The constitutional amendment

Jul 31, 2004

The constitutional amendment to preserve marriage. First, I wasn’t aware that marriage was in danger of disappearing. Most of the people I know are, or have been, married. I’m sure it’s the same with you. So why, the amendment?
It isn’t about marriage, or even family values, though that’s what they are hiding behind. This amendment is about fear. It’s about distracting us with an emotional issue, so we won’t notice that the economy is in the toilet. That we all know more people out of work now, then we did before President Bush got into office. That we have lost over two hundred men and women in Iraq. (I by the way am a hawk on foreign policy matters, but if you look at history, America has never won a limited war. War is like so much in life, either do it full out, or don’t start.) And yes, I am aware that then President Clinton signed a Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 denying federal recognition to same sex marriages. But he did not propose amending the constitution. The constitution of the Untied States of America is supposed to protect the rights of its citizens, of all of its citizens, not just the ones you agree with.
This is the question for all of you? What do you think our goverment should be worrying about most? Homosexual marriage, or the economy? It seems to me that I’d rather have the goverment worrying about the economy, or maybe even the war, that who people are allowed to love. Am I over simplifying? Yes. But no more so than the people that want to pass this legislation.
Is marriage in danger? No. Is the old concept of it in danger? Yes, but not from same sex marriages. Marriage is in danger from the divorce rate in this country. Will this amendment change how divorce works in this country? Do you want it to? If they can legislate who a person can marry, by sex, then why stop there? Will it be religion next? Will the next amendment forbid marriage between Christian and Islamic, or Jewish, or Wiccan, or Quaker? Almost every amendment to the constitution has been to give us, the American people, more rights. One of the few that limited it was prohibition? Remember that one? All alcoholic beverages were illegal. That gave rise to another very American institution, organized crime. Yeah, other countries had it, even we had it, but prohibition allowed criminals to build empires. It was finally repealed, but it never worked. Why? Because we are a country that is based on freedom. Freedom to take a drink if we want one. Freedom to love who we love.
Do you want the government to be able to tell you who you can love?
They say they are protecting marriage, but marriage will be around long after this group of politicians has retired. They are looking for a scapegoat. Someone, or something to distract us from the issues. Don’t worry that so many people are out of jobs, and we are losing more every day to foreign shores. Never mind that America is in a war that most Americans are confused about. Never mind, that the deficit is bigger than when Bush came into office. All that will be fixed, if we just make same sex marriage illegal. Does any of this seem reasonable?
Is any of this going to change because two people who are in love get to marry legally, and happen to be the same gender? I don’t think so.
Funny, though, their tactic is working. Instead of wondering where our jobs are going, how do we afford a doctor’s visit for our sick child, now people are debating homosexuality, and living in sin. Because you must be legally married to be protected under this act, so living together without marriage is about to go back to being a sin in America. Legally.
Let me just quote some of President Bush’s remarks, “Marriage cannot be severed from it’s cultural, religious, and natural roots.” separation of church and state, what happened to that?
Quoting again, “America is a free society, which limits the role of government in the lives of our citizens.” Really.
For the first time in American history, most people in the middle class, believe that their children will not have a better life than they do. Shouldn’t that be the issue. Shouldn’t that be what the current President is most concerned with? Shouldn’t it?
Vote no on amending our constitution. Vote no on limiting any of our rights as a free people in the primary elections in your state. For most of you, it will be this up-coming week. All of you who feel safe; white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian, male; remember this. Once we amend the constitution to take away the rights of any of our people, it opens the door to amend it again, and take away more rights. If you vote yes, for this amendment, then you cannot complain in a few years when they take away our right to bear arms. You think they won’t, just because you vote Republicans back in office. All it will take is a majority of their polled voters, their demographics that they want, to say, no guns. They will promise you anything right now. They want to be elected. But later, they’ll want to be elected again. If you vote to limit other people’s rights, then do you deserve to have anything less done to your rights?
This country stands on a very slippery slope. We are one vote away from opening up the Constitution of the United States of America, to begin to limit our freedom.
I do not always agree with people, and how they live, or how they worship, but I will fight for their right to live and worship the way they see fit. Because America is about freedom. Or at least that was what I was taught in school. Was I taught wrongly? Is America now more about fear than freedom. Do most Americans fear others that are not like them, more than they value their own freedom?
America, land of the free, home of the brave. Sounds good, doesn’t it. America, land of hatred, home of the coward. They are counting on you hating homosexuality more than you value anything else. Do they know their demographics? Are they right? Do you hate someone else, more than you value your own freedom? Vote, no, not because you agree with the lifestyle, but because America is about freedom, and this amendment is about fear. Be brave, and send a message that the American people are not afraid to let everyone in this country be free.