The Show Must Go On
For all those who were at the Wolf Howl last night, I’m feeling better. I think I just pushed it too much with the spider bite and all. But, honest, I’m better than when you last saw me. Just tired, and yes, it is still hurting, but that’s the nature of the beast.
Several of you asked why didn’t I cancel last night? Well, I knew people had flown in out of state for one thing. Another is the Wild Canid Center is a great place, and one of my favorite charities so I couldn’t let them down. I also couldn’t let all of you guys who got tickets down. The show must go on, really is one of my mottoes.
I’m glad I made it, and you guys got your questions answered, and the reading. You can see why you will probably be the only audience I read this to. In book stores they tend to put you on microphone over the store, and I am not reading those chapters where children might over hear. Parents should be able to decide when their kids learn the facts of life, not some accidentally overheard reading by an author. Nifty scene though, isn’t it?
I’m off to bed. The bite looks better every day. I’m just hoping it’s completely well by the day of the book on sale for A LICK OF FROST. That would be really, really nice.