That end of the day rush
My goal was just four pages for Merry today, but I managed to do fifteen. Yea! Early in the day, before lunch, the pages were dragging out of me. I was counting progress in lines, not pages. I had a page and a half done when we broke for lunch. Lunch out of the house was a welcome break. I had forced myself to keep at it an extra half hour in the hopes I’d do those last page and a half, but no go. Then lunch, and back to work. Again, it was dragging out by lines. I thought, only eleven more pages for this page, then one more page. I wasn’t sure I could manage it. Then, finally, I had four pages. To finish up my thought I did just a little more onto a fifth page, then the next thing I knew I was pages past it. I’d worked all day. All day, and it had been slow, dragging, agony. Then at the end in less than two hours, after hours of slogging, I did more than I’d done all day. I have no idea why it works like this sometimes. Why all day it’s awful, and then suddenly the muse strikes and you manage to do a glorious rush of work. The question I’d like to know is if I didn’t drag my butt through all those hours of nothing, would I get the rush of pages? Do I need the slow, agonize, sitting to work through to that rush, or would I have been better off doing something else instead, until afternoon. Okay, wait, I can answer this. If I don’t put my butt in the chairs I don’t get pages, period. So, yes, unfortunately, I have to sit and not get pages, to finally have that page count at the end of the day.
I finished work, called down to Jon, and away we went to exercise. Our trainer, Keath,from Shark Fitness, was here yesterday. He worked us all very hard. I left a sweaty imprint of my body on the new floor of the new exercise room. Yesterday was our first day in the new room. We worked out together just the two of us, without Keath standing over and making us. We try to do that, but admittedly, Darla is more consistent about it on the days Keath is not with us. One of my new year’s resolutions was to change that. So far, so good. Other resolutions; to cook more at home, less take-out, to read with Trinity more often, and to exercise more. Anyway, dinner is ready. Soup for the cold Winters night.