The Plan

Dec 06, 2011

I’m going to try and do a blog at least three days a week from this point on. I do not plan to go back to a blog a day, that became burdensome. But so many of you have said how much you enjoy the blog and miss me posting one regularly that I’m going to try.

Proposed topics for future blogs:

Hair care for curly hair. This is actually one of the most requested.

Skin care. People want to know what I’m doing. Again, a strangely popular request.

Gym: what am I doing to stay in shape.

Nutrition and healthy eating.


Ideas, how to get them, what inspires me.

How do I write characters with so much real life in them? (I’m honestly not certain I can answer this question. If I can’t figure out how to explain it, then I won’t blog about it. Fair?)

Muse, the Muse, the Muses, or my Muse/Muses – A lot of people seem to believe that the Muse is a real person in my life; sorry to disappoint, but nope. But apparently I need to explain in more detail what I mean by the muse, or my muse.

Is there going to be more Anita books, yes, I’m currently writing next one. Ditto for Merry, and yes, she’s talking in my head again. But a lot of you want to know news, and insights about one, or both of my girls. If I can do it without huge spoilers I will.

Maybe I should just do a blog about the most common questions asked, like will there be more of, and such.

Wiccan – what it means to be Wiccan and how our family follows our path of faith.

Wiccan – books to recommend.

The Holidays, and do we really have to be so bloody cheerful?

Favorite books of mine.

DragonCon – what Jon and I did this year.

The Anne Rice Vampire Ball and New Orleans

The Anita Blake comic/graphic novel. I’ll try to post some line art. It’s yummy!

These are just a few of the topics people have requested that I blog about. I reserve the right to come up with brand new ideas and blog those instead of the above. The blog, like all writing, is better if a little inspiration is included, or at least it’s easier for me to write, and as I’m on a very tight deadline right now, easier is better.