The Blog I promised

Jun 29, 2013

It’s the 20th anniversary for the Anita Blake series, and to help celebrate that I asked you to tell me what the books and characters had meant to you, and how you found them. The response has been overwhelming and wonderful – Thank You.
I’m sitting in my office with just our three dogs for company, as I usually am when I write. It is a very isolated job, writing. Authors spend most of their lives in a room by themselves while the world passes by outside. The inside of my head is full of a slightly different world populated by people so real to me that sometimes it feels wrong that I will never be able to touch their hands, see their smiles across a table from me – not for real. I call them my imaginary friends, rather than my friends, because in years when I just said, my friends, some fans misunderstood and thought that Anita, Jean-Claude, Richard, Micah, Nathaniel, Jason, all of them were based on real, flesh and blood people. So, I started saying my imaginary friends so people would understand that I did not base my characters on real people. It also started cutting down on fans asking for the phone numbers of my imaginary men. But one thing many of you made clear was that my imaginary friends had become your friends, too.
In fact, you told me that my imaginary friends, my world, my creations, had helped you guys get through some really tough times. That the books had been what you read at the bedside when your families were in the hospital, or even been a refuge when you had to face the death of those close to you. Some of you told me that Anita had taught you how to be strong, how not to back down, and that until Anita a lot of women, especially, hadn’t realized how to be strong. I’m always amazed by that, I guess because I was raised by a very strong woman, so strength and being female was just a given to me, but I’m glad I could share some of the strength I learned growing up, and building my life. I’d already lost track of the number of women who had told me at signings that they’d left abusive relationships, because they knew Anita wouldn’t have taken it. I am very proud of that, and I know that Anita would be, too.
I asked who your favorite characters were, and wasn’t surprised by most of the answers. Jean-Claude is big fan favorite, and he’s earned it. I think that he was more surprised by how he and Anita have grown as a couple than even she is, after all it’s not every woman that can surprise a man that’s over five hundred years old, but our girl keeps doing it. I think the key to that is that Anita keeps growing and changing, willing to be pushed outside her comfort zones. Many of you told me that you’ve learned to go outside your own comfort zones from reading my books. You know what? I’ve learned the same thing. I joke that I haven’t seen my comfort zones in at least ten years, and that’s true. It’s not a comfortable way to live, but it’s never boring, and it’s led me to be happier than I ever thought possible. What I hadn’t expected was to hear how many of you had learned a similar lesson. I guess, we’ve all grown together.
Trying to do justice to the hundreds of years of lady’s man for Jean-Claude led me to learn how to walk in high heels, and has totally changed my clothing choices. he’s like this voice in my head that pops up and goes, hmmm . . . what if you wore this today, or that would look lovely. I probably take more clothes advice from him than Anita would tolerate. *laughs*
I expected Micah to be a favorite, and the Wicked Truth, though Damian is very underused for someone that so many of you like. I’m sorry for that, but he’s happy being monogamous with Cardinale and who am I to argue with that? We may be seeing more of him in the future, but I’m trying to figure a way of doing that without wrecking his relationship. Zerbrowski is one of my favorites, too. I’ve actually made notes about a short story that would let us see him at home with his wife, Katie, and their kids. We’ve referred to Anita, Micah, and Nathaniel, going to cook outs at their house with the other cops, but never seen it on stage. Something about hitting this anniversary has made me look around the series and go, “What is it that we’ve never seen on stage that would be fun?”
Richard still has his fans, though admittedly most of you are not. Richard really is in therapy, and is making peace with himself and the conflict between the life he wanted and the life he has, which are miles apart. He’s been talking to me again, and I’m hopeful. I swear, that I brought him on to marry Anita. It was my solution to breaking her up with Jean-Claude and not having to kill him. It would take me years to realize that Richard was my ideal man, at the time, but maybe not hers.
The character that more of you mentioned than any other, either in a list with others, or alone, was Nathaniel. I knew he’d be on a lot of people’s favorite list, but I hadn’t anticipated what he’d meant to you so many of you. Some of you told me that him talking about his own therapy helped you be willing to see your therapy. That’s wonderful, because I’m a big believer in good therapy. It’s made a huge difference in my own life, and still does. I am so happy that sharing Nathaniel’s story has helped so many of you understand that just because something terrible happens to you, that isn’t the end of the story. We can heal, and grow, and learn to be happy. Thank you for telling me how much watching Nathaniel’s journey through the books has helped all of you understand that you can be happy, too. I know that would mean a lot to Nathaniel, too. Writing him has taught me, and Anita, that strength doesn’t always come full blown, sword in hand, but that some of the bravest people are the ones that learn to be brave.
In fact, several of you have told me that my books taught you that true bravery isn’t when you’re not afraid. True courage is being scared to death and doing it anyway. It was such a given to me that bravery is acting in the face of fear, that it never occurred to me that everyone didn’t understand that. It is one of the most valuable lessons I’ve ever learned and I am very happy to share it with all of you.
Thank you for so many of you telling me that my characters have helped you understand that you have to stand up for what you believe, what you want, who you are, and not let society tell you different. Anita and I both started the series so conservative, and now here we are so very not. 🙂
I would be a different person today if I had never written Anita. I would be a different person if I had only written the original three books I was contracted for, and stopped, or even stopped with the first six. The research I did into real crime, real violence, showed me things that I didn’t always want to know, but it helped me make Anita’s police work, more real. I believed that if I wanted people to believe in zombies, vampires, and wereanimals, that I had to make the real life details as real as possible. I haven’t always gotten it right, but I thank all the police and military personnel over the years that have helped me try, all mistakes are mine and mine alone. You guys did your best with this writer that has never worn any uniform for a job. But more than the true crime, the research into alternative lifestyles opened my eyes and showed me a much broader definition of . . . nearly everything.
Some of you have been with Anita and me from the beginning, but I hear from people every day that have just found us. Thank you for being on this journey with us, whether you found us with Guilty Pleasures, or somewhere in the middle, or just watched the video for Affliction and thought, I want to read that. Me, too, it’s why I wrote it, why I still write Anita, because I want to know what happens next.

131 thoughts on “The Blog I promised”

  1. I miss Olaf and want more of him. He by far is my favorite character you have created. I love the sick twisted relationship they have.

    1. I totally agree with you Nichole and am glad that I am not the only one that feels that way. I’d love to see Olaf return now that he is a shifter and see how their relationship would change. Yet if Anita were forced to kill him it would be a serious blow to the series as a whole then again in a way it would be kind of weird if the two of them took their relationship to a physical level as well.

    2. I totally agree! I think Olaf is a brilliant character, wish we could see more of him but also think the more we see the more likely that the book will come where Anita has to kill him 🙁 Still I think, other than Anita, he and Edward are two of my favourite characters from the series.

      1. maybe she can make him a “groom” (she’d have “grooms”, right….i know, it’s “supposed” to be brides)! 😉

    3. I second that! I love him too and enjoy watching him interact with Anita and how their relationship changes and then again not so much!

  2. i love your books. The Anita Series has kept me company for the last 15 years and i have
    Loved re-reading all of them.

  3. Very interesting post, I love it. I didn’t write about Anita’s (and your) impact on my life, as I’m not sure it has its final result, but she is a real role model. Thank you for writing it, I hope one day I can meet you on a signing.

  4. Like many others, I have to say I have learned a little something from each of the characters and especially Anita, how for being such a small person, physically, she can still kick butt and doesn’t let no one push her around, I also find Richard being one of my faves, I guess its in part on how he is just so bipolar and I can…well, keep doing what you doing, because all of us, your loyal fans love it! Goddess bless!

  5. I started this series when I evacuated during Hurricane Katrina. As a black woman not many people I knew read this genre of fiction. It helped me escape during one of the most trying times of my life! For that I say thank you & please don’t stop writind Anita! My favorite has to be Raphael! He’s strong for his people, I know what it means to be that! Thanks for a world I can run away to over & over again!

  6. I remember an old post when you wrote about the difference beteen writing a Meredith Gentry novel and an Anita Blake was the way you walked in the street, searching for enemies and ambusheds. Do you still let yourself be “possesed” by Anita?

  7. Yay! Love this! 🙂 Thank you! 😀 You’ve touched so many lives and continue to do so every time someone picks up your work. Cannot wait to get Affliction myself!!! I need my Anita fix. 😉

  8. loved this blog and I love all your storys especially anita she has also taught me how to look outside the box 🙂 I have read all of your books and sometimes I reread them just because 🙂 u are an amazing author u include your fans and their comments and always take them into consideration 🙂 keep up the great work 🙂

  9. Wow, great blog. I missed being able to chime in what the books and characters meant to us the fans. But I love what you were able to take from our responses and I often love reading your books and blogs. I have to admit I’ve learned a lot too from your books. I’m studying in graduate school to become a counselor so sometimes reading your books has helped me understand some things I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t read them. And I like that you explored the BDSM world. That I’ve found can come up quite a bit in counseling and therapy and I’ve found myself a bit ahead of some of my classmates on understanding some of the psychology and behavior behind it. I love all your characters though, and I always feel like Anita is someone I could easily get along with and actually like to argue with on occasion lol. I find myself liking Asher though, but I know if I was with a man like that half the time I would just want to hit him with a foam bat lmao. Keep up the great writing. 🙂

  10. Personally, I love Richard and Jason. These books definitely have seen me through some tough times. Every 3 weeks, one would be with me during my chemo sessions. And when I couldn’t get out of bed because of the pain of the chemo, Anita hung out with me then too. In fact, when I was asked to be a participant in a calendar of Breast Cancer Survivors, the photographer asked me to bring something that helped me through the whole ordeal, and I was photographed with one of your books. Thank you for writing these wonderful books. Thank YOU for helping me get through my cancer. Thank you for giving me somewhere to escape! I’ve just finished rereading the series in anticipation of Affliction. I can’t wait to turn on my Kindle on Tuesday and begin reading!

  11. I feel in love with Anita because she reminded me of myself being a girl growing up who was 4ft-9in and weighing less then fifty pounds whom everyone tried to pick on due to my size. Anita takes no prisoners and takes nothing off no one like me. My favorite character is Richard I was so hoping that he and Anita would pull it together; I like jean-Cluade but just not as her main squeeze. I just love Richard.

  12. I Love your books! And they have helped me through alot of rough times. Just wanted to say congrats, and I can’t wait for more!

  13. I was introduced to the Anita Blake stories by my daughter when she picked up your first 8 books in a charity shop and we have followed you ever since. Speaking for myself I didn’t like the early Anita books as I found her whinny but once you get to Blue Moon she is starting to become a magical force on her own and although she goes down fighting by the later books she becomes the strong woman I know she was always meant to be.

  14. I got hooked by a trio set that included “The Killing Dance”. All I remember is going “Oh my, oh my! Yes!!” when Anita turned to Jean-Claude. Like many of your fans, I learned to move past my own comfort zones and am a lot more open-minded to trying new things. Keep writing Anita novels because this is one fan that firmly believes reading and re-reading her books will never grow old.

  15. Thanks, Laurell, for sharing with us your friends. They are imaginary friends, but when we read your books they become real to us too. =)
    I just can’t wait to see everybody again!

  16. Edward! How can Edward not be on the top lists?! That character is scarily interesting 🙂

  17. I just want to say I love your books, Reading the new Anita B. is like Christmas to me. I started reading your books to get away from a bad relationship. Then as you said she was conservative as was I. Now I feel stronger as a person for some reason. I have read Anita grow and loved it. I have also grown as a person leaving my bad stuff behind and moving on finding myself. Thank you for having a Character that is strong, beautiful, funny, loving, and more and more out going 😉 Sincerly cant wait till July 2nd 🙂

    Maria S.

  18. I have been with you and Anita from the beginning!! I love the series, I have come to see you at appearances, I’m in love with Micah, surprised he’s not a bigger favorite too!! My life insn’t always where and what I want it to be, and hanging with Anita and the boys, has helped escape so many times!! I’m always amazed by you creativity, and totally addicted to both series!! Thank you so much for all you do, and the great blogs too!!

  19. I want to thank you for writing all of their stories. They are amazing, and you are too. I can’t wait to read Affliction – to hold it in my hands. It’s the only book by you I don’t have, but I will. Thank you for allowing us on the journey. It has been many things, but never dull. I’ve been a fan for so long, I’m glad you and Anita and all the gang is still around.

  20. You never cease to amaze me with your candor and intellect,you are my absolute fave writer of all and I do hope I can meet you one day to thank you personally for sharing your imaginery friends with me,I’ve come to love them all but was especially delighted to hear that Nathaniel is so beloved,as he’s my favorite.You have brought a comfort to my life with these characters and stories I’ve come to love and I’m so thankful for these blogs you write,sometime I get dissapointed that you don’t respond to me personally but then I read this and I feel you do,so thank you for that Laurell and as usual mama..YOU KICK ASS!! love you

  21. Thank you so much for writing wonderful books and characters. I discovered your books about 2 yrs ago when our teenager was in the hospital for the the first of four psychiatric visits. I found your books by chance wandering in the library one particularly difficult night and I couldn’t put them down. At first it was to read fantasy and escape reality which at the time sucked. But as I read and Anita evolved and grew I realized that even when life was bad, horrible and gross with body parts everywhere I could still get up and live. Nothing was too difficult and even when I was scared I could still do it. Anita showed me strength runs deep and people who love you, truly love you will support you and be there after you have made the hard decisions. Thank you so much and I count the days until Afflication

  22. It is not only Anita and company that inspire, but you as well Ms Hamilton. Your career, the writer’s realities you share, plotting and character building, twists and stick-to-it-ness — these things motivate me to write. I read you first for the story, then again for the writing lesson. No, I don’t want to be you or recreate your worlds. But if I am ever compared favorably to you in a critique or review, it will be a highlight & celebration for me! Thank you for being a mentor. Thank you for writing & publishing. And yes, insert a bit of fan girl squeeze, too. 🙂 Happy Anniversary.

  23. i have loved this series since i first picked up Circus of the Damned at a used book store 17yrs ago. Then i went back and started looking for the others in the series. I also introduced my Teenaged daughter to your series hoping she would like the stories and help her reading skills to improve. then a few years ago i introduced my second daughter to your books because her and her big sister where fighting over Zombie Facts. lol my younger daughter was arguing with her big sis that she didn’t know anything about zombies. so big sis showed her Guilty pleasures and told her to read the series and then she would know the important facts about Zombies too. LOL i got such a big ordeal out of the zombie thing that when my son started asking mw questions i just sat him down and told him to read it then ask me questions when he was done with Lunatic Cafe. So you could say you taught all my kids reading comprehension skills with your series and my oldest likes the Mary Gentry series as well. I am a proud mother and you have helped in a big way to help all my kids graduate High School. thank you for the continued series. May you Imaginary friends keep you well written, And many readers well educated. lol

    My favorite has always been “Edward ” Ted Forester. i have always liked his personality. then their is Olaf. He scares me. but i would like to see more of the three amigo’s when they have to call in Anita for help. i never know what to expect from these men when they get together with Anita. maybe they can come to her aide for a change. when she calls Ed for backup and to bring backup with him. just a thought . on second thought that could be a bad idea.

    ok i am going to end it now or i will go on and on.

    Have a wonderful day. 🙂

  24. Thank you Laurell. I enjoy reading about Anita, just for the sake of reading. The erotica aspect even has my husband reading it occasionally I read because I love reading and finding a series that keeps me enthralled from beginning to end is a wonderful thing. Whenever you bring out a new one, I have to go back and reread them all before I can start it. They are as good the 20th time as they were the first time. I will be a loyal fan for as long as you are writing.



  25. i would just like to say that i appreciate the fact that u connect with your fans and truely listen to what we say. It’s one of the reasons that make u such an awesome writer. I preordered my copy of affliction back in january and im soooo anxious to get it in the mail!!!! It’s like reuniting with old friends every time i crack open one of your books -=] dont ever stop doing what you do…..and I know this is sooooo off key and i know u have been hearing it soooo much but where is Merry and her men? when will they be making an appearance??? you know everyone is anxious for the baby!!

  26. Great blog. But I knew it would be. You have been my favorite author for 20 years. I enjoy your Anita Blake novels. Here’s to another 20 years! Congrats!

  27. for me i discovered your books, anita and merry, when i was going thru an extremely bad divorce. someone i had been with since high school. these books took me somewhere that i felt i could be stronger and free from the mores’ of the very repressed world i had lived in for 20 yrs or so.
    i love your books really would like to see a new merry book.but, i will make do for now with affliction.can barely wait!!!!

  28. I just wanted to say that when my guard unit was activated in Oct ’11 it was the Anita books that I took with me, along with the Wheel Of Time, to read because those are my two ‘comfort’ series.. Thank you for helping to keep me sane.

  29. I own all of the Anita Blake series and Meredith Gentry Fairy Series. Thanks to the series I have been able to deal with all the craziness that I have went through in my life. And your Anita series has me hooked…I can’t put them down and the wear on the spins of each and every book is proof of that…I know I have read them at least a 100 times. I can’t wait until Affliction come out. I just wanted to thank you for your creation that has helped me and so many others!!!

  30. I have always loved Richard, from the beginning I was rooting for him. It made my incredibly sad to see him hate what he was so much. I definitely agree with what you are saying about him being the the perfect man, but not for Anita. I would love to see him resolve his issues… I don’t ever see him being happy living with Anita’s lifestyle though…but who knows, maybe he’ll surprise us. Another favorite is Asher, I hope that he finds love and happiness, and learns to love himself, even the bits with scars. At the end of the day, that’s what makes each and every one of us beautiful and unique anyway.

    My all time favorite Anita book is Obsidian Butterfly, it is my go to escape, when things are going wrong for me I pick up this book and go somewhere else for a little while. I have three hard copies and a kindle copy. I read the first two hard copies so many times they are now falling apart, and when i got my kindle, I decided that an electronic version would be a way to save the third copy from the same fate. I love Edward, I can’t quite put my finger on what it is about him that I adore, but seeing more about him and his personal life in obsidian butterfly was a wonderful experience for me. I would love to know more about Edwards early life and what made him. You allude to it in this book, but for me that would be a great thing to see “on stage” as you put it.

    I started reading the Anita books when I was in high school, now through my masters, I still love all of the characters. Anita, as you have said, makes me want to be strong. She makes me want to kick ass, she makes me want to be able to stand up for myself. I am so looking forward to Affliction, i can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. Thank you for what you do, and keep it coming!

  31. I forgot to comment on your other blog with my fav character, but I still wanted to let you know. My fav character is Jason. I don’t exactly know why he’s my favorite one, but he is. I wish i had a friend like him and I always enjoy reading scenes with him involved. Hope to see more of Jason in the future!

  32. You are truly welcome Laurell. I would not have taken up writing for my own enjoyment. As of this moment I have several short stories and I have one series. I have a very strong female lead and she kicks ass and takes names and her love life is not troubled but really different. I write a military conspiracy and crime drama and romance and the actual day to day life of said female commander.
    I had asked your publicist or somebody in the chain of you and your books if I could write a story based in Anita’s world. I was politely told no for legality reasons and I understand that. I look forward to reading Affliction.
    Layne B Landis

  33. Just want to say I’ve been with Anita from the beginning and she has been a constant comfort. I love all your books and have been missing Merry Gentry too. Thanks for all your hard work all your fans appreciate it.

  34. I have been there with you and Anita from the beginning and as my girls grew old enough shared all the books with them and they became women reading about Anita and are still fans now as they raise their own girls. The true circle of like and the love of the Anita Blake series!
    Keep it up!

  35. I have been reading and loving this series since Obsidian Butterfly. My husband actually found the book and it started a lovely hobby of us reading this series to one another out loud. We have been together for 13 years. He is my Micah. My soul mate. I thank you for shedding light on alternative life choices. We are Poly and have been since the start. Our partner has been with us for six years now and I feel your books helped others realize that even if we are “different” we are still people who love, hurt, and above all feel. I literally have bought a book for a friend or family member that just didnt get it but really wanted to. They would read your book and then tell me, “This life choice is not for me but I get it more now.”

    We are now raising children and they have loads of love in their lives. Thank you for showing how Anita and all the loves in her life have value and all just want to live their lives, be happy, and do some good in this world. Keep up the wonderful work and I can’t wait to see how your imaginary friends grow in the future.

  36. i got your book truth my mother in lanw and i thank her for even shes not here any more i thank you for the books a gave me more to dream about live. your truly fan

  37. I apologize for being a little late with this, but it’s taken me a while to figure out how to say the things I want to say. There’s a lot, and it really is crazy how much these books and these imaginary people have meant to me in my life.

    First, the fun stuff. My favorite character (other than Anita) is Jean-Claude, hands down. I love Asher, too, but hope he is able to work through his issues. Nathaniel follows close behind, but not for typical reasons. I love him because I’ve loved to see him GROW. His character growth is the biggest out of all our “friends,” and it’s been wonderful to see that in him.

    Second, these books are amazing. The stories, the relationships, the characters…everything. I’ve never read another author who could bring characters to life like this and make you feel as if you know them, keep all of them sorted out and true to character and make them grow as you did Nathaniel. When I re-read Anita books I feel comfortable, like I’m returning home to see old friends who are there for me no matter what and who don’t judge because they have bigger issues than I do. Which brings me to…

    Third. My husband was active duty military for 9 years in the Air Force. We were living in Germany when he deployed in 2003. I had a young son, so he and I moved home to Ohio with my parents during the time he was gone. I brought every single Anita book I owned home in the bottom of my suitcase (and had to pay extra due to weight). Reading them put me in the midst of old friends and familiarity while I dealt with my husband being gone and possibly never returning, and while helping a 3 yr old deal with Daddy being gone, too. They truly helped me through that difficult time.

    Fourth. My husband deployed twice altogether while we lived in Germany. In April of 2007, 2 yrs after he last deployed, we separated from the military and moved home to Ohio permanently. This time HE decided to re-read the Anita books. As he was reading I noticed changes in him, in his personality, in his behavior. It was becoming a little scary (my kids and I were in no danger here, please let me just say that). One night when I mentioned the difference in him, he started telling me how he saw the world since he returned from Iraq. As he was explaining how he perceived everyone as a threat, how he needed to know where all the exits were, how he was figuring out how to take anyone in the restaurant down to save himself if needed, etc, I realized he sounded just like Anita. Re-reading your books brought everything he’d been through to the forefront, and he was taking on her characteristics. We continued talking, and we figured out together he was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. By the next week he was in therapy. I don’t believe we’d have caught that until many years later, and when you read about the veterans dealing with this when they are much older it’s very scary indeed. We caught it in time, he got the help he needed and he was back to his old, wonderful self in no time. And he’s still wonderful to this day, a wonderful husband and father, partner and friend. All because he was re-reading Anita.

    And fifth, thank you. Thank you for sharing your imaginary friends with us: Jean-Claude, Asher, Nathaniel, all of them. Thank you for helping me through the good times and bad. Thank you for the fantasies. Thank you for great sex scenes that make me jump my husband in the middle of the night. Thank you for helping my husband realize his problem and willingly fix it. Thank you for being an amazing author. Thank you for reading this. Most of all, thank you for Anita.

  38. Thank you for all of your books. I have been there for all of them. Doesn’t seem so long. I appreciate most that the characters have evolved. Although it might not be what we thought, it was like real life.

  39. I so enjoy an Anita book. I love all of the characters. I get angry at them when they are being difficult and I love them when they are being adorable. Best of all I like the relationship between Anita and Edward, because it’s the ultimate yet strangest friendship I could ever imagine. They crack me up more than anything. Keep up the good work.

  40. Laurell,
    Love this blog, and wanted to thank you for the lovely series, I have been a HUGE fan through it all, I didn’t need Anita to be strong, I am with you, raised by strong women and with a good knowledge of who I am and my strengths and weaknesses. I don’t have much else to say other than, thanks for the enjoyment and here’s to much more…. I still want to see what is going to come of Anita and Olaf…. 😉 And would love Richard to heal, but then all cannot be butterflies and roses… so, don’t know if he should, but that is up to you!!

  41. I have read and reread your series from start to current book, I believe, I am on my third time now. Thank you for such creativity, such depth of characters that we all feel like they are real, and for making Anita someone to admire. Her vulnerabilities only make her more lovable. Even if she doesn’t feel she deserves that love. Thank you, again.

  42. Well the first time I read Anita was book 10…I know I should have started at one but that was all they had at the used book store….after that book I was hooked had to have them all ..made my hubby find all the others (took about a couple weeks)…sooo worth it…now it is how I judge other books by…as to my favorite character well that would be hands down …Anita Blake …congates to 20 years of this wonderful series may you have 20 more

  43. Laurell, I thank the Goddess every day for bringing you into my life! Your writing has helped so many people including me. I love Anita and her men but I also miss Merry and her men. I hope to read more about them soon. Thank you so much for changing all of our lives!

  44. I really can’t pick a favorite book I loved themm all, but if I was to pick characters it would definatly be Anita, Jean Claude,Richard, Micha, and Definatly Nathaniel. I Love Anita she’s is a kick ass, take no shit kinda person with a soft side, Jean claude is soo sexy and dangerous at the same time. I was routing for Richard in the beginnning, he was a good match except for that fact that he doesn’t like to share, But then Nathaniel and Micha came into the picute and blew him out of the water. I really Love Nathaniel, he hit a soft spot for me. I have a funny story, I was working at a new school and I was reading one of the novels at the time, that had mainly Nathaniel in it. Well I was sitting down for lunch with the girls and one of them said oh yeah Jonathan is coming to sit with us today, I almost fell off me chair when he sat down, the first thing that popped into my head was Nathaniel, he didn’t have violet eyes or auburn hair, but he had a well scupltured face , Dirty blonde hair, in a long ponytail, with hazel eyes. I couldn’t stop staring at him and couldn’t say two words. My thought was WOW! LOL… currently reading Kiss the Dead looking forward to more, I am hoping that Anita doesn’t retire any time soon 😉

  45. Thankyou for all your great books and inspirations over the 20 years of Anita Blake.Enjoyed reading your blog,hope you keep writing for another 20 years.Happy twentieh Anniversary.

  46. i love reading anita series. i put myself in the books. i feel like i am a person in the book also. i love reading them. but of course, i have read each anita book more then 40 times. my copies are falling apart. i have taped them as much as i can. so time to buy new ones. hopefully i will do that soon. i love all the people in anita books. i would love to meet someone like micah or nathaniel or even jean claude or asher. there are just so many to choose from. but at least i can cuddle up with anita book and read myself silly. and i will keep rereading them as long as i can see the words.

    keep them coming, ms hamilton. i will never say i have enough of your work. i love it all.

  47. I just have to tell you that I picked up and started to reread Guilty Pleasures and it doesn’t matter that I have read it before…I was sucked right back into Anita’s world and reluctant to put the book down. Looking forward to reading all of them and rolling right into Affliction!

  48. I have been following your books for years and have even gotten all my friends following them also. We love these books!!! You write books that have great stories to them not just the erotic parts. We want to know what is always coming up next and what crime or mischief all of our favorites are getting into. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to find your books and falling in love with all the characters even the ones who do not always make our favorite list. Take and Blessings to you and your family.

    1. I discovered your Guilty Pleasures years ago while trying to find something to read while I was stuck at a layover in Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Needless to say, I almost missed my flight because I was so into it. Been a fan ever since. My son is getting married, and I met my soon to be daughter-in-law just a few weeks ago. I absolutely love her. She was a victim of abuse but got out. She is so gentle and sweet I was surprised to find she holds a 3 degree black belt. My son also previously married, was emotionally broke from his now ex. You don’t need the details. Neither were looking for a relationship when they found each other at thier place of employment. She blew my mind when she came to his defense, and I really saw how strong she is. I felt the passion and love in every word she said. My favorite comment from her, “He’s not perfect, but he is perfect for me”.Where am I going with this? I can’t beleive she has not read your novels. I am buying her a set as a gift. I know she will enjoy them as much as I do. I’ve always been a fan of Anita. I see a lot of myself in her. I just keep a low profile.

  49. There are a lot of words to say about your Anita Blake books, so her goes. I’ve had a love of books all my life and read lots of books on lots of subjects. Your books help me escape from reality into a different type of reality. Maybe I want to be like Anita. It gives An old lady some excitement for awhile. I put myself into the story and live it up. Thanks for being a great writer. You are my favorite. P.S. I like Edward the best. You and he as a couple might make a great story. Alas, we’ll never know. Keep writing. Sincerely. SH

  50. I just found you and Anita last summer. I was actually visiting st louis and a friend of a friend told me about you. I couldn’t wait to get home and download the first book. It has been an amazing journey for me with Anita and all the other characters. Anita went with me to a fitter new me to the gym every day (& everywhere else for that matter) and I am loving myself and life and actually reading more than I have probably ever. Thank you for doing what you do and sharing your amazing gift. I can’t imagine life without so many amazing characters. Here’s to another 20 years since I joined the first half very late!! Congratulations!

  51. I use to not read and my sister insisted that I read a book from this great author she had been reading from for years. She had me start out with book 8 Burnt Offerings, I so feel in love with this book and couldn’t stop reading. I started reading the series from the begining. I have read every book since and wait with great anticipation for the next. Jean Claude, Jason and Asher are my favorite of the men

  52. I have been reading your Anita Blake series since Guilty Pleasures was first released. I have all the books to date, and Affliction is currently on its way from Amazon (yay!) The Wicked Truth are interesting, I was always secretly rooting for Jean Claude to win over Richard (well, hey, what can you expect from some one who first fell in love with vampires after being introduced to Chelsea Quinn Yarbro’s Saint Germain?) Asher was another favorite of mine till he got so possessive and whiny in the last few books, and Jason and Nicky are awesome as well. While Nathaniel and Micah are great characters, sometimes they come off as a little too good to be true. I particularly like the camaraderie between Anita and Edward, and Anita and Zerbrowski also.

  53. I have to say that I have been a fan since the beginning, what i like the best is that no matter how things are going in my life good or bad is that as soon as I open your book it brings me right in the story, So thank you for that, Hope to read many many more. LOve all

  54. Anita Blake has become my passion, I thought I was being a little silly when I sat around and used her as a refrence for my strenght. She makes me stronger, and happier, and makes me value life just a little bit more. I re-read the series every half year, during summer vacation and christmas vacation.

    As for fav character, it has got to be Edward. I love his personality, and I love his relationship with Anita. I keep wanting to see more of him, and I secretly dream of something outragious to happen between them. Maybe one day I’ll get my dream come true!

    I started reading the books because I like vampires, but what has really made me love the books is the wereanimals, the details, the different worlds they live in. And among Anita’s lover, the vampires simply can’t beat them on the fav’s slots! Now picking just one is hard.

    But I love the books, they’re as alive to me as they can get, where I’m argueing with the books about how Anita handles Richard, and how childish and petty Asher seem to be at times.

    I cant wait for the book that comes in 2 days, I’ve just re-read the entire series preparing for it!
    I wish you the best of luck, on your journey to write many many more books. It’s a selfish luck on my part, it would break a little piece of my heart to one day wake up and discover you’ve retired. But Anita Blake is already 20 years old, and I know it has to end sometime.

    In the end, Anita Blake has thaught me many things, one of them is to not be ashamed of what I like or who I am. And for that, I will always be your fan.

  55. Its been the same every year for the past few years..I cant wait till the summer for another Anita book because I cant wait to get back into her world! I love the lessons that each character learns in each story and each one teaches me something about the world or myself! I cant wait to read Affliction only a few more days to go! Infact…I think I might just go and get Guilty Pleasures and re-read the serious! (again) lol!! 🙂 xx

  56. Laurell,
    I just want to say thank you. Can’t remember if I found your books first, or if my mom did. She passed away a little over a year ago. Yours was probably the last book she read. We both read and reread Anita. We discovered the series about 10 years ago, quickly read all the previous books; and anticipated each new one. A little bit of her will always live between the pages of your books for me. She would have wanted to congratulate you. So, congratulations on this epic journey you’re on. I’m grateful for all it has meant to me and mine. <3 )O( <3
    Peace & Health,


  57. Just read your blog and wanted to let you know that your books have helped me too. Not with anything so traumatic as Cancer or Hurricanes, but as a 52yo woman feeling alone in her marriage. Your books give me a world to visit where anything is possible – no matter what a persons age is. I have grown stronger, and have found ways to make myself happy. I guess that is the key to any ones happiness. You first have to make yourself happy, because then and only then can you pass that on to others.
    Anita gives me that. She takes all the happiness she can, doesn’t care what others think of her, and tries to make the world better for her men and the others out there needing her protection.
    Keep writing for Anita. You are her muse as she is yours and together you make the world better for everyone.

  58. Glad Richard still has his fans 🙂 I know he’s been a nightmare and don’t like him as a character as much as Anita or Edward but I’ve always been rooting for him to deal with his issues and be the man he could be. Perhaps its because I’ve known too many people who really are held back in one way or another by their past, their mental/physical conditions or generally who they are, but I really hope Richard can fight his way back on stage and prove to characters and readers alike that problems can be worked through and obsticals overcome.

  59. Stumbled onto the first Anita book and have there after, devoured them as quickly as they came out. Then I would fill in the down time with the Meredith books while counting the days until the next Anita book was out. This series opened up a whole new world on vampires and weres. When Anita tired of Richard,you wrote that story so well, we the reader also tired of Richard. As my daughters grew older, I was amazed at how much they too devoured the series. I will be extremely sad if you ever decide to retire the series. Anita has so much life ahead of her. The possibilities as endless. And any story with Olaf will have to have Edward (who has evolved so well) and possibly Richard there. Please keep up your marvelous stories and we, your fans will keep up with emptying the book shelves all over the world. God Bless you & keep you. Thank you again.

  60. I started, unconventionally, on book 4 back in high school when I picked it up in a charity shop and thought it sounded excellent. It was and I fell in love with the series, reading them all properly from book 1. I have, admittedly, not caught up to the most recent book, but have enjoyed every twist and turn in Anita’s journey. I do love Jean-Claude, but I am a huge fan of Edward. I thoroughly enjoy the way you have created such a complicated, dangerous and enjoyable character! Thank you for creating such a fantastic universe to explore and live in through Anita!

  61. Sometimes reading your blogs is almost as helpful and inspiring as reading the books themselves. I, admittedly, haven’t read an Anita book in a while (though I was very avid at first over ten years ago, just a preteen terribly eager to read such fascinating content) but I know that at some point I’ll catch up on the gang and everyone I’ve missed. Moreso, though, as someone who writes her own characters for hobby and pleasure, I always find a strength and comfort within myself when I read your author-ing blogs. Sometimes my characters fall silent for a while, and it worries me, but then I go back and read your words and that helps a lot.

  62. I love each and everyone of your books. I have lost track on how many times I have re-read and/or listened to them. I get lost in the stories and can almost imagine that I am there with them. Thank you for writing these stores & I hope that there will be many, many more to come.

  63. I picked up Guilty Pleasures in 2004, my freshman year of high school, and caught up before the next book was released. I’ve had every book since then the day it was released and finished in 3 days or less. Anita has changed my home life, personal life, and sex life 😉 dramatically over the last 9 years. Anita and her family have become a part of my family over the years. Thank you so much.

  64. I have loved this series, as you say – the characters have become friends. I miss them after I have finished a book and have been know to read a book twice to prolong their company. In fact I have read every book more than once. Anita is one lucky girl!

  65. Amazon notified me that “Affliction is on its way! I have learned to pay for two-day shipping and plan to hibernate from the world for 24 to 36 hours upon the release of one of your books! My library keeps growing, due to the ever-thriving Anita (and Merry). The best love a girl can ever find is in a LKH book! (Though I’m open to being proved wrong)

  66. i just love both series you make the people in both series so real that it is like i am there in the book too. you are a awsome writer. i hope merry’s killing frost get to come back. i cried when he turned into the white stage. i can t wait until your new book is out i already preorder it. come on july 2. thank you ms. hamilton.

  67. No one is sure why Edward is their favorite character but I know why he’s mine. Edward is the perfect friend. He’s always there when the going is tough, he accepts Anita and her weirdness even if it makes him uncomfortable and when she can’t accept herself. Edward keeps Anita focussed when necessary, helps her get emotional baggage under control, and always has her back. He’s a total straight arrow guy (bet Richard would like to be him) that manages a deep and true friendship with a slightly bent woman. He’s his own character, not a sidekick. If you put aside his assassin job he’s just another redneck (I’m from the south and know my rednecks). With his skill set he turns into Anitas best advantage on the nearly impossible jobs. When you put everything together he’s a great person and awesome friend.

    1. You knowi haven’t thought about that but you’re right! He is like the rock that is always there for you to hold on 🙂 and he’s also very supportive and manages to calm anita down by giving her exactly what she needs when she needs it. I’m not talking about hugs or just buying her stuff ( let’s face it she will kick him) but hell get her angry or give her a new weapon to distract her in the right moment and I think that Nathaniel and Micah are the only other people who can do that and this puts him in a very high category

  68. I think everybody loves Jean-Claude especially with the character development we have seen through the books! 🙂 I started reading them 3 years ago when a friend of mine started telling me about this sexy French vampire whose name she couldn’t pronounce 😀 I tend to feel everything the main character feels while I’m reading and honestly, I choose my favorite characters by how they make me feel in my head, kind of 🙂 so.. I guess two of those will be Micah and Nathaniel! Nat is so strong and has grown so much that at the beginning I felt proud of him and now I relay on him on always being there for Anita. He along with Micah (who IS just perfect) have brought so much comfort for Anita! Having said this, I think it’s Obvious that I don’t like Richard at all! I don’t want to insult any of his fans, because I liked him until around the 7th book, but he always fucks things up and I think he deserves every bad thing that has happened to him for that. Sylvie, on the other hand, is strong and just (most of the time) and doesn’t just snap every time something that she doesn’t like happened!

  69. I just wanted to say thank you for such a brilliant story from guilty pleasures all the way through. I have only recently come to the books and was hooked straight away reading all 21 in three weeks. No I didn’t get a lot of sleep during that time.
    My favourite characters are Jean Claude and Micah. Jean Claude because he makes Anita step out of that comfort zone so often and loves her regardless of all her inhibitions. Makes her feel beautiful, when she doesn’t and lets her be the strength behind his power.
    Micah because i think he is what she needed and will always need. Someone who was strong and handsome, wouldn’t take any shit from her but at the same time got her straight away and let her be who she was, whether it was irrational or the marshal she loved to be. Secretly if you do get Anita pregnant, i’m hoping that Micah gets a reversal of his surgery and it’s his. I think he’s the only one most of the rest of them would be okay with it being.
    Of course I love Nathaniel, Sin and Nicky and sometimes Asher.
    Anyway thanks again and I’m so looking forward to Affliction! Get we get the next one before June next year though. I’m not sure I can wait a whole year.

  70. Great blog post! JC and Richard as well as Anita are my staple faves in the series, I will always love them! I’m surprised that there is no mention of Edward! Hands down, my fave character of the series, by far!!!! I have never really liked Nathaniel but, I can see his appeal for people. Keep the characters coming, Laurell! I will read Anita’s world till you no longer write it!

  71. I love all the characters in your books and I would definitely like to learn more about those characters that haven’t been so fully described (i.e. Olaf, Edward, etc.)


  72. I have read the Anita books for years, ever since my best friend shared her copy of ‘Guilty Pleasures.’ But twice in later life just when I needed the escape and an old friend, your books popped up to give me just the help I needed. I joined the Army in ’07 and was at my first duty station in Germany. I was having trouble because of a knee injury I sustained in Basic when in one of my company’s team rooms, I found ‘A Kiss of Shadows.’ No one else wanted the book so it became mine 🙂 It helped me forget a little of the pain in my knees, and fortunately the PX carried the other Merry books so I could continue to enjoy!

    Later during my deployment to AFG, there were a lot of things to deal with obviously. I had been sent to Bagram on my own for a certification process. There in the USO there were shelves of books from a paperbacks for soldiers program. I found ‘Skin Trade’ which is one of my favorite books of all of the Anita series. I reread that book perhaps five more times before I got back to the states. I can’t even explain the comfort of having something pop up unexpectedly that you can latch on to in order to keep some of your sanity. Thank you for doing what you do and creating these fantastic stories for all of us. It has made so much of a difference for me right when I needed it. Thank you.

  73. I have been a fan of yours for about 5 years now. A friend of mine turned me onto the books when her and I worked together. I have been to about 4 book signings and I just have to say thank you. Thank you for the amazing stories that you have written. I am a fan of both series but Anita Blake is my favorite series. All of the characters have their points that make them special in my eyes but Nathaniel is my favorite. Has been since day one. I’ve loved watching him grow and mature. I can’t wait for Affliction. I’ve been counting down the days for some time now. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for the characters as time goes on. The stories have impacted my life in so many different ways. I’m so very thankful that I picked these books up. No author has ever kept me in so much suspense throughout a book, much less a series and I’m an avid reader. I have never enjoyed a series as much as I have enjoyed the Anita Blake series. Congradulations on the 20 years, heres to 20 more.

  74. Ms. Hamilton let me start by saying that you are one of my favorite authors. I am sad to say that I have not been a fan since the beginning, but when I received my first e-reader, about 5 years ago, a friend of mine gave me a CD with the first 12 Anita Blake books to add to my reader. I was reluctant at first because it was a different genre of books than I was used to reading. When I started reading paranormal romances, when I hit my 20s, I was drawn to the Anita Blake novels but still reluctant to purchase any of them. I am glad I chose to read them because from the first chapter of Guilty Pleasures, I was drawn in to the world you have created with these characters. I can relate to Anita in that I, myself, am 5′ 0, have long dark hair and brown eyes. For a long time I felt like I was being overlooked and underestimated. Anita’s growth as an independent woman who takes no prisoners, struggling with the Catholic upbringing of her childhood, yet finding a way to be happy in the lifestyle choices she made or was thrust upon her, made me realize that I can be who I am without apology. I don’t have to explain myself to anyone unless I choose to, thanks to Anita and you for sharing her story. Every time a new book has come out since I purchased an AB novel myself-Hit List- I re-read the entire series over and I can honestly say that every time is like the first time and I learn something new as I re-read the novels.

    I am sorry I missed the chance to express how I felt about the AB novels. But I would still like to state here and now, my all time favorite AB novel is Bullet. I love the growth each of the characters showed and loved reading how they can stand together, even Richard stepped up to keep them safe, moody and emotional as ever he can be. Jean-Claude is, and always will be, my all time favorite of all of Anita’s men. I have been rooting for him since the beginning. Wicked and Truth are also favorites of mine and I hope to see Anita interact with these two men more often. Olaf is a character that I would love to have more screen time. The dynamics between Edward, Anita, and him are so much fun to read. I am glad that Edward is not a love interest for Anita. Although, if she were to have a human lover who can keep up with her and not just be fodder for all the bad she goes through, Edward would be my choice.

    I want to close by saying that I am glad you chose to share Anita and her experiences with the world. You truly are an amazing and talented writer. I can’t wait to read Affliction. Congratulations on 20 years of Anita and hope you get 20 more.

  75. Anita and the gang have been a part of my life for quite a few years now. So many changes, some I liked and some not so much, but I have to say these characters are like old friends I love to visit and get caught up with. I have to admit I always want know what is going on with them and what will happen next. I cannot wait to dive into the new adventure and am so excited there is not much longer to wait. Thank you for always wanting to know what happens next and sharing it with us 🙂

  76. I missed the chance to reply to the previous blog you posted because I was finding it hard to put into words what I wanted to say. The ‘how I came across your series’ is pretty easy enough: I had been introduced to the Merry Gentry series by a friend of mine back right before Lick of Frost came out, which I believe was 2007. I followed that series alone for a very long time, telling myself that the Anita Blake series was just too long to start for something I wasn’t 100% sure I would like (none of my other friends read it either, so I couldn’t get any feedback from them). I actually didn’t pick up the first book until the third week of this past March. Not that long ago, I know. I’m not even sure what drove me to do so. I just happened to be in the bookstore to buy a different book, had the money available, and ended up leaving the store with Guilty Pleasures thru Circus of the Damned in tow. After that it only took a mere 6 weeks for me to purchase and read all 21 books in the set.

    Who my favorite character is and why was the hard part. I knew my favorite character, Asher; I just wasn’t really sure why I was drawn to him. Then, it hit me: From my point of view of the series, Asher’s character is the most human preternatural character out of all of them. Not so much physically or mentally, but emotionally. I can connect to him so well, because his issues, in a sense, are mine. It seems like he has a lot of problems, but really, there is just one core issue: the issue of wanting to belong somewhere to someone, to be good enough. Asher just wants to belong, and really, don’t we all at one time or another struggle with the idea that we may not be strong enough, pretty enough, smart enough..? To people like that, actions really do speak louder than words. In that regard, it isn’t that hard to understand why he reacts the way he does. For someone who teetered just on this side of depression herself for a couple of years in her pre-teens, I should know. This is why I hope that a solution to his issue can be found that will allow him to stay with Anita and the rest of the group.

    That went a little longer than I expected. Lastly, I just want to say thank you for writing such a wonderful series. I may not have been a fan for very long, but I do plan on being a fan for however longer you decide to write for.

  77. Thank you. I was too late too pick a fan fave. Like many others I picked up the Anita books when I was in a tough spot. I want what you have as a writer. Not the fame. The impact. What you have shown me through your books and blog is that I need to write through the pain, in spite of the pain and because of the pain. I also need to write through the pleasure, in spite of the pleasure and because of the pleasure. Only then can my imaginary friends live and breathe and impact others, which is what I want. Anita did not teach me to be strong, but she did remind me that I am not alone. Thank You.

    About Merry,
    I like this series too and it will always be a personal favorite of mine. But I have a question, are you having trouble writing Merry because of Anita? Are they bleeding over onto each other? At times Merry seems to be a pale reflection of Anita — the paranoia, the looking for enemies , the short tough girlness–I noticed that when I finished Merry and stated re-reading Anita– and in that respect I like Anita better. Merry can and should stand on her own. I like her tenderness, and her fierce need to protect her “normal”.

  78. – You wouldn’t feel a thing killing me.
    – Yes I would.
    – What?
    – Safer.

    Anita Blake. Where do I start? In the late 90’s I guess. I was a student at Lund university (Sweden) and among my friends, lots of books, graphic novels and DVDs circulated. I borrowed the three first Anita Blake books from a friend. I liked “Guilty Pleasures” and was entertained enough to get on with “The Laughing Corpse”. The story and the characters in it had really caught my attention and had made me curious. I continued eagerly with “Circus of the Dammed” and then … then I was addicted.

    I wish that I could show you what shape my paperback copies of the Anita Blake books are in. The backs are worn and the pages are falling out. It’s the way books look when they have been read over and over again. It’s what loved books look like. And I have read the whole series at least four times. And I always seem to come back to them again and again. The books has become part of me, they have fed my soul and therefore become part of it.

    My favorite character? Anita herself. Tuff as nails, proud, smart, cheeky, sweet Anita. And still she is human (or … eh … was … or…um…?). Instead of acting as some kind of untouchable, two dimensional superhero, she acts human. She throw up at the evidence at a murder scene, she is jealous, she is scared shitless when facing things that are horrific. She cares deeply about her friends. I just love the utterly cool one liners she deliver.

    And she doesn’t stand still, she develops. Jean Claude didn’t know what he was in for when he seduced her, poor thing. It will be interesting to see how long Anita can keep her mind intact with the amount of power she is wielding in the later books in the series.

    When you re-read the books you get another view of the early books. I wonder how Anita in the first books would act if she met herself in the later? The younger Anita would probably try to kill her older self. She did kill the necromancer Dominga Salvador in “The Laughing Corpse”, for being to powerful. And Dominga Salvador was nothing compared with were Anita is today.

    Tomorrow “Affliction” is coming by mail. I can barely wait…

    /Emma (Södra Sandby, Sweden)

  79. I started reading your books back in 2002, when I was with my girlfriend. When I broke up with her, Strange Candy, Kiss the Shadows, and Guilty Pleasure were all I had to help me get through that time, I used to get lost in the lives of your characters. Then once I got married, I introduced my husband to your books, and he has kept me supplied in the lives of Anita Blake, and Meridith Gentry. your books have kept my busy mind at peace through some of the worst and best times of my life, for example, I was reading one of your books when I was in the hospital after giving birth to my son in 2008, and my daughter in 2011, and as I mentioned before the break up of me and my girlfriend. I love you as an author and I thank you for sharing your gift and your vision with me and the rest of the world.

  80. laurell, your blog made me cry as your books make me gasp, breathe heavy,clench my fists,yell, cry,laugh,smile,shudder and oh so many more emotions that come out! you and both your series are my favorites…i await each and every book you write to come out for purchase and when i lost everything 2 yrs ago, well now i go to the library and read each one over. i had all your books , most of them in hardcover, some of them in paperback and i have left paperback copies in arhus denmark, dumbarton scotland, the us virgin islands and virgin gorda in the british virgin islands . thank you for who you are and what you make of your imaginary friends . i would have loved to meet you . please let me know , if you can , when is meredith going to continue? love ya laurell. with great respect ,peace and love skye elizabeth callan

  81. I am so glad you have a blog that takes comments!
    I found Anita by accident – Book 6 was in the laundry room bookcase in the Chicago apt building where I lived for a year and a half. I haunted the bookcase weekly thereafter, managing to read a few more.
    Then we (hubby & I) moved to, yes, St. Louis. I decided to start your series from the beginning, and ordered book 1 for my Kindle.
    Within a year, i’d reds all of them, plus the first three merry gentries, and was delighted when my long-preordered Affliction popped up on the kindle.
    My favorite characters? Anita, of course. Edward! I had adored Richard, but then he got annoyingly neurotic. I kept wanting to shake him and tell him he was being an ass. I really hope he can get it together. I really hope you can bring zerbrowski’s home life onstage – he always makes me smile. I like Claudia too – she seems to have untapped oceans within.
    Your books actually helped me feel more at ease in this very strange city. I may never feel fully at home here, but your books lend it a shimmer that lets me see beyond its dull insularity.
    Long may you write! I hope you are feeling better – my allergies are horrible here, too – and I do hope you can find the strength to at least do a reading for your local fans!

  82. Thank you for the multitude of wonderful books. I first started reading about Anita’s adventures 15 years ago and haven’t stopped since. I was so excited when I discovered my local library had almost all of your books! The reading and re reading shall commence. My favorite characters (I could never pick just one.. ) would have to be Nathaniel and Micah so far- haven’t read anything past Incubus Dreams (until the massive list I just reserved from the library comes in!).. I have really enjoyed watching Nathaniel grow and change and gain confidence and fight for what he wants and needs and Micah has also grown and changed- although not quite as dramatically as Nathaniel. I love Micah first and foremost because his instant chemistry with Anita is similar to what I felt when I met my husband almost 10 years ago- it was love at first hug for us!
    Keep up the wonderful stories and the awesome blog!

  83. I found the Anita Blake series a couple years ago and have been reading them non-stop ever since. With a full-time job, kids, starting my own business, and trying to be a writer myself I have very little time to read, but Anita always pulls me back. She has taught me to step outside of my comfort zones (a little) and to remember the lessons my parents taught me that women are just as strong (and often times stronger) than the men in our lives. However, the series has also taught me that sometimes we need to allow our man (or men in Anita’s case) to feel stronger and take care of us. Anita isn’t always good at that, but her men need it, and I have found that my husband does too. I was raised to be strong, independent, and a take charge woman… that doesn’t always work in life, but we don’t have to give up strength to share control.

    Anyway, thank you for the life you bring to these characters, and for sharing your imaginary friends with us. I have truly enjoyed them and hope to continue far into the future. One day, I would love to have my readers feel for my characters even half of what I, and so many others feel for yours. My characters are just as real to me, they talk in my head and tell me where they want to go in their stories… I just with I had more time to take them there. I am excited to say that I have published my first two novels in the Blood Angel series and I’m working on the third… Laurell, you inspire me and so many others, for that I thank you.

  84. Laurell, I just finished Affliction yesterday, and I want to THANK YOU… Affliction reminded me why I love Anita in the first place! I won’t repeat what everyone else has said about Anita (she kicks ass, etc…) but, yes, these books mean the world to me and have been entertaining me for years. THANK YOU. Blessed be.

  85. I have read and reread all the books up to Affliction. I saw a lot of the men mention in your article , but for myself I wonder about Jason. He has always been a good friend to Anita. Olaf I know will be in a book in the future , he will not remain silent he has a thing for Anita after all. Your books have helped me deal with some of my own issues. While I have always known I was a strong woman than could go through about anything I have never been comfortable with some aspects of myself Anita has shown me is okay to change and grow even let go old beliefs . Thank you for sharing such wonderful imaginary friends.

  86. I came into this series with flirt. While it is a little confusing to come in there it made me hunt down these stories to know who and how and why. I love it I’m not to the current book but I’m so close I hope I can keep up with the stories as I have so far. It is a favorite for me now. 🙂 keep going please!!

  87. I first met Anita in 1999. My baby sister,Cherie, introduced us. Cherie passed away in 2002, 15 days after her 23rd birthday from complications of her Cystic Fibrosis. (She left a 3 year old son who is now 14 years old and 6 ft tall, lanky built ,sweet as can be & smart as a whip. I’m not biased or anything 🙂 My sister was a big fan of Anita’s. I too am a big fan. We would read then talk about the books. Reading this series brings back many good memories. That said: I read ALOT. YA,PNR,UF, just to name a few genres I enjoy. Laurell is my 2nd all time favorite author, my favorite is Jane Austen .

  88. Wow 20 years! And I have been with you from the beginning! Thank you! What a fantastic gift you have given to so many of us. For me your books have encouraged me to be true to my own magic and sexuality- something that when I first started reading, newly married, fresh out of college, i tended to stuff deep inside me- afraid to scare my husband -and myself. Thank you.

    I love that so many of your characters (male and female) have long flowing hair- curly or not- I just want to curl up in all of it. I have always been partial to cats. So it is no wonder that l favor Nathanial and Mica. I just finished “Affliction” and greatly enjoyed it- I savored it over several days- something I rarely do with your books. Now, as I always do, I will reread it- because I almost always rush the first read though of one of your books- so i have to re-read just to savor the language!

    Looking forward to the next one!

    Longtime fan-


    1. You are my most favorite author. I hope that even with a new Merry book coming out next summer, that does not mean we have to wait two years for another Anita Blake book. I need my fix and will go into severe withdrawal without her. I loved Affiltion. I enjoyed it so much it has caused me to go back and start re-reading all the books I have I on my Kindle, which began with Bullet. I am almost done with all that I have on my Kindle and know that I will go out to Amazon and start purchasing the all the rest of them. I have them in paperback, but I want them on my Kindle as well.

      Please rest and get well soon. I know how if feels not to be at your best. I have just found out that I need to have surgery and the recovery time will be any where from two to three weeks. Oh what fun!!!! However, looking on the bright side, it will give me time to re-read the rest of the Anita books as well a lot of my remaining next favorite authors have books coming out on August 6th.

  89. I love the books I would like to see more about what’s going on with Richard and also would like to see new ware animals and I miss when Anita use to visit the circus of the damned it would be neat if the had there wedding ceramony their but whatever books you put out I will buy them and read them . Can’t get enough of Anita and live Meredith Gentry series 🙂 thank you for being the best writer to me

  90. First I want to thank you for your books. They bring happiness to my life which is good since I do t have very much. I won’t lie Anita is my favorite. I would like to see more of Richard I’m mad at him but something’s gotta be up with that situation. I would also like to see more species of ware animals I don’t think Iv ever seen any other writer do the things you have done with your books. The Naga was something Iv never seen , Warerats , Swanmane , I love how you break it down I live the police work I just love love your books and now that you probably think I’m crazy lol one more thank you

  91. I really enjoyed Nicky in the latest book, and his interactions with Anita. I hope we get to see more of him. And Jason. He’s always been a fav. And definitely Nathanial and Micah.
    I could happily go without ever having Richard on stage again.
    And I find Olaf an interesting character. That’s not at all the same as being a favorite, but I would like to read more about him.

    For some reason this book made me sad. I’m not really sure why. There’s always a certain amount of melancholy for me when I finish a book because I don’t want to leave that world and go back to the ‘real’ world. But this time it was more. Maybe it’s because it feels like Anita and her entourage have grown so much and finally reached a healthy and happy place and it seems like the story could draw to a close soon.

  92. I love your books. They make me release the stress from the day and to dream. To dream of the fact that no one should ever make compromises with oneself. I found a lot of my guiding rules in your books, and they have been my best friend while I have been on the edge not being able to talk to anybody about the stuff happening in my life. Your books helped me appreciate what I am and what I deserve.
    Thank you with all my heart and please don’t stop writing.
    P.S. Don’t kill Jean-Claude please, he is my favorite :))))

  93. I met Anita and the gang in “Out of this World” with the story “Magic Like Heat Across My Skin”. I had never read such a story and Anita was a different heroine than I was used to. The story sucked me right into their world and has not let go since. I found Narcissus in Chains and it was a part of a series and I bought all ten books. Anita, Jean-Claude, Richard (sigh), Nathaniel, Micah, Jason…everyone has become a second family. My eldest son began reading the series and we talked about Anita like she lived next door. It drove my daughter crazy because she always thought we were talking about someone real…well she’s real to us. 🙂 Now my daughter has become just as big a fan as my son and me. Thank you for your allergies, LOL! As you’ve heard so many times Anita and Edward has changed my life and the way I see and sometimes react to situations. My son and I have a saying WWAD? What would Anita Do? or “That person is cannon fodder waiting to happen!” (that’s for those annoying people in our lives, LOL.) Laurell, just thank you for your talent and sharing your gift.

  94. In July of 2005 My hubby of 3yrs decided he wanted a divorce. I started dating my current hubby In September of that year. In October of 2006 we were handfasted before the god and goddess. The high priest was a longtime friend of my hubby’s and I became friends with him too based on our mutual love of vampire romance and adventure novels. At that time my fave vampire romance were the books written by Maggie Shayne. That I had started reading in 1993 or 94. I told him about those and he asked if I liked guns and mysteries with my vamps. I was raised by a single father. My parents divorced when I was 9. My dad taught me to shoot with a Browning 9mm. 😉 So when my friend described Anita as a 5’3″ spitfire vampire hunter who carried a browning 9mm and a Fire Star. Another gun my dad taught me to shoot. Oh and I’m 5’3″myself ;). I had to go out and find Guilty Pleasures. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stayed up all night to finish it!!!! And the next payday went out and got the next book. And tried to make that one last. It did all of 3 days. My dad started reading the series as well As I finished a book he would pick it up to read. I went on Social Security Disability in 2008 so haven’t been able to by the books. But thank the Gods my local library carries the ones I don’t own :D. My best Christmas/Yule/Birthday(I was born 12/26/77) was the year Harlequin came out and a friend got a signed copy of the book as a surprise for me!!!!! She stood in the line at either the book signing in Atlanta or the one at Dragon Con.

    My Fave characters are 1st Anita. Then ALL her men. Because each one has taught her more about herself and she has taught them!!!! I love the growth of ALL the characters!!!! They got me through my divorce and the start of a new relationship. And how not to take out on my new man the mistakes of my old one!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! for that dear lady!!!!!!!!!!
    Blessed Be!!!!!

  95. Wow, I had no idea twenty years has passed! I picked up your book because it was on the shelf next to Anne Rice’s novel and she had not written anything new. I picked up your book and I never went back to reading her books. To say you have had an impact just through your characters is an understatement. Nathaniel and Richard going through therapy made me feel that while I was going through my own therapy it was not an astigmatism. My teenage daughter has said her 50 year old mother is in a fandom and that there is no hope left for me… but I don’t mind, so please keep writing!

  96. I discovered Anita around the time my father died in the 90’s. My best friend gave Guilty Pleasures to me and for that I love her! I found your blog by accident. My sister & I just finished Affliction–LOVED IT!–and while looking for information to tide us over until Anita’s next adventure, Voila. Thank you for making Anita a strong woman in so many ways. That has been your greatest gift to me all of these years. Moreover, Anita’s faith in God has truly moved me. Although any book/scene with Edward is my favorite, I love that man(I relish his affection for her in Hit List “…Anita, if you get dead…Edward would drown the world in blood…,”); Anita and Charlotte’s recitation of Luke 2:8-14 in Blue Moon was beautiful and brings me to tears whenever I read it. Congratulations and thanks for all the great years of life lessons, may there be many more! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I win the bet I made with my sister regarding Anita’s next exploit (also hoping that you will write a Nightseer sequel).

  97. I started Guilty Pleasures (via audio, read by Kimberly Alexis) on July 2, 2013. Since I’m No. 47 on my libraries wait list for the newest and I’m being told the last Sookie Stackhouse book, I was looking for a new series. I love to watch a character evolve and going into their background makes you feel like you know that character. I’m on The Killing Dance (via audio) and I have to say I can’t put the audios away. I only stop listening to leave my desk at work, shop, and watch True Blood ;o) I’m currently borrowing the audios from OverDrive via my Kindle and Free Library. I even use my earplugs to my Kindle at work ;o)

    My favorite character is Anita herself. Being 5’3 makes me relate to how people actually tried to bully me when I was younger because of my height, now I have this attitude of – Bring it on, I feel 10 feet tall ;o) My favorite book is Bloody Bones (for now), go Anita! I have to admit, I’m not feeling Richard and Anita, but I do love Jean-Claude (who did you model him after, I’d love to meet that man ;o) and I’m loving Jason (I actually pictured him in those leather pants in my head ;o) My eyes are watering to get to the other books for now, I borrowed up to book 9 (Obsidian Butterfly) from OverDrive for now. Oh and I love Louie (were-rat) and Irving (were-wolf). I hope their in the other books.

    Thank you for this series – Anita rocks!

  98. who reads this crap? this is the second book (kiss the dead) that i have Accidently bought and both times i end it thinking that Anita is such a whore. there is not enough action just a prelude to anita sleeping with more freaking guys and a woman! hamilton rushes through the action scenes and drags out the sluty crap! and she gives way to much useless detail. it has been a trial to get through this boring book. its not even good enough to be called a book its just Porn! this says alot about the writer. if you want a great story i suggest CHRISTINE FEEHAN!!

    1. I assume you, Mindy, haven’t read the series from the beginning. Anita Blake early in the series was as puritanical (Practicing or affecting strict moral behavior) as they come. LKH writes about many types of creatures in her books Sidhe, Nagas, and once Anita became a Succubus–a sexual female creature–what would you expect her to do, play Parcheesi?! I won’t suggest you read Affliction, (BTW, HOW DO YOU BUY BOOKS BY ACCIDENT, I read the titles and the names of the authors before I buy a book, maybe you should try that) [SPOILER ALERT]there were 4 on-the-edge-of-your seat actions scenes and three love scenes (call your Christian Right friends Mindy so you can have yourselves a good ol’ fashion book burning!). I also suggest until you have read LKH’s full body of work, don’t criticize the author. The additional detail LKH adds is not useless and it usually is very informative (SWAT, HRU’s, PTSD…need I list more?). I haven’t read Christine Feehan, but based on your above post, a recommendation from you is not saying much. Please Mindy, take your sectarian, provincial, partisan views elsewhere. Or in the immortal words of the French Soldier from Monty Python and the Holy Grail: French Soldier: I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
      Sir Galahad: Is there someone else up there we can talk to?
      French Soldier: No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

    2. I’m seriously sorry that you feel that way but if you read the whole entire series you to understand that need that didn’t start out like that it was something that happened over time it’s something that she has to do to live read the whole series from book 1 in your understand

  99. A friend of mine bought me Guilty Pleasures when I was 21 and just had my tonsils out. He had started reading the series and thought it was something I would like. Actually, a lot of my guy friends starting reading the Anita series before I even knew about it. They were a little turned off by the sex, but I was not. I love both series so very much. I reread each series before the new book comes out and usually a few times during the year just for fun. The series is a nice way for me to escape from reality for a while. Please keep up the wonderful job that you are doing. I would love to one day see you at a book signing, however, have never seen a place on the middle east coast. Hopefully one day!

  100. I originally came upon your books when I was a freshman in high school, a friend was talking about them to another friend and I became interested naturally with peer pressure and all. But when I asked about the books she told me I was too innocent to read them, which really made me want to read them more and it didn’t help the fact when I came home talking about them wanting to buy them, my mom also forbade me as well. So, when we happened to go to the local book store, I snuck in and bought the first four books and the rest is history. My favorite characters are Nathaniel, Richard and Asher. I loved Cookie Monster. I cried when he died, but I understood he had to. I have always felt a connection to the monsters in books, and movies and everything like that. Because I know that deep within the fur and flesh and those imperfections still lies a beating heart. I have even turned the books onto my friend, who suffered a brain injury before I met him, due to a motorcycle accident, and he had to re learn everything. He lives with mental illness and is currently living in a mental hospital. He says that your books have helped him read better and have helped distract him from his current situation. I can very much agree with that statement as can many people, that Anita’s world is a world unlike any other -it may just be science fiction and yet it seems so very real at the same time.

  101. I just want to let you know how much I love Anita’s and Merri’s stories and all the friends you gave me in their worlds! I have read them from the time I found your first two books and you made me a fan immediately! I think that each character growing and changing has helped me grow and change and brought authenticity to every character you write, it makes them real. I have had so health problems and your books have been a comfort and escape when I needed it. Thanks ! I have my favorites , Jean-Claude from the beginning , Micah, Nathaniel, Damien, the Wicked Truth(who I always want to see more ), Claudia, Fredo, Lissandro! There are too many to name!! Richard is on my black ball list! I have even become addicted to listening to your books when I’m driving!! It helps to pass the time and makes me sometimes want the trip to last longer!! I have depended on you and your books to keep me sane these last few years thank you so much for that! Happy Aniversary!!

  102. Hey, I’ve been reading your books for years. Not sure if you read these comments or not but I thought I’d give it a go. My favorites list is long, but Requiem is up there and Asher comes and goes depending on his mood swings. On thing I’ve thought a lot about is the leopards, there are so many tiger clans and different colors, and Anita has both yellow and black leopards. So I was wondering, are there any snow leopards in her Pard? Are they maybe an rare and exclusive breed with alot of pride in their breeding like the tigers? Just something I’ve wondered about. I’d also love to here more about your mythology with the were-foxes. Thanks so much for your books love each one. 😉

  103. Dear Laurel,
    I recently read your Circus of the Damned. Excellent read. I really enjoyed your writing style. I have been looking for an author to follow for quite some time. I see with your list of publications, I have some serious catching up to do. I was curious, what is the best order to read in? Will it matter with the story line? I realize this is called book three, but upon investigation, I found at least 14 books in the Anita Blake series. I plan to read them all (should only take me a couple of months), but I would like to keep them in succession.
    I also noticed you were born in Heber Springs. I was born in Hot Springs. I hope you had a better time in Arkansas than I did. It is a pretty place, but not a great deal of pretty memories for me. I call myself from Memphis Tennessee, though like you, I have done extensive traveling.
    I have truly enjoyed your first book. Good luck and God’s speed on Affliction. I can’t wait to get to it!!
    Best Regards,

  104. I was first introduced to Merry and Anita at the same time in 2005 by one of my dearest and oldest friends Heather. But actually Strange Candy came first, as my introduction to Laurel K. Hamilton 🙂 and since I’ve also read Death of a Darklord. I am a huge fan of Laurel. But by far, my favorite is Meredith Gentry. I would truly love to see if the big screen could capture what I have envisioned when I read these books. When I describe the two series to people who are interested in the genre, but have not met Laurel K. Hamilton, I describe Anita as being a darker series, as opposed to Merry’s more colorful lighter side. I’m so looking forward to summer 2014!!!

  105. I began reading your Meridith Gentry novels in December of last year – went thru all of those and moved on to the Anita Blake series and have now read all of those, as well as the anthologies where one of your short stories was published. I love your writing – your books are interesting, they hold my attention, and they can be read again and again. I like almost all your characters, especially Willie McCoy, Dr. Lillian, Rafael, Jason, Anita, and the Red Hats. You are so inventive – what a great imagination. Thank you so much for writing your books. I have enjoyed them immensely and probably will for many years to come. I am homebound with spinal issues, so a book that takes me away from everyday life is something I treasure. Thanks again, very, very much!

  106. I found the Anita Blake books about 3 years ago and I read a book a day until I was finished. I love these books I’ve re read them several times (especially when I’m gearing up for a new release) I have a few favorite characters Anita, of course, Jean Claude, The Wicked Truth, Nathaniel, Raphael, Nicky and dare I say it…..Richard! Yep, I said it. I hope he gets it together. I also liked Requiem although we haven’t seen him in awhile. I am NOT an Asher fan he’s pulled one too many stunts and considering how he can make you infatuated with him, even Jean Claude, how can you trust it? Can’t pick a favorite book I have too many. I just know it will be a LONG year waiting for my next fix, but I know it will be worth the wait!

  107. I think anita and jean-claudeshuld have there own book just them two also i want to c what edward and anita relation ship wuld look intamatly

  108. I joined the series as a fluke with Skin Trade and I was hooked. I finished the book in a day (no small feat as a mother of 2) and immediately went on the hunt for book 1 through well, the rest. An I did. And as I finished the series, and waited expectantly for the next and the next, I just couldn’t get enough. As a Wiccan and a clarvoiant and empath, the world of Anita Blake rang so true, so real, it was easy to get lost in the story. It seemed as if I should be able to push through the barrier and be there, much like Alice’s looking glass. I am hard-pressed to pick a favorite character. Anita? Micah? Jean Claude? Claudia? I’d love to see more of Wicked Truth. Who drives me nuts? Richard. He needs to get a grip. My favorite book? Hmmm, Narcissus in Chains? Skin Trade? Hit List? Admittedly, there’s one I didn’t like. Understood it, but was disappointed (Kiss the Dead). I felt as if a book had been skipped, a conversation missed, and Anita was tired, flat out just done in. Like years and years had passed since Hit List and she didn’t feel like reselling the story now that Marmee Noir was gone, it just took too much energy. Just got Affliction and I’m ready to go…now, about the kids, work and the house… Ah heck, it can wait…Anita’s waiting and she’s not as patient as she could be even still…thank you, LKH. You are the best!

  109. Oh and should there ever be an opportunity for some strange universe cross-over, Anita might get a kick out of Riley Jenson. There may be a kindred spirit there….but Anita will always be my first love.

  110. I wonder about Cynric. He was found in an orphanage and nobody knows anything about him, yet he has a cousin named Rick which is why he won’t take that as his nickname.
    Which is it – does he have known family etc. or is he an unknown orphan? Or was the nickname just too useful to poke at what Anita considers her last shreds of morality?
    I’m not a big fan of the “this is bad because men in strange clothes said so thousands of years ago” mentality, by the way. I just wondered.

    And Richard…. is he eventually going to get a gigantic cosmic bitch slap, or will he just go through life as that irritatingly smug guy who just stares at you flatfooted with an uncomprehending stupid look on his face? Or here’s an idea – make a leftover ancient were-vamp thing bite him and make him have to deal with being a double monster, ha ha! Or, or,…. Olaf falls in love with were-vamp Richard and they run off into the sunset together to slaughter and pillage? No?

    Anyway, please keep writing….. perhaps with a tad more emphasis on monster plots and a weensy bit less over the top sex, if you can manage it : )

  111. Hi um miss Hamilton my name is jessica my question is um Anita Blake mean I read her book I’ve read all your books and I see your picture and I see a lot of Anita Blake in you my question is is Anita Blake based off of yourself

  112. Everybody has the favorites but honestly I love all the characters and Miss Hamilton book I’m a big and huge fan of hernia Blake series I own part of her other serious and I’m collecting all of her book so pretty soon I will have a large collection of her books I am a big fan of Anita and I see her struggles and her metamorphosis into stronger woman and I still buy reading and understanding these books did not only makes me a better person what makes me feel stronger I feel more in touch with myself I read the books I guess the best way to explain it

  113. i read your blog about your mothers death. i was 18 when mine was killed in same thing as yours was. all i can say is it will quit hurting someday

  114. I have loved every book of the Anita Blake series. I think I ended up reading 20 of them in a matter of a few weeks, like I said I loved them. But this last book Affliction it threw me for a loop. It seems like a totally different author is writing it. Anita thinking about love in the middle of a battle is not what she does. I say to much thinking and talking about love and not enough ass kicking. And where did the sex go? Just my thoughts.

  115. Can it be true that Nicky has yet to be mentioned? Personally, Nicky particularly, alike Haven, have a secured place in my heart. Nicky can still be under appreciated, but he is slowly earning his place and I love him for it. Similarly characters like The Wicked Truth, Jason, Damian, Crispin, Requiem, Alex, Ethan and Donovan in my opinion deserve more time, and affection. But I honestly love all the other body guards. Jean Claude truly is a given, he is what led me to fall in love with Anita and both her defensive and aggressive tendencies, alongside her strictly no bullshit independency. Edward is of course a classic, he only adds to Anita in the best of ways and allows a small level of separation from the ever growing puppy pile of drama at Circus of the Damned. Yancey, although new and currently undeveloped, caught my attention. Of course I cannot forget Micah and Nathaniel who are darlings for different reasons entirely, but I love them both. Characters like Richard, Cynric, Dev, Domino, Asher etc lead me to be somewhat less certain of my commitment to them. Not to say I don’t root for them, in most cases I do. Im a 22 year old female who found the series around five years ago, and I haven’t looked back since. I love Anita, I love the men in her life, I don’t know how to quite get my head around the idea of such security within a polyamorous relationship, but the challenge only encourages me to support Anita more. F

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