Trying to be calm

May 31, 2007

They say that if you have a mantra you use when you meditate that when you are in a stressful situation you can simply recall your mantra and be at peace. It’s sort of a way to get a taste of that meditative calm when you can’t actually meditate. I know the concept, really, I do.
But the only mantra I can come up with is, “I will not throw up. I will not throw up.”
I was on a plane in March. Apparently, I need to be flying more often to make this phobia even close to manageable. Blast.
I’ve got a stack of magazines that I never got to read with me. I’ve got comfortable easy to kick off air port shoes. I’ve got music and a Bose sound reduction headset, though the fact that they won’t let you use it on take off or landing, the times when I need it most, is most disconcerting.
I will also have the new Jason book with me, and may try to work on the plane. I find that working on my own book is more absorbing than reading someone else’s sometimes. If my head hasn’t gotten too ugly. We’ll see how it goes.