
Aug 04, 2007

People wonder why I have such a good work ethic. Well, here’s one reason. When everything goes to shit the writing sustains me. I can always say no matter how awful things get the books are waiting, and I write. I wrote through my divorce. I wrote through my grandmother’s dying. I write, and as things get worse I fall into my writing like a safety net, or a haven.
Right now I am so tired I’m weepy. But I sit here and I write. I do work. It’s what I do, and it brings a measure of calm. Just the process of typing on the keyboard and watching words form helps me feel better. Hopefully, this maudlin mood will pass when I get some food in me, and some hot tea. Jon and I love seeing all you guys at the cons but three of them in less than two weeks, one of them being San Diego comiccon, has just wiped us out. I wouldn’t have missed any of it for the world, but damn we are tired. I’m actually thinking something I’ve never done before. I’m thinking about refusing a panel. It’s at 11:00 at night to midnight. Yesterday’s panels ended at midnight for me, too. I think I need more sleep. I just don’t think I can face another midnight run. If I still feel this way I’ll tell everyone at the panels and signings today that I won’t be doing the late-late panel. Sigh.
Oh, and we’re at Nasfic, the North American con when World con is out of the country. It’s here in Collinsville, Illinois. At least we didn’t have to get on a plane. That was a mercy.