Thanksgiving Re-Cap
So yesterday was Thanksgiving Day in the US. The official start of the “Holiday Season” here, and boy are my arms tired. No wait. Wrong line. Sorry.
Any way. Thanksgiving, we spent with my family, over at my mom’s place. Aunts, uncles, and cousins all gathering to eat my step-dad’s turkey and dressing. Oh, and my bread.
Yep, you read it right, my bread. I baked two loaves of bred for thanksgiving. No bread machine, only the counter top and a mixing bowl. I made Anadama bread, which is a molasses and corn meal bread. Both loaves are now gone. Everyone loved the bread and ate all of it.
I got the recipe out of a cook book that we got this summer while on our family vacation to Philadelphia. Its a colonial recipe, and there’s a reason it’s stuck around for this long. Its a nice heavy, sweet bread, but not soo sweet that it tastes like a pastery.
Yes, I’m talking about cooking, and for those of you who don’t know, I do most of the cooking in the house. I enjoy it, and I’m actually pretty good at it. Laurell would say that its “just one of the many things I do well.” After seven years together, I’ beginning to believe her when she says things like that.
Anyway, Here’s to everyone in the US: Hope you have a enjoyable Thanksgiving. Everyone else: Here’s to a pleasant weekend.