had to go to my list of characters that hadn’t had their stories told yet, and your requests for people you wanted to see front and center more. Rafael and the wererats were some of the most requested. Rafael is literally tall, dark and handsome. He’s a man of honor, a warrior, and a king, so why hadn’t he had his own book yet? Good question, and finally I had a good answer.

But a funny thing happened when I sat down to write the “short” book. It kept growing bigger. It’s over double the size of Jason, and longer than Micah, in fact Rafael turned out to be long enough to be a hardback novel like my regular books, but my publisher had made space in their lineup for an original paperback and so, that’s what Rafael is, an original paperback that’s long enough to be one of my hardbacks. I should have realized that Rafael would make the book bigger and more serious, he’s just not a light and fluffy kind of guy. I should also have realized that the first time for the Rodere, the wererats to be front and center in a book they’d need room to stretch and show all the wonderful culture that hasn’t been seen on stage before. The wererats have been quietly building their powerbase for years, and in some books not so quietly building, but now the cat, or rat is out of the bag. I’m so excited to finally share the world of the wererats with everyone. They turned out to be even more complex and magical than I’d expected.

There was another reason for me to agree with all the people that wanted Rafael to have his own book, 2020-early 2021 was the year of the Rat, and that meant wererats and Rafael in Anita’s world, and in ours.


Dead Ice: Rafael

Third in the series leading up to Dead Ice, I almost made it Anita, but in the end I decided we’d go with Rafael, the Rat King. 

Raphael, drawn by Bret Booth
Question: When are we going to see Rafael on stage more in the books?

Answer: June 9, 2015 in Dead Ice!
Secrets to Share: Once I decided to have wererats in the first Anita Blake novel, Guilty Pleasures, Rafael just sort of appeared on paper.  I don’t remember making notes, or trying to create him.  He just walked on stage.  He was handsome, Hispanic, a great leader doing his best under difficult circumstances to protect his people.  
Question: When are we going to learn more about how Rafael runs the wererats?

Answer: See above, in Dead Ice.
Secrets to Share:  Rafael told me how he was running his group.  I had to work at figuring out how various other shapeshifter groups were organized, but not the wererats.  Rafael was even a good leader in my subconscious.  The only thing that I had to “invent” was the crown-shaped brand on his arm as the mark of kingship.  That I worked at, but for the rest he’s always been very easy to write.
Question: Are Rafael and Anita a thing/an item?

Answer: If you mean have they had sex together, then yes.
Secrets to Share: No one ever asks if Anita is dating Rafael, they don’t ask if they’re lovers, because that can just imply sex and you all saw them have sex on stage, so that’s a given. But lover can also imply a more emotional involvement, and I don’t think we’re expecting that between them.  So, what are Anita and Rafael to each other? Both have risked their safety, even their lives, to help each other.  They are allies, and have become friends.  He is honored and powerful food for Anita’s arduer.  In Dead Ice we learn more details than ever before about how they work that.  

Sneak Peek from Dead Ice:
His mouth was buried tight against Rafael, his throat working convulsively as he swallowed.  I had a moment to think he was drinking blood from the wound, because that was what it meant when I saw Jean-Claude or Asher swallow like that.