The day got better

Apr 11, 2009

We could sleep in today, and I was wide awake at 4:30 AM. It was close enough for just getting up instead of laying there and staring at things, so I got up. I’m up earlier than a school day, and a little grumpy because of it. But the day got better from there. I actually had a really good writing session today, and it felt wonderful. Around mid-day Pili and Carri came to work on the garden. Pili is doing the garden; Carri is her labor force. Jon and I helped some, mostly toting and fetching for Pili. The beds are laid out and we’re awaiting a delivery of soil next week. I’m finally going to have those red climbing roses I’ve wanted since I was five-years-old. I guess it’s about time. We tried for sushi for dinner, but the restaurant had an hour wait so we had Thai instead, which was excellent. So now we’re sipping hot tea and about to head to bed. I’m really feeling that whole getting up before dawn at the moment, so bed and sleep sound really good.