
Oct 23, 2007

We’re only minutes from the car picking us up, and taking us to the first signing for A LICK OF FROST. There is something in the air that reminds me of the first night of a play. You wait in the wings. You hear the audience filling up the seats. You peek around the curtain. Sometimes, there’s hardly anyone and you have to go on for the play. You have to give the performance for yourself, and for the other performers, the director, and all the behind the scenes people that put sweat and effort into this night. Other times, the crowd is amazing, and you play to that energy. But empty, or full, eager, or not; the play is the thing. The show is the thing. The performance is the thing.
The doctor was happy today, which made me happy. I’m still hurting, but it’s better, but hurting, or not, I’d be here tonight. I’ll be there. Jonathon, Charles, Darla, and I, will be there. All the months of effort, all the lonely hours when I wasn’t sure the book was working, or if I was lost in the maze of plot and character, comes down to this. To the book being on the shelves and you being able to buy it. You finally, all of you, being able to read it. To experience it. This is the moment that it’s all been working towards. But, it’s also about the signings; about seeing you guys in person. It’s about grabbing the microphone and answering your questions. It’s about seeing you guys across the country. It’s how as we get further away from this first day, that more and more of you have finished the book, and your questions change, grow, and spoilers are so dangerous.
Tonight we’re here in St. Louis, in our home town. Next stop will be Salt Lake City, Utah. For those who have been reading my blog and wondering if that arachnid attack was going to stop me from seeing you on the road, no worries, I’ll be there.