The Book is Done!

Jul 20, 2017

The next Anita Blake novel is off to my editor in New York! I am exhausted, elated, and happy to put it into her hands for a few weeks, while catch back up with the rest of my life.  I found this picture and it seemed to encapsulate what I feel about writing in my office, currently. 

35 thoughts on “The Book is Done!”

  1. Omg! I can hardly wait for its release! You are the best! Thank you for working so hard to make us fans happy! ?

  2. I’ve been depressed lately, I just lost my best friend of 39 yrs on June 26th, but this news has made me happy ?. So I’d like to thank you Ms. Hamilton, for all your hard work and sacrifice that you do while writing..I love this series and am doing a re-read of it right now and I’ll probably do another one right before the release of this new one next year…So again Thank you Laurell and go enjoy your family, you’ve definitely earned it??????❤️?

  3. Congrats!! Can’t wait til it’s my turn to have a copy in MY hands….lol !!

  4. Can’t wait to read the next instalment! I’m a huge Anita and Merry fan. Have about 3 different editions of each series including the graphic novels!!
    Will there be any others made into graphic editions? I have the first three books, but nothing after “Circus of the Damned”!

  5. Thank you for, once again, giving everything you have for our entertainment and pleasure. It does NOT go un-appreciated. Now please get some rest and enjoy life for bit.

  6. Great. Rest and please hurry with the next Merridith Gentry novel. Thank you for all your hard work.

  7. Yay!
    I am so excited for this despite not knowing which of your series this book relates to! Is it Anita or Merry, don’t mind either way but would like to know!
    Love all your books!

  8. Thank you I have read every book, everytime a new book comes out I read them again.Your my favorite author! Thanks again

  9. As a writer myself i can so relate. I am working on my last edit of my own book before i send querys. I am just like omg I am tired of this book and i feel like i will vomit before i finish the editing. One of my writing professors said so start the next one so you can deal with the editing of the first. Its good advice so I don’t feel so damn overwhelmed and i literally have told my characters shut up for awhile you pounding on me will make me turn you into an asshole! LOL. It’s worked they are now being impatiently patient. LMAO

  10. Eagerly awaiting this book.. I love the stories of Merry’s and Anita’s world.. Waiting with baited breathe on which one this will be about..

  11. I can’t even say how many times I have read amd re-read the series. I love your books! Can’t wait for this one to be released!

  12. I just turned thirty this year and have been reading your books since 10th grade. You have such an amazing talent for coaxing out the inner depths of your characters out to the point I could almost imagine meeting Anita or Merry and their band of merry men. Enjoy your time with family and friends. Keep up the amazing work.

  13. I can’t wait until next year when this one comes out! Take some me time while you have it and enjoy everything that’s outside your office? LoL Hopefully Merry and all her guys will be talking your ear off soon!! 😉

  14. I’m so excited. Thank you for all your hard work. I just decided to read the series again on my summer break. I’m on Hit List. I am always sad the series is over but now I can look forward to the new book. I have to take the day your books come out off work since I’m useless in the classroom. My 8th graders think it’s awesome I take a day off just to read.

  15. Can’t wait for the next book. Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing so much with us.

  16. Great can’t wait thank you for all your hard work to get it done get some rest with the family

  17. Thank you for spoiling us with the decadence that are Anita Blake books. Can’t wait to read the new one!

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