Gantry Overview

Gantry was born when the RocketTheme development team wanted to consolidate our extensive set of custom WordPress theme functionality into a simple, easy to use framework. However, we wanted to ensure we didn’t lock ourselves into a rigid framework that would stifle the creativity and bleeding-edge design features that we had become known for. It had to be powerful enough to do everything our themes already handled, but allow us to easily extend and build-on these features with a minimum of effort and complexity.

We wanted to have a solid base we could build on top of when creating a new WordPress theme. Anything that was common to all themes was a prime candidate to be put in the core of Gantry, and anything specific to the template design itself should be part of the theme itself.

Traditionally the WordPress layout options are limited, but Gantry was built to provide a new layer on top of this traditional widget configuration to give an unprecedented level of control and flexibility

Visit the Official Gantry Framework site