The Opinion is in

Jul 24, 2008

Glad everyone enjoyed the newest Pod cast. We’ve taken your suggestions into consideration. Votes are in, and the random sticky note off the wall is going to be a permanent part of the "show". The only complaint was that you guys wanted more than one sticky note per show. Greedy.

You also requested that you get news in the next Pod cast that hadn’t first been in the blog. I’m a little puzzled by that request, but I’ll see what I can do. You also wanted to hear us more often, and have a more regular schedule, so you’d know when it was coming. You also wanted a subscription button. Jon and Darla will work on that. Though, honestly I still don’t understand exactly what the button is, or what it does. It isn’t really about subscriptions; not exactly.

My goal is a Pod cast a month. I’ll try and do a news portion that’s different from the blog, but with me doing a blog almost every day, it’s a little hard to know what to talk about. I’ll work on it.

Thanks for everyone who got back to us, and let us know the majority opinion.