Twentieth Anniversary

Jun 24, 2013

It’s the twentieth anniversary of Anita Blake. It’s weird and wonderful just to be able to type that. I’ve been trying to write a blog about this amazing milestone, but each time it just isn’t right. What was it I wanted to say? I’ve had about four false starts, and then it came to me, exactly what I wanted to say.
Instead of talking about my memories of creating Anita, I want to know your memories of reading her. What’s your favorite scene, or moment, in the books? What has reading the books for all these years meant to you? If your new to my writing, how did you discover it, and what took you so long to come play? *laughs* To all of you who love Anita and the gang, how have the books affected your real life? Tell me what you love in my imaginary world, and which of my imaginary friends has meant the most to you? Comment on the blog and I’ll read the comments, and then I’ll either talk about your comments in the comments, or maybe another blog. It’s just so amazing to me that my characters and I have been through twenty years and Affliction is about to be the 23rd book – 23 books in one series in twenty years – how cool is that?
Can’t wait to read your comments!

298 thoughts on “Twentieth Anniversary”

  1. I started reading about Anita around ’96 or ’97, and marveled at how seamlessly you wove this world into ours. I truly felt I could go to St. Louis and see the Circus, or walk into the clubs. I re-read the whole series quite often, and I relive that same wonder I felt when I first discovered your world. Thanks for enriching all of our imaginations, and making some of us wonder what was real and what was just written in the book.

  2. I have been reading your books for almost 10 years now. They have inspired me to try and live life to the fullest, not to run and hide from doing something that may scare me. I had a past partner pass away in a violent and senseless accident and for a long time I was very scared to put myself in another relationship in fear of losing that person. Your books in part greatly influenced my gumption to get out there again. I would not be with a wonderful guy today if not in part from reading your novels. So in thanks, I say Congrats on reaching 20 years with Anita, here is to another 20 😉

  3. I discovered Anita Blake when I was 12 (yes, young, I know.) The Librarian at the Casey Co. Library in Kentucky took one look at me and she said, “Girl, I know exactly what you need,” and with that, she loaded me up with what I believe may have been the first three…no, four books? I read them in two and a have days. I devoured every word. I’m twenty now, and Anita has been with me through my hardest of times yet. When the worlds seems to be crushing me under it’s impossible weight, I can escape with her. I can get lost in the politics of her world, and the love. I’ve ready nearly every single book more than once (I haven’t had the pleasure of reading the latest simply because I cannot afford to buy it at the time, but I plan on devouring it as well as soon as possible). I believe that the Harlequin is my favorite simply because of the details that were put into describing the great hunt. I’m a hedge witch, and follower of both Diana and Hecate. Those details were so important to me (as were the detail put toward it in the M.G. novels ♥). My favorite characters? Asher, Richard, and Nathaniel because they remind me of people I once knew… people I feel like I’ve known for many lives. And of course, Anita is my favorite above all of the pretty men you create for us. She’s everything that I want to be as a woman, and an inspiration to the necromancer within me (not that I believe in raising the dead. Strictly on a spirit work basis). Your novels aren’t just books to read. They aren’t just entertainment. They’re soul-filled, inspiring, and beautifully filled with characters that almost seem like family.

    Hope that wasn’t too long.


    1. I feel the exact same way, Anita has gotten me through some extremly tough times. She’s helped me narrow down my friends list too because with the friends I was keeping I didn’t need enimes, after reading her novles I began to notice who my friends and foes were she put a better understanding of trust in my head.

    2. I am also from Kentucky and started reading this series at 12. I grew up watching things like Goosebumps and Tales from the Crypt, so when I saw the 1st Anita book in a used bookstore in 2001, I had to have it! This series has helped shape me into the woman I am today by instilling in me the importance of trust, unconditional love, acceptance, honesty, and faith as well as the sanctity of sharing your body with the person who makes you whole. My favorite characters ate Anita, Jean-Claude, & Edward.

  4. I found out about AB through a fan fiction site! The writer of the fiction is one of my face but I had no idea who Anita was but bit sounded interesting! I started reading at book 7 and picked up more and more! I was the quiet kid without many friends I found comfort in learning about the AB world !

  5. I HAVE BEEN A FAN SINCE 2000, my roommate at the time gave me Burnt Offerings, needless to say she became my best friend and Anita Blake was the reason we still talk every week! So I would like to say THANK YOU LAURELL! For not only bringing me and my best friend together but for writing Anita Blake.

  6. Hi Laurell,

    Hi form Romania,Transilvania actually 😉
    I’ve been a fan of your work for a couple of years now.I tell people about you and your works all the time, somehow it makes it into my conversations. Anita helped me a lot with my work, I’m drawing artist and I had a struggle with inspiration 2 years ago, and her adventures helped me focus on my work, I was working and listening to audiobooks of Anita. My favorite of all time of Anita’s books must be The Burnt Offerings, the scene with jean Claude and Anita just having dinner is mind blowing sexy, a really powerful scene for me.
    So to wrap it all up, I just wanted to let you know that you have a fan here, far far away from the states who read all the Anita books and who keeps reading them. And I read your blog, your exercises motivated me to make an effort with my life and move my ass from the computer once in a while 🙂
    Lots of love 🙂


  7. Wow, twenty years! The series is older than me, just by one year though 😀 Congratulations on such an amazing journey you’ve created something awesome, for lack of a better word. In my sophomore year of high school I had a friend with whom I shared books with. I asked her if she’d read any books with a strong female badass. I was so tired of the young adult, damsel in distress sort of books. She tried to explain to me what she had just read (The Harlequin) but she thought it too complex so she suggested I read it and find out for myself. She warned me about some steamy bits to which I responded by shrugging. I was not about to skip pages when I needed to understand the story, the ardeur included. I went on to read Blood Noir and then I worked my way up. Odd, right? But I enjoyed reading the series this way, knowing the solution, then the problem 🙂
    I cannot tell you how amazed I was with the world you created. I mean you went all out, Laurell haha. You created laws,adapted your own mythology, I also believe you created a fairly accurate worldly response to the supernatural. In your world, there is a proportionate (to not say fair) amount of prejudice and wonder when it comes to vampires, lycanthropes, and all other creatures. I point this out because I’ve lost count how many books I’ve read in which the world is either at war with the supernatural or all too accepting. But I was mostly impressed with Anita. Aside from her special gifts, she is incredibly relatable in that she’s not at all perfect. In fact, she’s one of the most imperfect main female characters I’ve read. But trust me, that’s a beautiful thing. It’s real. I guess that’s another thing I love about your series, Laurell. No matter how freaking crazy your world may get (not a complaint, I love it) your characters always seem like true people. They have real issues that aren’t gone overnight,or by the next chapter/book.
    My favorite moments (I can’t pick one!) are when Anita finally learns to work with the ardeur instead of fighting it,when she and Edward become best friends, when she breaks it off with Richard (I’m sorry but I cannot stand that man! Hope he’s gotten better, for his sake.), when she and Nathaniel become a fullout couple (yay!), when Asher is yelled at for being a childish *sshole and sent away for a while (it had to be done),and last but not least Nicky! Not really a moment but I love Nicky! Holy sh*t I wrote waaay more than I had planned. Well, congratulations again on these twenty years of Anita Vampire Hunter Novels and I can’t wait for Affliction! God Bless.

  8. I ‘found’ Anita and the delicious Jean-Claude about 3 years ago quite by chance in my local
    library. I read ‘Killing Dance’ first and then of course had to catch up. In the end I ended
    up buying the whole series. They opened up a whole new world of wonderful characters
    for me, that now I’d hate to live without. Here’s to the next 20 years! Thank you.

  9. I picked up Guilty Pleasures at the Waldenbooks in the mall. I was working at Kmart that summer in college. Obsidian Butterfly is probably my favorite book and I have a soft spot for Edward. I have been kidded over the years for my reading material and specifically your books as they are a favorite and a frequent re-read. My response always is that Anita Blake has problems that I will never have and if I wanted reality I could turn on the evening news.

    I am so glad that you are able to write full time and I have enjoyed the both the Anita Blake and Merry Gentry books immensely. If you are looking at something else to do (I know – eye roll and snicker at the concept), I really enjoyed the elven/incubus book that is a single book. I know from reading your blog/newsletters over the years that you had written the 2nd book and it never got published. If you would be interested in writing on it, I would be interested in reading it.

    Congratulations on such a milestone and for inviting so many people into a world that we have enjoyed for so many years.


  10. Feeling like I am part of Anita’s life and family as we’ve watched her grow and change and find her place in life. I love that she and all the other characters – Jean Claude, Micah, Nathaniel, Jason, etc. have made their own family and love each other how it works for them. I’ve really loved watching Anita change her attitudes and judgements as her life and feelings have changed. I know there has been criticism over that but, real people are capable of those kinds of changes too – it does happen! There so much to love about the series – thrilling, dramatic, humorous (Zebrowski is excellent), and, of course, the hot sex scenes don’t hurt either 😉 Thank you for 20 years of Anita – looking forward to more!

  11. I think my favorite scene is when Anita is fighting the Harlequin in the church and she finally has it out with Richard, telling him that it is easy to say that you are righteous if you aren’t having sex but it’s more important to take care of the people in your life whom you love. That one and the scene where she is talking about her views on abortion. I think it is because she is (you are) so philosophically in accord with my own thoughts and feelings.

    I underline and dog-ear passages that I want to come back to over and over again.

    Keep the books coming … I’ll keep reading them!

  12. I have been reading the Anita Blake books since 1999. From them I have felt better about being short (yup I’m shorter than Anita) since she can kick butt. They have helped keep my brain occupied during being sick, plane rides (I am also claustrophobic), and being on bed rest when I was pregnant with my little one. Thank you so much for writting them all!

  13. I’m glad that you and the gang(s) are in my life.

    Fave Anita scene? Meeting all of her penguins for the first time.

  14. I started reading your books about 10 years ago. My sister in law started me on them and I couldn’t be happier! I now own every book you’ve published that I know of and can’t wait for more. My husband is addicted to them as well. We have had many moments where we are walking through a store and seen a t-shirt or coffee cup and said, “Anita would love it.” Edward is my hubby’s favorite character and of course mine is Nathaniel.

  15. I stumbled into Anita’s world during a bad time of my life from a friend who thankfully had every book. I started flipping through one of the books in the middle of the series and my friend set me up with the first book. Page by page I found myself unable to put the book down. I started by not rooting for Jean Claude and adoring Richard to loving Jean Clause and having such mixed emotions with Richard, (though now I’m all Team Micah/Team Nathaniel – lol). The books were an escape from the rough time I was in and I’ve been addicted ever since, (and addicting other friends now too)! You bring everyone to life so well. Others and myself get attached. We get excited for the happy moments and cry at the loss of ones we loved…and sometimes we yell at them and my husband gives us a “Have you gone completely mad?” look.

    Thank you so much for bringing the Anitaverse to life!

  16. Anita taught me how to be comfortable with myself.. To be proud of who I am and accept nothing less from anyone else. I was 18 when I began my journey with Anita… Nearly 10 years on and I hope we stick together for many more years to come. Short chicks rock!!! Xx

  17. My absolute favorite scene was when Richard shifted over Anita, which was her first time witnessing the process & she got freaked out. She went to Jean Claude a complete mess! He ran her a bath & fell in trying to hand her a towel. It cracked me up & made me realize how nervous he was about her!!! LOVE THAT PART!

  18. One of my favourite scenes, is where Anita is learning to become the alpha the leopards need. The moment where she take pleasure in the simple task of bricking Nathenails hair.

    Another is when she realizes that she loves her main leopard men, Micka and Nathenial.

    Scenes where you see another side to Edward is always awesome. Thank you for you wonderful world of Anita. I can’t wait to read the new book.

  19. I was introduced to your books my a friend who was teaching me how to role play. The role play involved werewolf’s, vampires, demons etc., I started out with Blue Moon and fell in love with Richard and was hooked. My husband and I then picked up the first three books and have now read them all. I have grown to love this genre and have added other authors to list while waiting for your books to be published. I currently play a werewolf named Trista who is a veterinarian in a small town. I’ve also had characters who were vampires, and one that was mage. I’m sure I wouldn’t have stayed with this type of role play/writing had I not found your books.

  20. I love that we saw the human side, her struggle with who she beloved she was and her coming to terms with her changing life, circumstances and power. In BLUE MOON, when she thought she was strong enough to face Richard’s beast and ended up running; all the Times she had to stretch herself to save the men she loves; being so true to her idea of love that there is no such thing as casual for her! I love that we saw the price it all cost her.

  21. I belonged to science fiction and fantasy book club and one day along time ago i was going through my monthly order book and saw this book about a vampire hunter! It was called club vampire an omnibus edition so i bought it and the rest is history been addicted to Anita since. When the book came i read it and finished in half a day and then next headed to my bookstore to see if there was anymore to read and there was!! happy dance! i reread the books at least once month sometimes twice if have nothing else to read! Some many characters to choose from my favourite of course is Anita , Edward close second and everyone else is third lol.

  22. I have loved loved loved reading the Anita Blake Series!!!! My favorite character by far is Micah. He is very patient and calm, which I think Anita is drawn too, yet, he also has this amazing strength as well. However, reading your books, all characters are essential in Anita’s life, for the most part. They all connect with a piece of Anita and in part make her who she is.

    Reading your books both Blake and Gentry, have given me a chance to live in a world that encompasses this life. Thank you again!!!

  23. I enjoyed the early Anita books tremendously, and have found it really interesting to watch you come into your writing style over the years. As always, looking forward to reading more of your work!

  24. Both my daughter and I love your books. We love Anita!!! My daughter named her son Asher. Thank you for writing them.

  25. At DragonCon 2010 I came across your booth and met your sister. I had never read an Anita Blake book and was intrigued. But it being my first DC I was overwhelmed and didn’t go to see you. On the way home we stopped at a bargain book store and I found a paperback of Guilty Pleasures for $1.97. I got it and immediately started reading it. Didn’t stop until it was over. I was hooked!

    At DragonCon 2011 I went immediately to your booth to find out when you would be there. I also was looking for a hardcover book for you to sign. By this time I had read ALL of your books on my Kindle. I hadn’t read the short book Flirt and it was an autographed copy. And got it thinking I would never be able to meet you and get it autographed in person. Chica told me that the comic artist of the comic that was in the back of the book would be doing “Kilt Blowing” that night. I took my book to get Jennie Breeden to sign it for me. Kilt Blowing was amazing! My hubby had a utiliKilt and decided to join in. My sister and I got a front floor seat and watched the kilts, and skirts, fly. Then YOU came onto the stage and got “blown” by Jennie. I took so many pictures. Then you hung around and I took more pictures. After it was over my husband came and got me and led me over to you. Come to find out he had talked to Chica and you back stage and told you what a huge fan I was of yours. You let him take a picture of you and me. This is my most treasured memory of DragonCon.

    Thank you so much for supporting your fans as much as we support you! You and Jon are so kind and gracious to your fans, even when they find you in the hallways of DC. I witnessed when a fan stopped you to present you with My Little Ponies they had customized for you. You took time to talk to them and get pictures with them. Most famous authors would have had one of their people take the tribute and run off with maybe a quick thanks. You are not just an amazing author, you are an amazing person. Here’s to 20 more years of Anita Blake.

  26. Before I read guilty pleasures I knew I would be hooked. I cant explain why but I just knew. It is from reading about anita and her life, I have been inspired to write. the way she has grown as a person and in power how your writing brought her and her friends to life. I knew I wanted to create my own world, with my own characters to share with everyone. I treasure every moment I have spent in your worl, with the amazing people and creatures that your excellent writing style has given us. I wish you and yours the very best. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you.

  27. I’ve been reading Anita for the last 15 years or so. I was introduced to her through a friend that was a huge fan. From the first book my favorite character, aside from Anita, is Jean Claude. I love his ready wit and cutting sarcasm. I also love the way he loves Anita even when she messes everything up. At one time, I did like Richard, but he turned out to be a needy pain in the rear. That being said, I think of all the books so far I enjoyed The Killing Dance the most. Obsidian Butterfly runs a very close second. Thank you, Laurell, for writing such captivating books. Here’s to another 20 years.

  28. I love your books so much I’ve been a reader for 12 . I just adore the whole series. I love that no matter how many times i read them its like the first time. One of my favorite moments is when Anita and jean claude finally got together. Jean Claude and Edward have to be my favorite charaters. Your books have helped me through some really hard times in my life. I love the fact that I can pick up one of your books and get lost in them and not worry about life for awhile and i love the fact that even after I’ve read them as many times as i have and still they can help me like it’s the first time. Thank you so much for all your hard work and effort that you do for us to be able to read your books. Thank you for introducing us to your imaginary friends and bringing them to life for us. I hope for many more books. You are and will always be my favorite author.

  29. I loved the earlier innocent Anita. She was full of sass and indomitable… She kicked ass. The thing I loved most about her was her strength: she knew her place in the universe. She kind of lost her way in some of the later books. Guilty Pleasures was a page turner, yes Jean-Claude was sexy, but it was Anita that provided the focus. Her story was believable, told with incredible empathy and yet her iron will proved essential to her character. As a role model, the younger Anita is inspirational as she shows young women that you can take charge, you can be fit, you can control your own destiny and you don’t have to surrender to peer pressure or media representations of what your life should be. You can come from any background and be accepted for everything you are, just be yourself. I think that’s a powerful message to all girls, not just grown women.

  30. I have been with Anita almost from the beginning – I found Circus of the Damned at the grocery store and have never looked back. For me, Anita has been like a touchstone and a best friend. There is always something, even if it’s just one line, that speaks to me. I spent years relating to her her anger and confusion, and watching her find peace has been a bit of a struggle for me. I cried when she and Ronnie stopped being best friends. Richard rips my heart out, no matter what he’s doing. Asher is another favorite of mine. He’s so damaged and beautiful.
    Every other year or so, I go back and read through them again, from Guilty Pleasures to the end, and they never get old. I never get tired of them, and I do hope I never will.

    Thank you, Laurell, for creating such a human character who has grown and learned and changed over a twenty year period…and for creating a universe that is so believable and easy to get lost in. My life would be vastly different had I not found Anita and a place that allowed me to feel so much of my own pain.

  31. I’ve been reading the Anita Blake series since 2009 or so. I got into them after my sister gave me a copy of Guilty Pleasures to read when I went off to learn how to look for a job, fill out resumes, applications and learn how to live on my own. Anyway I got handed a copy of it, started to read it and there was just something about Anita that got me hooked. She seemed like an interesting character who was not only one of the guys but could hold her own against the guys and kick butt while doing it.

  32. I have enjoyed the journey through the years. With every new book release I started at the very beginning (first book) and re-read the entire series before opening the latest installment. I found your wonderful stories in a low point in my life, and escaping into the details and humor helped me take time away from my sorrows. I believe I joined the journey with the release of Circus of the Damned, so fairly early in Anita’s career, and have been a dedicated fan ever since. Even if forced to chose a favorite character…I would be unable to. It is the interaction, quirky-ness, and character development that builds the story and pulls me into the world you are creating. What I enjoy most is the play of perspective that I find. How each character reacts to a situation, or how Anita is forced to deal with how her relationships are evolving. As we are all different, how Anita responds to a situation may be drastically different from how I may view the same scenario, and that provides me with yet another perspective to dwell on and understand. Of course, there are times when Anita and I share perspective and I feel as though we are kindred spirits. It is an amazing imaginative playground and I love to delve into the ‘what if’s’ as I go and play.

    Thank you for sharing your characters and stories with the world. Your considerable talent for putting ‘pen to paper’ amazes me, and also provides me with a wonderful world to enter and enjoy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙂

  33. I want to thank you and your books for getting me through the death of my mom 13 years ago. I picked the first one up a week before she died at age 53. She loved books and she was excited to know how I liked them. She was a fan-I started rereading it to her on her deathbed at the hospital. I kept reading your books every time it got hard to breathe. I love your books and they have helped me escape reality for a bit when it was tough. I always look forward to your next one and know my mom would love them too.

  34. favorite Anita quote Book two : ‘pimps beware! I’m taking the master of the city to tender loin. It was like taking a thermal nuclear device to blow up ant hills. I was always one for over kill.’

    I love the fact that she can make a ‘bad ass’ like Edward laugh.
    So much more I could put up here. But would be a minni novel in itself (or at least a sizable zine…)
    What have I learned from anita? That its okay that I hate shopping and ‘preening’ . If anything, i get a sense of relief that Anita is around. even if she isn’t real. The best fiction often has its bases in reality somewhere. Maybe we all have a little bit of Anita in us somewhere. That bit that says never say die (and where the f&@# is my coffee).
    Anyway many happy returns to Anita, the gang and most importantly Laurell 🙂

  35. I have been reading the series for about 8 years. Love them and always look forward to the next book!

    Anita is such a great character. In each book as she grows, changes and adapts to everything in her life is great because it shows a human character as we all have to change too.

    I have more than 1 favorite character lol. The core group is still my fav–Anita, Edward, Jean-Claude, and yes even Richard. The other characters are great too and look forward to the progression of them also!

  36. I’m not really sure how I stumbled onto Anita. I think it was because I was writing a story of my own at the time and found an article you’d written about being a writer. It was a very well written and interesting article and it inspired me to keep going with the journey of submitting my story to agents… nothing came of it as far as my story goes, but I did become addicted to Anita. It’s hard for me to break away to read other books but I’m trying to let you have a one book lead on me! I admire your gift as a writer, it astounds me that you are able to write so quickly and so well… I would say that I envy you but that implies a negative connotation, so I will say instead that I’m in awe of your ability to write. Thank you for being so accessible to your fans and involving us in your process. As for my favorite scenes, I like the interaction between Anita and Edward, especially since they have become friends. And as creepy as Otto is, he is an intriguing character. What can I say? I like pretty much everything about the series. Happy anniversary!

  37. Let me see, I think I began reading right before Blood Noir. My librarian friend introduced them to me and I read them out of order, beginning with Narcissus in Chains. Woah, what a beginning! I was very straight laced and sexually inhibited. Reading Anita really helped me develop a better and less selfish sexual relationship with my husband. I don’t know if it saved my marriage, but it certainly made it a better one.

    I also love the gun safety in your books. Guns are for killing, period. If you point it at something, you best mean to kill it. I’ve never thought guns (even toy guns) were toys, but gave me a way to articulate what I felt about guns.

    Thank you for sharing your imaginary friends with us!

  38. Anita means the most to me. When I first started reading, way back when, being a 5’0 curly haired woman taking martial arts myself, it was neat to identify with a bad ass chick who wasnt stereotypical comic book boobs and tall. I love that she is a whole, real person. She has foils, imperfections, perfect moments, tender moments. I love that she built her family around her. She protects those that she loves fiercely like a lioness.

    As for scenes, there are just too many to name. I love mostly her interactions with Edward. I love when she is put in awkward situations and has to deal with them. I love when she has to put pain in the ass Boys Club asshats in their place. I love when she is defending those she loves. I Just Love Her. Thank you for 20 years. I look forward to 20 more.

  39. I’m newer to the series, just picked it up 3 years ago or so. A friend had the entire series (20 at the time) and lent them to me. I’m now I diehard Anita fan. I own all the books on my Nook, and am slowly building my physical library of them, too.

    At the time I started reading them, both my kids were under 4, and I was a stay at home mom. Anita was my way of escaping the insanity of my day and having some “me” time. I would read while they were napping, or at night after they went to bed while my husband gamed. They helped me get through some personal rough patches. Anita herself has also inspired me to learn about guns. While I haven’t gone shooting, yet (thanks to crazy ammo prices), I have a range date set up with a friend who will teach me everything he knows. 4 years ago, I would practically have a panic attack if I was in the same house as a gun, or saw someone carrying one.

    I have recently gotten my husband to start reading Anita. He’s on Circus now, and I think I can get him to read a few more. After all, who doesn’t love Anita?

  40. I only got into the Anita blake last year and i sort of stumbled across it and thought i would give it a go, i read all 21 books in a row, which had taken me about 4 weeks to read and it was just before Kiss the dead came out, so i was hooked by then!! I have just finished re-reading them so it’s all fresh in my mind for when the next one comes out (cant wait), My favs are Nicky, Wicked Truth ( love them) Nathaniel and Edward, Richard and Asher just do my head in , i dont know how she puts up with them!
    I love reading both Blake and Gentry( is there going to be more? )books , so thanks heaps for writing them !

  41. Wow..20 years..
    First of all, I have to say that I’m Italian and I discovered about Anita’s books 3 years ago. I’ve always been a fan of the Supernatural world and even in cartoons, I prefered the ones with magical kids and so on..When I watched a cartoon with a Vampire girl, I was like mesmerized by her world. So, since I was a teen, Vamps, Werewolves, Witches and Fairies were like my BFFs. Being born with a very awful health, books were my world. I started to write stories myself when I was 12 and since then, I’ve been collecting books about Vampire’s world since I was a teen. But after reading The Chosen by LJSmith and then watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I started to like reading about killing Vamps and different supernatural’s creatures.
    How did I discovered about Anita’s books? Well..I was buying the new books from The Vampire Diaries’ saga and I saw “Guilty Pleasure”. Love at first sight. I bought the first five books all at once. I’m an avid reader so I read them in three days. The next day, I went to another library and I ordered the others. Some of them are not even translated in Italian yet so, I bought them in English.
    What can I say about those awesome books? I like Anita for being always herself. She prefers to suffer than going against her believes. It’s true that, most of the times, she had to swallow her pride but she just did what she had to do to save the people she cares about. I see myself in her and I smile every single time she speaks her mind even when she put her life in danger because of it.
    Thank you Anita for giving me strength when I just wanted to disappear.
    Thank you LKHamilton for creating Anita and his world but especially for creating Asher and Micah..Those men drive me wild..
    Hey! I’m in love not dead.;)))
    With pure devotion, Arek.

  42. There are so many moments that I love in your books, bits of insight into the characters and into life in general: I have to say I’m finding it hard choosing one!! OH but if i really had to it would have to be the moment when you first meet Edward! I love him, a lot… It’s been incredible reading anita’s journey and I have to thank you once again for your amazing writing!

  43. I came into the series when a friend from work introduced me to it about 5 years back now. She gave me the first 5 in paperback to read and keep if I liked them, and after reading the first few chapters I was hooked !! I got the rest out of the local library and they all came in @ once. I had like 17 of them to pick up and I read through them quickly. I find I like Anita’s sense of humor and just the struggles of her relationships with all her men. I really got frustrated with the Richard/Anita fights in blue moon and some others, as I had really wanted them to work. Though I love Nathaniel and Micah, at first I wanted Anita and Richard to get together for good. Now I just hope she keeps them and Jean Claude.

  44. I have only been reading Anita for 6 years or so. I have read all of the books and novellas. My favorite parts are unusual as far as I can tell. In no particular order: When Anita is in Vegas and meets the SWAT practitioners there and does the impressive curls. In fact I love all of the sequences with the practitioners. I also love the two scenes with Ethan in Seattle, the fight in the boiler room and when she finally gets to be with him . And finally I love the part where Marcus and Raina get their comeuppance. I was once rooting for Edward to

  45. I started reading in 1998 when my friend let me borrow Burnt Offerings. I quickly went out and read all the previous books, and I was hooked.

    I will have to say that my favorite Anita Blake moment was not a scene from the story itself, but rather the fact that reading Blue Moon was a contributing factor to me failing 11th grade Trigonometry. I couldn’t wait to read it, so I just read it in Trig behind my textbook. And because I didn’t pay attention in class, or do my homework because I was reading then as well….I didn’t pass the tests, which Mr. Morris made 70% of the grade.

    I guess it wasn’t funny at the time (to my mom), but it’s pretty funny now.

  46. I have been reading Anita for nearly 10 years. I remember the first book I got my hands on was Blue Moon, I read it and then realized there were more books to be had. I have been hooked since then. I have to say that I am a introvert, I have a hard time going out and making friends, I met my at a book club the week they started your books. It might be silly but your writing has been with me each huge part of my life, never like a huge part of it but always along the way! I wish you a happy long life and hope you keep happy in your writing!

  47. I have only been reading Anita for 6 years or so. I have read all of the books and novellas. My favorite parts are unusual as far as I can tell. In no particular order: When Anita is in Vegas and meets the SWAT practitioners there and does the impressive curls. In fact I love all of the sequences with the practitioners. I also love the two scenes with Ethan in Seattle, the fight in the boiler room and when she finally gets to be with him . And finally I love the part where Marcus and Raina get their comeuppance. I was once rooting for Richard to win Anita’s heart. Then Haven. Now, I am team Ethan, Domino and Dev. But no secondary character is better than Edward/Death/Ted. He by far is my favorite other than Anita.

    Happy 20th Anniversary! Looking forward to Affliction!!

  48. Hi Laurell,

    I discovered Anita Blake when I was 14 when one of my friends Sarah began passing around the books amongst our friends. I found Anita refreshing, honest and true to herself and it really helped me through those rocky teenager years when so much was happening. Family struggles and personal ones it was also a way that brought my group of friends that didn’t fit in anywhere alot closer together. Anita showed me that you could be strong and you could do anything you wanted to do and be damned if anyone will tell you you can’t. I’m 24 now still an avid Anita Blake fan. Thank you for everything and for all the books to come in the future.

  49. I’ve been a fan since about 2001, head about them and got the first 4 books at the same time so that I wouldn’t have to go back to the bookstore that weekend to get the next installment, but ended up needing to chase down all the rest of the books that month!

    Some of my favorite scenes – Anita fighting zombies and having the police help her in her apartment building and her interactions with her neighbors, her fights over clothes and mugs at work, the interactions with friends like Luther, Ronnie, Louie etc in the early part of the series and with her pard and bodyguards later in the series including the training and workout sessions. started out like Richard and Jean-Claude, then Nathaniel and Micah too, then Nick and Ethan, love all her guys but especially the ones that fit her life and make it work, not all heroines need the same happily ever after.

    First time I read Obsidian Butterfly I was disappointed that there was so little Richard and Jean-Claude in it, but now that and Skin Trade are some of my favorites because they give you so much time with Anita and other people without as much of her support and of course all the scenes with Edward. You don’t want advice from me on your love life, he says, but being out of town gives her a chance to step back and look at her life.

    Love all the scenes with the wererats, from the beginning she has always turned to them for help or friendship, and good to see that progress over time from getting attacked by rats to having them part of her security details and helping to save the city.

    Looking forward to many more books! I’ve re-read all of them, sometimes jumping around, sometimes all in order. Now that most were reissued as audiobooks, I have listened to all of them at least 6 times, and instead of re-reading the print versions I usually re-listen to the audio instead. Still waiting for book 11 in audio format so that I have the full set of novels in audio. Would love a kickstarter or something so that people could show your publisher they should release it! That is a huge book for the introduction of Micah, her first book “as one of the monsters”, and I don’t get to enjoy it as much in just print versus all the others that I can listen to while driving, doing chores etc.

    Love the series, hope it has many more, especially since she isn’t aging, easier to keep up the pace. Want to meet Judith, her dad the vet, and the rest of her family, want to meet Micah’s dad the cop and rest of his family, would love to see her do more out of town really old zombie raisings, meet more shifters and vampires out of town.

    Keep up the good work!

  50. Some of my favorite scenes of Anita’s are the first times that she allows herself to fall in love with Jean-Claude, Micah and Nathaniel. I have grown with Anita or so it feels to me. In the last decade, Anita has seen me through some of the hardest times in my life and I really have to thank you for writing such an amazing series that take me away from my problems.

  51. Edward has to be my favorite. In the latest books we get more and more looks at how he became
    Death. in Anita’s world having a best friend like Edward was needed so she wasn’t with the monsters
    All the time, but a fellow human monster who like her as she is. Ronnie was a girl so Anita wanted that
    To be the best friend in her male world but Edward works better. The same goes for me , I just seem to click more with male friends. How I came across ur books was in 1999 just became a reader, went in Walden books and asked for a book that was a series the clerk pointed me in ur direction been reading Anita and fell in love with Edward then and there. Thanks so much and look forward to more books and Edward is screaming for a
    Book of his own . Thanks again

    1. I first started reading Anita when I was 13 years old. I got Guilty Pleasures from the Library in the summer of 2003 and read it at least 5 times before The Laughing Corpse came out. I have spent the last 20 years of my life waiting for the next Anita book. I quickly made all of my friends Anita addicts. My favorite book is Bloody Bones. I love how we learn more about Jean than we ever did before. My next favorite book is Burnt Offerings. That scene where we meet Asher is just so amazing. You feel like your standing there outside the restaurant with Anita as Asher lights up that cigaret. I also love meeting the council. I’m still, at 33 years of age, waiting for that next Anita book. I take off work every year for it because I know once I start reading, I will be up all night devouring it!

  52. Laurell and Anita came into my life around 2004. After the insistence of several friends and a borrowed copy of Guilty Pleasures, I was hooked. Having read all the books up to date, my favorite character is Micah Callahan. Ironically, Micah seems to be in my eyes “Mr. Right”. Even if Anita and Micah didn’t meet under the right pretenses, it was still fate that they met. He’s right for her. He fits into her life perfectly, he accepts her for who she is, supports her and all her causes, and is undeniably in love with her. Not that some of her men aren’t nice, but Micah to me is the absolute perfect man. I adore him so much, my son’s name is also Micah. I hope I mold him into being similar in personality to Micah, but strong-willed and genuine. Anita has been a strong female character that to me, shows that whatever you desire or wish, go for it. If you don’t, you’ll regret that you didn’t at least try. Laurell and Anita have been a great addition to my book repertoire and to my life.

  53. I had been reading Anita for years and had gotten caught up so that I was reading the new books as soon as they came out and I can still remember my reaction when Anita was in Tacoma (close to my home). That was also the book where Anita comes out as Polyamorous and that just resonated with me. It’s a hard life to lead, but so rewarding and it’s awesome to have it recognized in a public forum.

  54. I’ve been reading Anita for probably about 15 years now. And I just adore her. My favourite memory is not actually of reading the books, but of hearing my own internal dialogue start sounding like Anita after re-reading her books. lolz.
    My favourite book moment is in Obsidian Butterfly, seeing Edward turn his world inside out because he found a family and fell in love with a couple of kids… *Gold*

    I’ve loved how Anita’s Spiritual Journey has mirrored so much of mine, and I love that Anita’s attitudes and choices keep challenging my lifestyle and my choices.

    Favourite Anita quote is still (roughly) :Sticks and stones may break your bones, but failure will get you killed. Call me Jacob. Make it soon”

    Thankyou Laurell for sharing your absolutely awesome inner world with me

  55. I can not even remember how many years I have been reading about Anita and her men. I picked up the first book at a local bookstore one day when waiting for an appointment and had forgotten to bring a book. That book has been read so many times now – by several people – that it needs replacing. My boyfriend wanted to know what was so interesting so i started the series over and read aloud to him. That is until I was not going fast enough and he began reading the series on his own. I am not sure that I have a favorite character as they all appeal to me in one way or another. My daughter on the other hand has an obvious first choice. My grandson will be named Asher when he arrives in November. His twin brother is to be Dareon (pronounced Dare-ian). I see a little Anita Blake influence in those name choices. I expect they will be a new generation of fans of the series. Keep up the good “work”. We all look forward to each new book!

  56. Hi,
    The first book I found was Incubus Dreams, and I was hooked. I live in a small country town in Australia and I hunted through all book stores looking for the others with no luck. I ended up going to the big city and found a book store that had the first 11 books. Can you imagine the look on the sales persons face when I went up with 11 books all yours…. It became easier to get your books once I found booktopia (online bookstore) I have everything you have written that I can find.. Your mind is amazing and I love the way it works… Your stories are fantastic…. Anita and Merry are such strong women and fantastic role models…… I have cried, laughed and yes even yelled at your books (have received some very worrying looks from my girls) I re read them from the start when you release a new book, its a torture to do it this way but I find it helps enhance the story… Fav characters…. Jean Claud, Asher, Micah, Jason, Nathaniel, Edward ( love Edward the story is brilliant when Edward comes visiting) would love to read more about Wicked Truth they fascinate me… Here is hoping there is another twenty years of your writing at least…. A VERY BIG THANK YOU FOR THE LAST TWENTY YEARS

  57. I came upon the Anita Blake books relatively recently and in a roundabout way.

    I finally woke up to the phenomenon of the Twilight Saga at the 3rd movie (I had no idea what they were) so then I went nosing for other ‘vampire’ related TV/movie stuff. Discovered True Blood (which is my favourite TV show by far), and then the Charlaine Harris novels. After I finished the Harris novels, I went looking for other novels of a similar ilk and Anita Blake was the most recommended one to follow up with. So that was my introduction to AB:)

    I like the unflinching violence of the books. There is an inherent ‘coolness’ to the characters like Jean Claude, Anita in ‘combat’ mode, and there is also the classic elements of a good book series. But, for me, it is the violence that rounds it off beautifully – shooting her lion king in the head, the dead baby in 2/3 book, the zombies with their souls still in their bodies from one of early books, scenes from the vampires that feed on fear.
    I also really enjoy the ‘flaws’ of character – when Dolph was going through his vampire hating phase, Asher’s jealousy, Anita’s prudishness, Kirkland’s judgementalism – although these can verge on annoying sometimes. I’d imagine it’s hard to write really dislikeable scenes for the characters, that we really do like.

    Keep going. I don’t have the slightest objection to the sexual aspect of the novels. And I like the therapy speak coming in here and there.
    I don’t have a clue though as you are going to ‘finish’ Anita – how do you tie of that many storylines !!! Maybe go down the route of I am Legend or The Walking Dead and Anita is then Queen of the World… Mhwaaaawaaa

  58. I first discovered the series in 2006/2007. I remember I sneaked out of work and went to CVS to buy a magazine or something, but instead I saw Cravings. I read the back cover and just decided to buy it, only to discover after reading it there’s more to this world. So imagine how happy I was to find the AB #1-4 box set available for sale on B&N. I think I finished those 4 books within the week. I believe I was able to purchase up to Incubus Dreams, because it was my last paperback, before my AB fest ended and I had to wait for the next release.

    I remember a lot of frustration reading the earlier books. I just wanted things to move along and will the words to change so that I’d get the ending I wanted, but most of the time it never happened. I feel that I’ve grown with the books. At first life was sort of frustrating because I didn’t really know where I was going and who I wanted to become but now, Anita sort of embraces a lot of the complication in her life and that’s sort of the attitude I’ve come to develop and I’m a happier person these days of it. I hope I’m not getting the wrong feel from the books, because sometimes I’m not an attentive reader.

    There are two scenes from the AB series that I love, and every time I think about them I’ll re-read just to live the moment again. They both involve Nathaniel and Anita. The first scene is at the end of one of the books. It was when someone told Anita that Nathaniel is sort of his responsibility now and she sit on the bed (or something) and brushes his hair (I hope I’m not remembering this wrong). The second scene is in Anita’s kitchen and Nathaniel was mad, and Anita says something along the lines of “I didn’t think plastic containers could make so much noise.” There are so much more but it would take up too much space and time. I just want to say thank you for creating one of the best series I’ve ever read. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried with your words and I can’t wait for Affliction to come out.

  59. I got started 20 years ago and haven’t looked back. When I first started reading about Anita and the crew, I kept thinking she reminded me of someone. I realized with all her wisecracking etc. she reminded me of my best friend Cindy. Same attitude, same stature, same color of hair. Although Cindy doesn’t have the length. And Cindy didn’t have to deal with the undead baddies but she was was working in a jail at the time. lol I kept telling my Mom you have to read this. I got her hooked. lol She just finished rereading them and we both are looking forward to Affliction coming out. In fact I am going to start rereading the series in anticipation of that. I can’t really pick a favorite moment or book but I always love the moments between Jean Claude and Anita. There is something really special between them and I like how you can hear his frustration with her sometimes.

  60. I haven’t been reading about Anita and the gang for very long. I started some time between 2006 and 2009, but I have read every book and not just once. I don’t remember if I happened upon her, or she found me, or a friend of mine may have introduced us but I instantly fell in love with the world Anita lived in, Anita herself, and the many romances and adventures she goes through. Anita is only a couple years younger than me, but she was well ahead of me by the time she was born. That being said in some ways I feel very connected to her when reading along. Which is part of what makes the series so amazing. I’ve been furious with Richard, indecisive about Jean Claude, conflicted about the many men in her life, and alternately thrilled and horrified by her many life and death situations. I don’t know how to describe how much I love this series or how to say thank you enough just for writing it. I don’t know how Anita has affected my life in conscious ways, but thinking about it she gives me hope in matters of love and trust. She gives me strength and courage when times are tough. She is funny and helps me see humor when I am in a bad mood. And she gives me more positive traits I can use to help raise my daughter, even when I don’t feel like the best mom. 🙂

  61. First off, let me say congratulations on 20 years! Seriously. I cannot believe that it’s been that long. 😉 I personally found the series about 6 books in I think. Luckily the friend who recommended the books told me the reading order (I am all anal retentive about stuff like that lol) so I was able to start from the beginning.
    I adore all of the books, my favorite’s would have to be Burnt Offerings (the first appearance of Asher if I am not mistaken)…Narcissus in Chains, Cerulean Sins…oh who am I kidding, every book that features Asher heavily is something I cannot put down!!! I absolutely ADORE him in all his wounded soul, hurt pride glory. So many times during the course of the books I have wanted to scoop him up and make all his hurt go away. lol And when he talked about wanting someone to love him best…mercy sakes alive…I would happily step into those shoes! ROFL! He just needs a cuddle or two. 😉 Also, the book set in Southern Missouri (I believe it is Blue Moon, Mommy Brain makes it difficult to remember where each detail belongs in the series lol) was probably one of the scariest for me, but that might be because I was actually IN Southern Missouri when I was reading it for the first time, at my sister’s house out in the middle of nowhere…the nowhere, where once the light stops shining you cannot see your hand in front of your face? lol And the bad vamps were out in the woods and all sorts of insanity. Let’s just say I did not go outside at night while I was reading that book. 😉 So job well done Ma’am! LOL
    As for the other characters, I do love Zerbrowski, and Jean Claude, Nathaniel and Micah…London, Jason and even Edward. They are all so great. Each character you’ve created has been so relatable that it’s hard not to love them all in their own ways.
    Now, favorite scenes. Oh mercy me. LOL Jean Claude, Anita and Augustine in the Circus…uhm…let’s call it “transferring power” shall we? 😉 lol Asher getting all grr with Narcissus and even with Nathaniel. *purrs* The times Anita gets out of her own way and actually enjoys the life she has and the ppl in it. Those are good times too.
    So, now that I’ve rambled on forever…I should probably shush and quit taking up so much of your valuable time! Cannot wait for Affliction!!!!!! Oh and thank you thank you thank you for that lil novella about Asher, Jean Claude and Anita!!! YAY! 😉 Congratulations once again!!! Thank you so much for sharing your imagination and life with us! You’ll never truly know how much it means!!! Btw…you should totally come to Kansas City for a book signing. *wink wink nudge nudge*

  62. Hey Laurell. I just wanted to say thank you. To tell you that your Anita Blake books found me, and helped me, at a time in my life when I was feeling very lost and unsure of myself. I didn’t really know what I needed in my life, but I knew I needed something. Anita came along and gave me hope. She made me see the strength in myself, and that the only thing I need to do is be myself completely. She has a fearlessness about things that I still crave to have.
    I have a half sleeve dedicated to her which I hope to show you one day… 🙂
    I just wanted to say thanks. For the stories. For the hope. For the strength.

  63. I was reading the STL post one morning and I saw his article on a local author. I went to one of the bookstores and bought the first book. I was like wow I can actually picture these places in my head,I know exactly where she is. I loved the first book so much I went out and bought all the rest that were available at that time. I wait every year for the new release of her book. Be it Anita and the family or Merry. I really loved it when Anita came into her own when she finally realized that she could and would do what it takes to survive. When she finally opened her heart and mind enough to love who she wants to love and damn everyone who thinks bad about it. I will continue to read Anita and Merry until the end. I love to think that in Anita world all the underground caverns in the STL still have a purpose and a life.
    Thank you for the years of enjoyment and may you have many more.

  64. I think my moment when she and Jean-Claude are alone and she realizes she does truly love him. It is in Incubus Dreams.They really dont get much time together. Also that book shows how much she has helped Nathaniel grow in his independence 🙂

  65. I first started reading Anita at the tender age of 14. I was working at the library and I needed something new to read:) I don’t know if I would necessarily recommend or let my own future children do so but Anita came about in a time in my life where I needed to be strong and see strength. A bookworm for a long time and extremely mature for my age since I was a kid………Anita gave me a chance to escape the reality of a very difficult adolescence that became more difficult as a I got older. Fastforward 14 years and I’ve introduced Anita to a few friends but more importantly my husband who loves to listen to the books on audio tape with me. You Laurell are among one of the 2-3 authors I count as my favorites, people I regularly read and re read shamelessly. Thank you for that.

  66. Congrats on 20 years! I was handed “Narcissus in Chains” by a co-worker in 2000 and was absolutely hooked. My favorite scenes are the ones where Anita finally accepts what everyone around her including the readers have known/seen all along. When she finally accepts, even in little ways, who she is and what makes her happy in life. When she finally allows herself to love and more importantly accept love, always brings a smile to me face and to my heart. I cry with Anita when she faces the times that overwhelm even her and smile with her when she feels true happiness.

    Laurell calls them her imaginary friends but they are all of our imaginary friends as well. When I bake I can’t help but think of Nathaniel and his lovely lilac eyes and vanilla scented hair. When I see a beautiful full moon I think of the tormented Richard and the ever-flirty Jason. Blue eyes will never seem enough … never dark enough for Jean Claude … never pale enough for Asher.

    They may be imaginary…. but what an image! So here’s to another 20 years and seeing what becomes of Anita and all of the wonderful people in her life!

  67. Every time I have read an Anita book, something in them has been concise on my life. Last time, it was me adjusting to loving more than one person, one time it was “he loves himself more than he loves me”, which I think is partly paraphrased. I had tried to figure out the thought I had, in words, to explain.. that was it. I’ve read quotes from the book to friends, to show them what I mean when I say “it’s like it’s me thinking”. I know myself quite well, and I think quite different from most people, but sometimes you need someone to give you a sentence or a paragraph that sums up your thoughts or feelings. See someone else work through the situation, etc. I adore the books, and I enjoy seeing your intelligent thoughts. Thanks for the series, I adore it.

  68. Wow, where to start? I’ve absolutely loved every single book in this series. Anita is like a mirror image of myself in certain self conflicts she has. I’ve grown and found ways to discuss certain things in my life from these series. I love the way all of the sexual acts/action is described in a manner that is direct and doesn’t make you feel “foul” for the language or act of it. I grew up in the, ” you don’t talk about it or do it” type of household. SO, to be someone who was heteroflexible that realized she was truly Bisexual and that absolutely loves sex for many reasons, loves dom. and sub. and actually found someone who loved me for all of me especially the openness of my sexuality…has been a true blessing…so I do relate more to this series than most could ever imagine. It’s also been fun in my household as the hubby is an A. Rice fan and is a stickler for the “Vampire rules” and with the newest “Saga” that was out that had “sparkling” vampires in it…he’s all like WTF. SO, I was like this is what you need to read…this was started way before the “sparkling saga” and he’s all skeptical. So as I tell him about the stories and he knows I’m in love with the series so he picks on me and is like, “She’s a whore…she’s doing too many guys…see she don’t even know who her baby daddy would me…I told ya” just to see me get mad…it’s too funny. Then he’s like no I’m playing. Now he’s reading them. My plan to save me from withdrawals is to now listen to all of the audio versions. Now enough about me…lets hit the books. I’m still a fan of Richard and Anita and hope one day he pulls his head out of his arse…lol. Nathaniel, Micah and Anita are truly cute together…and I would love to see a lil Nate come out of that…hint hint. I’m glad Asher is getting sent away for a little while…he needs it. I can’t wait to see how the Olaf/Edward/Anita saga ends. I would love to see Anita embrace her, “Nicky” side more at the club too…lol. God I just love this series. My head often goes off on tangents in different aspects of how each book could go into another direction. There are so many more ways Anita’s life can go and I can’t wait to see 20 more years worth. The day this series ends will be a day of mourning for the world…unless it’s because Anita just chose to go out with a Bang…then it will be a true CELEBRATION! Thank you so much for sharing your work with us.

  69. Favorite moments??? Our first run in with Jean Claude, our first run in with Richard…Edward’s soul mate conversation with Anita in Obsidian Butterfly (fave book of the series). The tme where Anita and Edward had to share a bed in Hit List…LOOOOVED that!!! Loved when Anita helped Jason through the whole rotting Vamp ordeal. She helps so many and needs so much help herself! You have written a FABULOUS series and, I’m glad to have been along for the ride! Looking forward to Affliction!!!

  70. My sister actually got me hooked on the Anita Blake books. I had just finished reading a series of books about these “sparkly” vampires and wanted books with more to them. So my sis handed me Guilty Pleasures and the rest as they say was history. Anita was exactly what I needed, and not just as something to read. Anita and her crew have taught me so much. I know people who have read some of your AB novels and when they see me reading one of mine they gasp and say “oh your reading the Anita Blake books?” “There is way to much sex in those books.” To which I always reply with, “If all you got out of these books is that there is a lot of sex in them, then you have completely missed the mark. My favorite character? Hmmmm I do love them all(even the villains) you write them so eloquently, but I have to say Edward is by far my favorite. I love when he and Anita team up on a mission, because you know then that shit is about to get real. When I learned that he was going to be in Affliction I was, to say the least delighted at this. I can not wait to sit down and read it. So for all this I thank you Ms. Hamilton, for sharing your “friends” with me, for inviting me to play in such an amazing world you’ve created, for teaching me so much about myself and others. Who could have imagined that reading works of fiction would speak so loudly to my reality, and change(for the better)my outlook on so many things. Blessed be to you and yours.

  71. I’ve been part of your world for over a decade now. Anita (and you) have given so much joy and blood and pain. Anita taught me, it’s okay to love more than one person. But YOU gave me the greatest gift of all. My writing has grown through reading your books, and interacting with you in chat interviews and on Twitter. You made me feel less crazy that I’m also a character writer. Anita gave my anger freedom when she said, “I’m always angry, you just gave me a target.” The greatest thing I have learned from Anita and you, is that it’s okay that I don’t write happy endings. Sometimes tragedy is beautiful and you have to count the happily-for-nows. I really love what you bring to life. I hope I can spend many more years in Anita’s world.

    PS everyone I’ve turned on to the books says I’m just like her.

  72. Oh mine has to be the Anita, Damien, and Nathaniel turning scene. *Sigh* I want to read it just think about it. Or that wonderful scene between Anita and Richard in the cabin.

  73. I remember seeing Guilty Pleasures on the hardcover rack in my (then) local Waldenbooks Bookstore. The title alone grabbed my attention, and thinking it was a romance I bought it without reading the blurb. I was instantly hooked. Here was a woman (Anita) who seemed to embody everything that I felt I needed to be like in my life. Tough, strong, smart, tongue like a razor blade, but still willing to care even if she didn’t show it well. Over the years, I continued to pick up every Anita Blake I could. As the character developed, I realized more and more how well I identified with this tiny china doll of a woman who never backed down from anything except her own heart. I may not be a tiny china doll, but for the longest time I was afraid to love anyone. Your stories about Anita were the first time in my life that I cried over a book! Then you created the Merry Gentry series, and I fell even more in love with your writing. Here was a young girl trying to stand on her own, becoming a true queen and a woman who knows her own heart. I desperately wish for another of Merry’s books, but am just as happy with another Anita Blake. I have never before had an author write two series that are so completely different, yet totally alike, and still enjoyed both series. Always, always, *always* there is some detail that just sticks in my craw and makes one or the other series completely unbelievable. And you have managed to create two distinct storylines that never interact with each other, yet are completely believable to be in the same world. It’s amazingly creative and incredibly impressive. Your successes have inspired me to actually follow my lifelong dream of being a writer, and I am currently on my third chapter. Whether or not the stupid thing ever gets published is irrelevant to me. I just want the satisfaction of finishing it.

    I don’t know if calling you Laurell, or Ms. Hamilton, or Madame would be more appropriate, but I have to say, quite truthfully, that you have inspired me. You have saved my heart and given my world both light and darkness (because without the one, you can never truly appreciate the other and they both have their good and bad) through your books. Thank you so much for writing your stories, and I thank providence herself that I discovered them when I did.

  74. For me it all started with nightseer lol, however I have read all of the books that Laurell has ever written. for me it was just great to see a strong Princess charming, to see the growth of someone that really started out really Damaged.and she found Love,indeed that is her Real power,Love.
    and that people do survive that they can heal and make it.
    as a survivor of child hood abuse,I escaped into reading, so that is still with me all this time later, yet at this point in my life I accept myself, one of the things that I love about the books is that She saved them, as many as she could, and in so doing saved herself.

  75. Can’t even remember when I read the first book by you, maybe Blue Moon. I was hooked and have since read everything. I love Obsidian Butterfly although there is a bit of name spelling there that looks like you went phonetically but the rest of the book is knowing just the neighborhood and area since I’m from Santa Fe. I reread very few authors but your books are wonderful that way. The characters change and grow and going back just brings the later books into better focus. I do miss the next door neighbor with the funny little dog. Pity Anita never sees her anymore.

    And the Merry books, I want the movies with Weta Workshops doing all the special effects. I can just see them making it all visually spectacular the way you discribe them.

    Thanks so much for the two wonderful found families.

  76. Hi Laurell…where to start. Anita Blake has changed my life. Sounds silly, right? The first book I actually read was Lunatic Cafe. I found the book at my local library back in Modesto, Ca, my old hometown. What captured me right off was that the the AB world was set in Missouri. All my mom’s kin is from Missouri, although more to the KC side, than the St. Louis side, but it thrilled me nevertheless. The second thing that got me was that the heroine was short, female and could kick butt against the bad guys; in this case, most of them being vampires.

    You’ve created a magical world that incorporates so much from vamps to were-anything’s to demons to ghouls, etc. Anita has a stiff set of ethics that has gotten a little wonky at times as she’s evolved, for the most part are still there.

    My favorite characters are Anita, Richard, Jean-Claude, Micah, Nathaniel, Jason, Asher, and Damian. Edward, too. He had to grow on me though. I like a lot of the others as well.

    Some of my favorite moments…Guilty Pleasures-where JC and Anita talk on the steps of Guilty Pleasures and JC asks Anita if she had killed any vamps because she has blood on her and she tells him not to worry, that it wasn’t any he knew.

    In Burnt Offerings-the bathtub scene between AB and JC. When Richard and AB are finally with each other.

    Any scene with AB, Micah, and Nathaniel together from any of the books. Truly those three were meant to be together…Micah and Nathaniel together make Anita happy in ways that JC and Richard never could.

    I could go on an on but I won’t. Thank you so much for creating such an amazing world for me and all of your fans to dive into and get lost in when real life is a little too chaotic. Or when everything is just right in our worlds and we just need to have a good healthy dose of Anita’s.

  77. I can’t remember when I started reading the series, my husband bought me the first book on a recommendation from a friend. I loved it and have all the books and just recently starting listening to to audios, which are fabulous!!

    You asked what we, the readers, get from Anita and friends. For me, I’ve learned to accept those I love for who they are on a deeper level. My husband likes to say I am the most adaptable/pragmatic person he’s ever met and I think in reading/connecting with Anita I’ve become even more so. I adapt to those around me to give them what they need from me instead of taking or expecting them to give me what I want. I try to be more loyal, open-minded and less judgemental.

    Connecting with Anita has also prompted me to communicate more, open up more, love in the moment, and appreciate friends, family, experiences and just life a little more fully.

    So Thank You!

  78. I started reading Anita Blake books when I started working for Waldenbooks. I fell in love with all the people of the series. I really like Jean-Claude, Micah, and especially Nathaniel.

  79. I love the Anita Blake books!! I first discovered them in 2011 and have reread them 3 times since. There are loads of great characters: Anita, Jean Claude, Micah, Nathanial, Asher, Edward, Zerbrowski and many, many more.

    Congrats on 20 years and hope for many more years to come.

    Thank you 🙂

  80. I started reading them 2011 and flew though them! Love them it took me wanting to read a new series and stumbled on them! My favorite part in the whole servers is when Anita starts accepting her life with all her men and how she comes to terms with this isn’t the situation she would have invisioned but made it work and is happy! Can’t wait for the new book to come out!

  81. Being from the St. Louis area I came across “Circus of the Damned” shortly after it’s release. Loved reading a book that I could relate to, geographically speaking. I have a vivid imagination as it is, so reading a book set in a locale that I am intimately familiar with made it all the more enjoyable!

    I fell in love with Anita from the first page. Her grit and no nonsense look at life was refreshing in a female protagonist that I hadn’t seen in a while. I’ve been a devoted fan of the books since then and eagerly await each new release, as well as the books about Merry Gentry. Specifically the fact that the entrance to the courts are in Cahokia at the mounds!! I am from the Illinois side and loved tramping through the fields and woods around the mound site!

    Keep writing Ms. Hamilton and I assure you, I will most definitely keep reading! Cheers to another twenty years and beyond!

  82. I started reading Anita about 15 books in. I was immediately hooked and I don’t think I can pick one thing about them I love more than others. Every time you publish a new book, I start from the beginning and read them all over again.

  83. I discovered Anita about 4 years ago. At the time I had just started the road to recovery from addiction and seriously needed something to do with my free time while I wasn’t working. My life was in shambles to put it bluntly. The love of my life had left and I was left to try and put my life back together. I was 24 at the time and hadn’t really read a book on my own since grade school. What got me into Anita was actually Charlaine Harris. I loved the show True Blood and was told by someone that it was based off a series of novels. After finishing that series I saw a quote from Ms. Harris talking about how much she enjoyed the world of Anita, so I gave it a shot. I tore through 16 books in a matter of about a week. I became so entranced with the world you wove from your imagination that it helped me forget the pain I was going through while I was reading. Your books helped me save my life and become a the man I am today. Without your books and how totally enthralled I became who knows what my wandering mind would have come up with that day. Fast forward 4 years later and I am now getting ready to marry that love of my life in October and am on my way to becoming an addiction counselor. So Mrs. Hamilton I would like to thank you for creating the world of Anita and saving my life.

  84. I started reading the Anita Blake series when I was 13, yes kind of young. She’s was the first person that I wanted to read more about. Before her the most I read was what writing or what chapter of home work that needed to be done that day. My friend Dani introtuced me to her books one night just out of the blue I started with the circus of the damned simply because she didn’t have the first book, but I was instantly hooked. I went from a 6 grade reading leave to a highschool in a matter of a coup of months. I’d have to say my favorite characters that I can relate to is Anita,Nathienal,Micha,and Jean Claude they have been a huge part of my life the good and the bad!!!! And I love every single paragraph every time its something new and just keeps you on the edge of your seat I’ve been reading anita for seven wonderful years and I hope there is still more to come for a loooong time :]

  85. MY wife has been reading the Anita Blake Series (as well as the Merry Gentry series) for the entirety of the 9 years that we’ve been together. I decided to see why she gets SO excited everytime a new book comes out, so I gave Anita a shot.

    Few books actually make me chuckle out loud and this series makes me laugh constantly! Edward & Jason are two of my favorite characters. Here’s to 20 more years!

  86. My favourite moments are when Anita eats Chimera and when she raises all the dead in an area to wipe the smile off of her enemies’ faces, notably one voodoo queen and at least two (or is it three) rich dudes. I’ve enjoyed when she’s sarcastic about herself and the situations she gets into (the Laughing Corpse), and that she’s not only making messes but maneuvering her way through some of them as well. I’m really looking forward to getting another fix on July 2nd.

  87. The Anita Blake series is by far one of my favorites. I was introduced to Anita in Incubus Dreams. Someone bought it for me on my 18th birthday because they thought I would like the cover art. Her entire journey is amazing! You are such an incredible writer. I feel like I personally know your characters. My favorites are Jason, Asher, Edward, and Anita. Jason is playful and sexy. Asher is stunningly beautiful, powerful, and damaged enough that I only want to love him. Edward brings out some of my favorite characteristics of Anita. He seems to be her one piece of sanity in her crazy, wonderful life. One of my favorite books is Obsidian Butterfly. I love when Anita and Edward work together, and I love who she is with him. My most favorite part of the series is when Anita and Edward go in to rescue Donna’s kids. We experienced Peter’s extremely hard life lesson, and we saw him become a man earlier than he should have had to. Anita’s willingness to help Edward when he needs it most, no matter the consequences, is heart-warming and empowering.

    Congratulations on an amazing and successful 20 years! Thank you for pouring yourself into your books and for bringing your awesome friends to life!!

  88. A friend of mine introduced me to Antia about 9 years ago. Reading about Antia and her world has helped me get through some hard times, and inspired me to write about my own little world which helped me deal with some of my own monsters. I wish I had found her sooner but I am greatful I have her around.

    Some of my favorite scenes is when she is home with her guys and she has some normaliness in her crazy world, even though her normal is not everyone’s normal. I am looking forward to read about her world for many more years.

  89. I first met Anita when I red an excerpt, I think it was the beginning of Narcissis In Chains, and I was hooked. I’m all for the snarky comments and sarcasm but it’s good to see that Anita has her hangups and her doubts. It’s how she’s come to terms with them and her growth too.
    There was a time where the books were more about the sex than the actual story but those parts needed to be said and explored. She’s now more comfortable with her life and how it works so now she can get back to the other parts of her life.
    She’s helped me become more content in my life too and realize that if at first you don’t succeed, take better aim.

  90. I started reading Anita Blake in 2007. This series got me through so many of my husbands chemo treatments. Thank you for an excellent story and escape when I needed it most.

  91. I started reading Anita in the early 2000s while I was in high school. I stumbled across the series in a Borders and devoured them from beginning to end, staying up to 6am or later because I couldn’t put the books down. Having graduated high school, college, my master’s program, and now as I pursue my Ph.D, your books (both Anita and Merry) have been a constant in my reading list. I even wrote a couple essays on your Merry series in my English lit Master’s courses. Now that I’ve passed my qualifying exams and am ready to begin my dissertation, I’ve taken a break to regroup and, more importantly, to re-read the Anita series. I’m still enchanted by the books and am thrilled that I will be completely caught up with the series in time for the release of Affliction.

    I love the world you’ve created in these books. The characters are real: they’re imperfect, ever-changing and developing, and full of foibles that make you love them. From the beginning I have rooted for Anita and Jean Claude, and while that hasn’t changed, I love the later additions of Nathaniel and Micah. There is something special about the way Jean Claude, Nathaniel, and Micah love and accept Anita no matter what, and the way Anita is willing to bend and adapt because of her love for them. There is something beautifully perfect about their unconventional relationship, and I look forward to reading about how it evolves in the future. Damian is another character I have a soft-spot for, perhaps because I am in such need of a calming influence of my own. 🙂

    Thank you, Laurell, for sharing 20 years of Anita Blake with your readers.

  92. Anita Blake has influenced my life almost as much as football. Where football taught me how to be a leader, Anita has taught me what to do with that leadership. I see Anita as a hero’s heroine. So few people today, with the power, use it for good. And those that do are normally forced into it.

    Anita has taught me to see the facts for facts, see the truth for truth, and know the difference between the two. Too many people try to paint the world black or white, good or evil, liberal or conservative. Anita has taught me that there is not only a gray scale but color which completely flips objectivity on its axis. Who can say whether yellow is radiant or cowardly or green is ill or healthy.

    Anita has taught me to seek the good in people and situations I face. And do what is within my power to remove the negative from the world. Not just my life. These seem like huge goals, but they are not. I am a good husband to my wife. I am a good father to my children. I am a good neighbor to my neighbors. I am a good employee to my boss. And I am hell on earth to my enemies.

  93. I dicovered anita at an afees book store on post in germany when I was 20. Obsidian butterfly was my first book. I’ve been an edward fan ever since. I always tell my twilght friends my edward is better than there’s. I loved watching anita grow as a person. Thank you so much for sharing her wonderfull world with us. I hope there are many more to come.

  94. cant remember when, a long time ago, I was introduced by my best friend and have devoured every one ever since..three times over…I love every single one of your characters..and the picture in my mind is almost a parralel world where I retreat too.. you are awesome laurell…another thing Ive come to comprehend is my view of the world we live in has changed . If we can love vampires werewolves..etc then love can encompass ALL.. brite blessings laurell may the muse be forever with you.

  95. I love the dynamic between Anita, Micah, and Nathaniel. They take care of each other in a way that a lot of “real traditional” type families just don’t. They worry about each others happiness and they want to see each other grow as people. I also love the way that there are no excuses made for Jean Claude. He doesn’t apologize for being himself and I believe that made Anita be able to accept herself more. She tried to throw stones at the beginning, but when she realized she couldn’t, she just let him be who he is and learned to love him despite himself (and herself).

  96. I have been reading anita books for about 14 years now. I love them so much. The killing dance will always be my favorite. The scene where she shows up at jean claudes after richard shifted on her is my favorite of all time! I almost cry every time I read it. I reread the books all the time. Some of my fav characters are edward, micha, nathaniel, & jason. But edward is hands down my most fav. I like that anita & him have never crossed that line of being more than friends. I would love to read more about his point of view too. Thanks for all the wonderful books lady!

  97. I picked up Circus of the Damned in a used bookstore. I loved it, but couldn’t find any other titles at the same bookstore or my library. My book budget was limited back then. Then a couple of years later, a student lent me his copy of Obsidian Butterfly. I was like a woman obsessed after that. I went to Barnes and Noble and broke the bank, buying everything from the beginning up to the current book at the time which was Narcissus in Chains. I read them all in two weeks, trying to savor them so they would last. My all time favorite scene is the first time Anita and Jean Claude make love. I’ve reread it dozens of times. 🙂

  98. I can’t remember the exact year but I remember I started reading Anita Blake in high school (2001-2005). My local library had Narcissus in Chains and I gobbled it up. Then I realized I had just read a book in the middle of a series (no wonder I was so confused and didn’t understand the background of the characters). I went back and bought all of the books to read.

    I’m very proud of my Anita Blake collection and have been buying them the day they come out since Danse Macabre (before then I made myself wait until the paperback came out…not any more!). Aside from the short story collections, I currently own all of the Anita Blake series, all of the Merry Gentry series, Nightseer, and (I believe) all of the graphic novels.

    As for my favorite Anita Blake moment…I can never pick one! I love all the books and have re-read them over and over. Thank you so much Laurell for giving me characters to fall in love with again and again!

  99. About five years ago friend of mine and I started sharing books and she said I had to read these books by Laurell K Hamilton. That I would not be able to put them down. She was right. I started with the MG series and quickly moved on to Anita. At first I wanted to slap Anita because of her narrow-mindedness, but she quickly realized that not everything is as it seems…and not all that are portrayed as monsters by the masses are. The way she grew into herself kicking and screaming all the way and the men who were patient and loved her enough to stay with her for her journey, helping her grow. I have favorites, Jason, Nathaniel, Jean-Claude, Nicky, Edward, Zebrowski…the list goes on. Richard and Asher I want to slap at times but I still have hope they will learn and grow too. My favorite book is Blood Noir. Jason is the only one that can really talk to Anita, the only one I think she is really comfortable with. And even though they have an intimate relationship, they still remain friends and they are okay with that. Sometimes I think out of everyone one, out of all the relationships, those two are the closest.
    Your writing and books have helped me grow in my own writing and I thank you for that. Keep doing what you are doing and I will keep reading. I know when Affliction comes out NOTHING will get done around here because I will be glued to my kindle! 🙂

  100. I was introduced to the Anita Blake series by a mate of mine while we were doing our A-Levels in 2002. I read the first 5 back to back then took a break for financial reasons. When I started buying them again I had to buy 2 at a time as would power through them then be left bereft at the end if I didn’t have another one to read. later on in the series each new book seemed to come out exactly when I needed them as I was struggling with a few things and they would be my safety net something I could turn to and enjoy enabling me to forget about the harsh real world for a short time.
    They have also taught me that I can be whatever and whoever I chose to be, to not hide from who I am, to just accept it and how much easier life can be If I stop fighting against it just because of some false Image I seem so desperate to fit into. Anita knows who she is and so do the people that matter the people who really love and respect her and those who refuse to see nothing but surface details and base their judgement of her solely on those “facts” are of little to no consequence in the end. Richards struggle (for me) demonstrates the exact polar opposite, the heart ache and struggle encountered if you refuse to let go, accept your situation and move on. We are all individuals doing the best with the life we have been given and you can never judge a book by its cover.

  101. I’ve been reading your books for 10yrs. I have all the anita, merry, short story collections, and I’m working on the comics. I love your books. Some of my editions have been read so many times they are held together by tape. Also I have got my boy friend and several friends reading the series. I love most your characters for different reasons, anita for her bravery in accepting a life that’s way diff than she planned, Nathaniel for how he’s grown, micah for his understanding, jean claude for his heart, Jason for is humor and ability to help anita understand. The only one i don’t like is richard b/c I’ve known to many men like him that never accept you as you are and never change. I don’t really have a fav book b/c I can pick up any book and start reading from any point.

  102. Congrats on 20 years. I found Anita back in 2004 when I ran out of Merry books to read. Seems strange, but I met Merry first.

    My favorite book remains The Laughing Corpse. I loved Anita in her element full of nercomantic fury raising an entire graveyard and putting them back to sleep. So much has happened to her but that’s my favorite Anita to see because that’s the core of her, the power she was born with.

    My favorite of Anita’s men is Micah. I loved him since we first met him. I feel like he’s her rock.

    I love Edward, but I always feel bad for Anita when he shows up because when Edward shows up, you know things are going to get real bad, real quick.

    My favorite bad guys are Marmee Noir and Olaf. I always enjoyed how they get in your head.

    Thank you for spending so many years with us and I hope there are many more to come.

  103. Hi Laurell,

    I have been reading the Anita Blake series since I was 12 or 13.. I first picked up Guilty Pleasures from my mother.. She left it on a counter and I just started reading it..After that I got hooked I read the whole series and I started to read the Merry Series. I must say I like Anita Better.. I would like to see more of Jean Claude, Asher, and Anita TOGETHER..
    One of my favorite parts of the books is when Anita visits the strip club and entertains with jean claude and nathaniel.. In the scene before asher gets yelled at and they are all in bed together…Also I would like to see more of Jade…she kinda went into the back ground…Where is a scene with her and anita?
    Love all of your books 🙂 Congrats on the Twenty Years and Here is to another LONG time of writing 🙂

  104. I read your book for the first time in february 2007, when I was really ill and spent a month in a hospital. I wanted to go home just for one day to see my family and pick up new books, so I went to library too and there I found first three books of Anita, which were your only novels published that time here in the Czech republic. I borrowed them all and have read them in hospital and they helped me keep sane when I was ill. Later Anita helped me to be more stronger, to be more confident and teached me to ask for what I want. And helped me in love life too, you know, more confidence and all. I’m really grateful for Anita’s stories. They helped me in rought time of my life.

  105. I’ve been reading about Anita and her men for about 7 years now. Reading the early novels was great fun because I got immersed in their world and didn’t have to come up for air for a while. Now I scoop up each new novel as soon as I can and enjoy them immensely. Of course I adore Anita. Jean Claude is second, then Micah, Nathanial and Jason. Each of them accepts Anita on her terms and does not try to remake her into what they might prefer. Jean Claude gives her what she wants/needs while helping her grow at the same time. And I love how and how much he really loves her. Which is why I let Richard go, except for when the trium. is necessary. He has his strong points but his needs and requirements are too controlling and just too much. Asher too. In some ways he is more needy than Richard. Edward is a wonderful 3rd and I have enjoyed his own growth as he fell in love. His strength is even more now that he has love in his life. The wererats, especially the security detail are also high on my list. Can’t forget Nicky. Hmm, maybe it would be easier to start at the least faves. That wouldn’t work because I really love them all; yes Richard and Asher too.
    My favorite moments are many: when Anita and Claude use the ardeur to handle problems; their “quiet?” times together; her dealings with the Harlequin; her Micah and Nathanial times; when she discovered she could raise all the dead. My very favorite may not be a specific time but the overall creation and building of her own family.
    My two best friends and I met over 30 years ago. For different reasons we each had a need for a strong loving family that was not a part of our lives. We began forming our own family. It is a matriarch based family with a family name. We spend both holidays and vacations together, as well as many long weekends. After being split apart (over 15 years ago) into 3 different states. We now live within 20 minutes of each other and spend 2 or 3 days together each week, as well as a business we are growing together.
    Here’s my deal for you. You keep writing and I will keep reading.
    I love your books, their world, and all the characters.

  106. I was working at a bookstore when Obsidian Butterfly came out and we were allowed to check and return books. I decided to try OB to see if the series was one that I’d like because I’d heard good things. I loved OB, bought it, devoured the previous books and have bought every Anita Blake and Merry Gentry since. It was the first series I ever read where there was actual character growth book to book of every character from Anita down to the least recurring. That was one of the selling points I always used at the bookstore too! I’ve found other series that do that since but I might not have even known to look for them had Ms Hamilton not showed me something that wonderful was possible!

  107. Happy birthday Anita!:) hehe:D
    In Hungary only
    My favorirte character is Jason, I love he!:D He’s funny and cool. My favorite book is Obsidian Butterfly. Edward is great in this book.

    I did’nt like to read, but my best girlfriend talked into the first Anita Blake book. I don’t regret it! the complete set of the Anita Blake books are my favorite to today too. The Bullet is now published in Hugary, i wait the other books.

    Thank you Laurell!

  108. I only came across Anita in the last six or seven years. I picked up Guilty Pleasures and instantly related to this person telling her story. Through the vast array of characters in the book Anita is still my favourite and, though I love Jean Claude and Richard dearly, the only one who comes close to rivalling this is Edward. I think Anita remains my favourite because she is so strong and gutsy and not afraid what people think or of taking things head on. I think these are pretty awesome traits to aspire to, as are her loyalty and her ability to love.

    Though I love the whole series I must admit that the first nine books are my favourite, closely followed by Skin Trade, Bullet, Hit List and Kiss The Dead.

    I only wish I had found Anita earlier, I think she would’ve have been a great help through some terrible times, but at least I’ve found her and all her beautiful men now!

    Thanks for sharing Anita’s world.

    Oh… just thought it would be remiss to leave a post and not mention some of the amazing bad guys that Anita has faced. I must confess that many of these also hold a special place in my dark little heart! I have a particular fondness for Nikolias, Raina and, though I’m not entirely sure he belongs in this category (yet), Olaf.

  109. Happy 20th Laurell and Anita! I’ve only been on board for half of this trip, 10 years or so. But what a ride it’s been! I LOVE re-reading the series, especially when a new book is coming, like right now! They never bore me, I still cry and laugh along the way, even though I know what’s coming. Laurell, your writing is like no other, your characters live on those pages. I feel honored to have been a part of this journey so far and look forward to many more years of adventures!
    My favorite book was Blue Moon, until Bullet came out. The scene with Haven was so powerful and well written. (I have since named my Maine Coon Cat after him :). Richard was my favorite boyfriend for a long time, but then along came Micah and I was done for! He is my idea of perfection! Olaf is currenly my second favorite person and I cannot wait to see where he goes from here!
    My favorite quote from Anita is; “To gain your heart’s desire, you have to lose some part of your old life, your old self. To do that, you have to have courage. Without it, you can’t make the leap.” Such moving words. Words to live by. And I do.
    I, like Anita, am polyamorous. And I love having such a fantastic role model. Her love life is not easy, but worth every minute.
    Thanks again for all the years of memories! I will continue to love, laugh, cry, learn, lust and soul-search along side Anita for years to come!
    Lots of love, from New Mexico!

  110. I’ve been a reader for a few years, and fell in love from the start. I love when Edward begins to open up to Anita, and also starts realizing that even sociopaths can have feelings and attachments.

  111. I started reading in high school, about 15 years ago. My favorite line has always been when Anita tells Dolph that she never uses canned sarcasm, always fresh. My favorite moment doesn’t come from a book though. When my five year old was born,you were in town for a book signing. We came with our three day old almost straight from the hospital, and you took a picture with her and wrote in her baby book on her first day home page- THAT took a bit of convincing!

  112. I can honestly say that Anita Blake and her extended family have saved my life! I was at a very low point several years ago when I picked up my first Anita Book, (death is never an easy thing to handle). My little sister was killed by a stalker in 2000. I much like Anita try to protect all my loved ones, but sometimes I have learned that is just not possible. I was so low, and hurt, thinking why? Why did this monster kill my sister? I have stood on the other side of the glass and watched the execution of this monster! I had starting reading about Anita and her family at the time of my sisters death. Anita helped me and my back bone! I have learned thru Anita how to be a strong woman, and that even if you are the strongest in the world death will come knocking. It’s just how you deal with it, and what you take from the experience that measures your true worth. Thank You for all your wonderful, exciting, books! Happy Anniversary!! I look forward to the next twenty years! and Thank You for helping me out of a very dark period!!!

  113. twenty years ares oooo much favorite scenes. But… anytime she is with Edward. They are as father and daughter. Both feel that Anita is Edward’s legacy.
    Another favorites are when she has to explain someting supernatiral to vainilla humans, or better, when she does something weird magical or afective and gets pissed when everybody stares. Kiss the dead was full of this moments.
    I love too when humans accept Anita like she is. Kiss the Dead is full of this moments too.
    My favorite books? Narcissus in Chains, Incubus Dreams, The Harlequin, Blood Noir, Skin Trade and Kiss the Dead

  114. I started reading the Anita Blake books 11 years ago, one the sales associates in a little book store in the mall recommended the books to me and I fell in love! I went back two days later and bought every book that was out at that time and bought every book released since then. I’ve reread the series several times, most recently two months ago and I enjoy them every time I read them.

    My favorite character is Jean Claude, I just love him, I always wish for more interactions with him and Anita in every book. Tied close together for my second favorite characters are Edward and Jason. I love how close Anita and Edward have become and Jason is just a breath of fresh air, comic and sweet.

    Thank you so much for these books, as long you keep writing them I will keep reading them!

  115. I love love love your series. Good friends introduced me to them about 6 yrs ago, and since then I have read, reread, rereread them, when ever you have a new book coming out I reread the series. I love Edward too. You rock keep up the good work, as long as you keep writing I will keep reading.

  116. I started reading your books the summer I turned 13. I remember being so engrossed in them that I forgot to eat. I wasn’t very healthy, so I stayed inside and just read. I read all the books you had out at the time, and many, many more. I actually read them twice that summer because I liked them so much. My sister got me reading them She’s 10 years older than me, and I would ask her every time I saw her if there was a new one yet. Eventually I got my other older sister to read them too, and she became just as obsessed.

    I have two favorite scenes. My all time favorite is when Anita heals Nathaniel in the back of the Ambulance after rescuing Richards family. It was before he was really her boyfriend, and before he began to grow. Nathaniel is my favorite character. He always was. My second favorite scene is after Anita and Nathaniel mark each other and they are interrogated by the pard. When I’m mad at my sister Elizabeth, I re-read that scene when Anita shoots the fictional Elizabeth, and I feel so much better. I know it doesn’t solve my issues with my sister, but reading about a violent yet oddly peaceful solution takes the violent urges away… though I’m not a fan of harming other people, even I am prone to want to smack my sister.

    I think that in some ways Anita taps into a part of me that yearns for the love of men. I’m pretty damaged when it comes to that. Anita has so many men in her life that love her beyond all else, and they would and have put their lives on the line for her. I want that. I want someone to love me for who I am, even though I don’t really care for who I am. The men in Anita’s life have helped her accept herself. And in some ways they have helped me accept myself little by little.

    It’s hard to decide which character has meant the most to me. I identify on an emotional level with Anita, and on a more complicated level with Richard and Asher. I loved both men when they came onto the scene. But as the books and years progressed I started to resent them. Gone were the strong men that I thought were as close to perfect as I have ever read, and what was in their places were shattered men, whose inner turmoil became so much that it colored everything they did. How could it be that they changed so much? How could they lose themselves in their misery? How dare they break when I had to keep struggling in my own life? But, of course, that’s when I had to step back and remind myself that they are fictional, and that they were allowed to be human no matter how inhuman I had to be.

    I’ve spent more than half of my life with Anita and her friends, boyfriends, magic, and mayhem. And I have loved, hated, and mourned with her. I know it’s not easy to be in her world, but I wish you the best, and look forward to many more years with your friends that have become mine as well.

  117. i loved it when anita finally realizes that nat is a good snack…it was like she just came out of her comfort zone. love it when she finally quits fighting herself and makes love to nat….

  118. My answer is short n sweet…ur books have lifted up my spirits when I was blue, made me feel strong when I felt weak, gave me a fantasy world when I needed a break, and provided shared time when I read the books and talked about them with my daughter! All of ur books have given me so much joy, laughter, tears and enjoyment! I hope both series, Anita Blake and Meredith Gentry last at least another 20 years!! Thank you!

  119. I have been reading Anita since high school. A group of my friends found your books and we have been reading ever since. I can tell you that even now we all still bicker over who is the best man in Anita’s life (I am and have always been in the Jean Claude camp). So thank you for writing such a great series. These books have helped me to believe that love is precious, not just the love society says is acceptable but all love. At the end of the day you should be with the people who make you happy because without love life is a dull and dismal place without light and laughter.

  120. My sister got me started on the path to Anita and Merry for that matter. Love both series. My favorite Anita moment though is her Ah ha moment about how she is in love with all her guys in her inner circle, and that she is not just a one man woman.

  121. Burt Offerings was my first Anita Blake Book, I was bored and it just came out SO I thought why not, and that is when I was hooked. I went back and read the series up to that point. Then I was like a kid on Christmas waiting for the next book. To this day I go back and read from the beginning when I am in between books. Jean Claude is my favorite and Edward follows a close second plus the were-rats,O.K. so I like them all except maybe Ronnie. I was glad her and Anita are not so close now, Claudia is a much better friend. Who needs a friend who always questions why and plays passive aggressive games when you have a friend who will help you shoot and hide the bodies. I have to say Anita has broadened my horizons and I still can’t wait to see what she’s up to next.
    THANK you Thank you Thank you Laurell for giving us Anita and the gang!!!

  122. I found Anita years ago. At the time I was short (4’10”), petite, with long dark curly hair and a rebel attitude. I was instantly taken by Anita. She was everything that I wanted to be. A strong, intelligent woman in a mans world. I was hooked! I love all of your characters, for each one has their own special charm and quirk. I have managed to share your world with many many people who know me. My favorite evil birthday gift is to get them the first four Anita books…knowing that I am dooming them to purchase ALL of the rest! I haven’t had anyone ever tell me that they didn’t just LOVE them.
    The one single moment that has always stuck with me was when Edward and Anita were explaining their relationship and Anita reveals that one of the reasons that she is so close to Edward is that she trusts him to kill her if she ever truly becomes one of the ‘monsters’. That moment spoke volumes to me and is one of the reasons that I love Edward so much!
    I could gush all day…the point of this is that your books are a rare gem that take me away to Anitas world from the first word to the very last. I ccongratulate you on 20 years and greedily want at least another 20 more!! Thank you for sharing Anita and her world with all of us!

  123. I started reading when I had just joined the military in ’96. A friend introduced me, said they kept him entertained while doing gate guard. My favorite memory was when someone came into her apt and saw her penguin collection and how she responded. I liked that she was bad-ass and could go into the graveyards and have them come alive. The strength of her character and even though she is flawed; she is trying her best. Never really cared for all the sex parts liked the story times more. Plus I love when she works with Ted and the gang and it takes her WAY out of her comfort zone. They really helped when I was overseas and was one of 3 females on the base (at that time not as many females in the military) and the stories took me to another world but yet really not to far from my own reality of how I see myself. Badass but still a female and can use those strengths and not have to use female tricks to overcome and adapt to a situation. A life time ago. I miss her penguins and I like merrys books for the sex area.

  124. Helo Laurell,

    I fell in love with your Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Novels when I was just beginning highschool so 2005. I started with narcissus in chains and read my way up, I love how she is human and can change like the rest of us. I work at a Barnes and Noble so I preach the gospel of Anita whenever I can ^_^ Of course I love Anita, but I also love Jean-Claude, Nathaniel, Micah, Sylvie, Jason, and many others. A couple of my favorite Scenes were when : Anita came busting in on Raina with a machine gun to save Stephen. I loved it when Raina adorned in a brown teddy (who owns a brown teddy, except for her ?) traumatizes the not so grieving husband. I love reading Anita’s first time with Jean-Claude, the same goes for her first time with Micah, and her first time with Nathaniel. Your series is so amazing, those books are so life nourishing. My life would be empty and dim without them, I thank you for sharing your story and characters who are now friends . Who have become our friends too ! Here is to a glorious 20 years ! And to another 20 years !

  125. I have an Anita Blake book in my read stack nearly all year. Right now I have two (Hit List and Kiss the Dead). My fav has to be Skin Trade, just barely beating out Obsidian Butterfly and Kiss the Dead third. My favorite Skin Trade scene has to be her talk with Sgt. Rocco about choosing not to be the bad guy. In Obsidian Butterfly it has to be Anita saving the babies, proving she has maternal instincts. In Kiss the Dead it is the food scene with Zerbrowski and Marshal Brice, with the sniper scene a close second (though I am bothered that Vivian seems to have become Vanessa).

  126. Many years ago, I picked up “Circus of the Damned” along with another armful of books from my favorite used bookstore, Rainbow Books. At first glance, I hadn’t realized that it was part of a series, and my obsessive/compulsive side made me stop reading and go out looking for the first two books – it took me two long days! At that time, “paranormal” wasn’t really a genre – there was just science fiction and fantasy – mostly space stories or dragons and elves. Anita’s world was the first “paranormal” world I had ever discovered – and I fell in love with it! In one of the first books, when the zombies attack her in her bedroom and all of her stuffed animals are covered in gunk and her police friends see her in pajamas with her stuffed penguin – it was just so human and otherworldly at the same time. I believe your success actually started the paranormal genre – now we have lots of authors writing worlds where vampires, zombies, witches, faeries, etc. live together, in harmony or not.

    When my son became a teenager, I introduced him to Anita and 17 years later, he’s just as enthralled as I am. Despite the books evolving into greater sexual content, I felt that they were a necessary part of the story, just as sex is a necessary part of life. I believed then as I do now that Anita was as great a way to open up a dialogue about sex with my teenager as there could be. I know my son is a more tolerant human being because of his exploration of sex through Anita.

    Lastly, I must say that Edward is my favorite character besides Anita. I loved exploring his other personae, Ted, in “Obsidian Butterfly,” and I believe that he has grown through his interactions with Anita as well. I think the line between Edward/Ted is starting to blur, and he’s starting to see, as Anita did early in the books, that there are distinctions between the “monsters.”

    I can hardly wait to get my hands on “Affliction” and rejoin Anita’s world. I look forward to many more years of Anita (hopefully Merry Gentry as well). Thank you for broadening my inner world!!!

  127. I found the series about 10 years ago through two friends who had read and fell in love with them. I loved that you could take three seemingly different story lines/problems, and in the last 10 pages blend them so seamlessly that everything gets wrapped up in a nice neat bow in the end. They’re perfect.
    I fell in love with Jean-Claude as soon as he stepped onto the page in Guilty Pleasures and have loved him since. He is hands down my favorite character in all of the books, close second is Edward and then surprisingly Richard. I love the evolution of their relationships.
    Reading Anita, whether it be re-reading an old book or reading a new book for the first time, is like slipping into your favorite sweater. There’s something comforting and familiar about reading your writing. Congratulations on your anniversary!

  128. Anita Blake really changed my life. This will make you laugh how I stumbled across her…

    I had been an avid reader particulary of Danielle Steele. Then my daughter made me go to see Twilight, and I found that movie interesting, so I read the Twilight saga. It being my first time reading about vampires.
    I wanted more vampires in my life, and had read a blurb about Anita Blake, and thought it was so interesting. So I ordered Incubus Dreams… yep, unbeknownst to me I was getting book 12 of a series… So I get the book and boy o boy, was I surprised. I was coming from reading the clean YA of Twilight to Anita Blake…
    Well after finishing Incubus Dreams I needed more of Anita, so I was so excited that i had 11 books to catch up on!
    I have come to love how Anita has grown into the woman she is. All the characters have evolved and grown so beautifully.
    I let a friend borrow my Guilty Pleasures in which she has NEVER returned 🙁

    My favorties (besides from Anita) are Edward, I love all the stories of Edward, and always want more of him. I’d love to know his secrets and how he became the man he is. Jean Claude is another one of my favorites, how he has changed since meeting Anita has been beautiful. Nathaniel is another character i have enjoyed watching grow into the man he is.
    I am hoping that Richard will grow a little more as the series continues.

    Thank you for introducing me to a whole new world. Thanks to Anita Blake, I have entered the world of paranormal and have found Yasmine Galnorn, Charlaine Harris, Kim Harrison, JR Ward and of cours Merry Gentry.

  129. I started reading your books with my cousin, we were fanatics about it, racing to see who could get to the next book first.. Once we were sure the both of us were done with each we’d spend days talking about what happened, what should happen next, who was hotter, and how it all should end.. I’ll cherish the time I spent discussing the books with her, just as much as I cherish every single character in the books themselves… Thank you for sharing Anita with us..

  130. I discovered Anita early in my twenties. Now 30 I am a full fledged addict. I think it’s really interesting how Anita’s powers have grown. I am always surprised by every book’s twists (like giving Richard the Ardeur was genius) and every time Anita fights something it always seems like she just barely wins. You are very talented Laurell K Hamilton and I love both your series!

  131. I first found your Anita Blake novels when I ordered a compilation of book 7 & 8 on a website I use to buy books. I loved them so much I had to go back and found compilations of the first six and those books that followed. This was about the time that Danse Macabre had just come out and I have been buying them new ever since. Your novels have really opened up my world. As someone who grew up in the suburbs of a small township of a small city, my world was very narrow. I learned things I did not know about and learned to tolerate those things that seemed wrong before. I feel as if your books have made me a better, more accepting person.
    My absolute favorite character (besides Anita, of course) is Nathaniel. Here is a man who has been through the worst life has to offer and still found love, acceptance, and family. I have loved watching him grow into a confident man and emotionally find where he belongs. I can only hope Richard comes to this same place himself soon.
    Thank you for the greatest series I have ever read and here’s to many more years of Anita and her friends. I cannot imagine it ever ending.

  132. I love the scenes with Jean-Claude, Richard and Anita. All scenes. I love Anita – small, beautiful and ready to kick some butt geared up in all her weaponry. I also like when Anita is in scenes with humans ( not were-people) cause it showcases her differences really well. Would love to have her in a scene with her father, step-mother and sibling(s). I discovered your books about 3 to 4 years ago. I bought Bullet and was hooked from them on. Started at number 1 and now have re-read them many times. Just love Nathaniel and Micah cause in today’s world the definition of family is changing. They love one another and support each other. My favorite scene is when Anita, Micah and Nathaniel are in bed reading Charlotte’s Web to one another! Let us not forget Edward too. Happy 20th Anniversary!

  133. I love the scenes with Jean-Claude, Richard and Anita. All scenes. I love Anita – small, beautiful and ready to kick some butt geared up in all her weaponry. I also like when Anita is in scenes with humans ( not were-people) cause it showcases her differences really well. Would love to have her in a scene with her father, step-mother and sibling(s). I discovered your books about 3 to 4 years ago. I bought Bullet and was hooked from then on. Started at number 1 and now have re-read them many times. Just love Nathaniel and Micah cause in today’s world the definition of family is changing. They love one another and support each other. My favorite scene is when Anita, Micah and Nathaniel are in bed reading Charlotte’s Web to one another! Let us not forget Edward too. Happy 20th Anniversary!

  134. I love the scenes with Jean-Claude, Richard and Anita. All scenes. I love Anita – small, beautiful and ready to kick some butt geared up in all her weaponry. I also like when Anita is in scenes with humans ( not were-people) cause it showcases her differences really well. Would love to have her in a scene with her father, step-mother and sibling(s). I discovered your books about 3 to 4 years ago. I bought Bullet and was hooked from then on. Started at number 1 and now have re-read them many times. Just love Nathaniel and Micah cause in today’s world the definition of family is changing. They love one another and support each other. My favorite scene is when Anita, Micah and Nathaniel are in bed reading Charlotte’s Web to one another! Let us not forget Edward too. The Villains have been great, creepy but great. Happy 20th Anniversary!

  135. I started with the Science Fiction book club edition of the first 2(or3) books in one volume. Now I wait for each volume. Of all the characters the two I love the most are Nathaniel and Micah. I just feel like Anita needs the grounding they give her – and I’m captivated by both of them. Please keep writing these – and can we get another book with more Anita, Micah and Nathaniel – pretty please?

  136. I love the relationship Anita and Edward/Ted have and how it has grown since they first met. They know each others worst moments and they both would do everything necessary to keep the other one safe and alive. I also love how Anita and Richard have grown in their relationship. They both have learned that the line between fantasy and reality has almost totally become nightmarish reality. Anita has grown so strong in confidence and I admire that and want to become as strong or as close to it as I can.

  137. Ive loved reading every book, each new character is interesting and fun, I love the scene of Nathaniel wearing his apron in the kitchen and Richard getting jealous while he is at home cooking. But most of all I really love the books because I feel some of the same things Anita does, they taught me its okay to think certain ways, that its normal and I’m not weird for thinking like that and others do to. Plus I read all the books to my husband and he can’t get enough of Edward. He always asks me “Is this an Edward book?” It makes me smile to see how we can enjoy something together. We both also really loved collecting the comics! To see the book brought to life on page was really amazing. Jean-Claude especially was close to what I envisioned in my head. I look forward to many more Anita Books and Merry too! Thank you for each book I’ll love them always and re-read them over and over.

  138. i have been reading anita sence the beginning. i was 13 when she first stepped in to my life. i picked up guilty pleasures because i loved the cover. i just could not put it down and read it all in one sitting. falling into her world got me through a lot of bad stuff growing up. my favorite secnes are sooo hard to narrow down. but the first couple to that popped in my head where … the choo choo jammies, and Nathaniel baking biscuits.

    when i first started reading anita she was in the YA section at the library. they moved her when the cover art changed. lol

  139. It’s been almost ten years since I started reading Anita Blake, will be ten years next year for me, just after I started college and ran across them by accident. But, I can say that reading Anita Blake for the past ten years has been one of the best things for me. Anita for me has always brought me out of my low periods. I know of one period where Anita definitely helped me. It was when my mom ended up in the hospital for a week, will be three years ago this December, for blood clots in both of her lungs. I was lucky because my mom is a nurse and happened to be at the hospital when she was having trouble breathing. But I had been rereading the books when it happened and I found myself just helping my mom and reading the books when not at the hospital. Anita kept me stable because I knew that if she could get through what she was dealing with, I could handle helping my mom through having to go to get blood tests done and make sure her blood clots went away. I know that there’s been other times that Anita has helped me, but that is one of the times I think is the most significant. Other times is when my problems left behind from horrible experiences play up. Anita always brings me out to know, if she can get through this, I can get through it.

    Also, I do want to say that Nathaniel is my favorite character. The reason he is my favorite and has meant the most to me is for the same reason that the books help me, he’s been through so much, and while there are scars left behind on his psyche, he still pushes on and keeps going. He just reminds me that nothing ends because of bad experiences. So yeah, he is definitely my favorite. I know each character has their problems and pushes through them, but Nathaniel seems to me to show the most strength out of all of them.

    But, I do want to say this, thank you for sharing your imaginary world with us. It’s been a great ten years for me and I can’t wait to continue on in this world and see what happens. Thank you again.

  140. Having recently discovered the Anita books myself, I will never forget talking to my grandmother (now 87) while reading Narcissus in Chains. We all love to read in my family and frequently share details about what we are reading. When I kind of hedged a bit and said she would not want to read it because of a ménage à trois, she insisted that I get her the book from her local library. She lives in San Francisco where the library will mail books to patrons who cannot get to there. When the librarian saw the books, she did not send them also thinking my 80 some-odd year old grandmother would be shocked. After a few calls and emails, the books were sent to her and she’s been reading Anita regularly.

    Of course now the librarian adds books like 50 Shades of Grey to the books she sends my grandmother!

  141. I really don’t remember when I started reading Anita Blake. However, the mark of a good series is coming back again and again. The character is such a strong character and I appreciate that aspect. I have some of the books in paperback and hard cover, but now I just love my e-reader. Each time that I re-read the series, I find out a new aspect of the character that I had forgotten that I liked. In each book, the Anita character has grown in depth of emotion. Her expansion to acceptance that there is more than one kind of love is amazing. i like that we see the development of Anita as a person who loves with the layers of her personality and how her layers of love influence the development of the characters around her and their perception of love. Do you think in future books that we could see a little more of the other shapeshifter groups and their relationships? Perhaps, Louie and the Rat King?? Not just Anita and her love life. A little more of Claudia, since we had a hint in the last book. thanks

  142. Hello Laurell,

    If you make it down to this post I hope that all the other comments you’ve read (or heard about) have filled you with that giddy feeling that makes everything but the wonderful things fall away, and are inspired for another twenty action packed Anita Blake filled years. I read through a bunch of them and felt not only kinship with people I will never meet or talk too, but gratitude to you for inventing a world which everyone who chose could visit, and thanks that for your anniversary with Anita you chose to hear from us. To let us be the writers and you the reader. It was a wonderful idea and I thank you for it.

    I love all most all of your characters and love to hate the rest, mainly Richard and Asher. Of all her men, they are the most selfish and self centered. They create more problems than their help is worth, but alas, Anita is a woman and she loves them. These are the types of characters that bleed the real world into fantasy. They show that Anita doesn’t only have supernatural problems, but that her relationship problems extend further than having too many men and not enough room in her heart or bed. You’ve done an amazing job on adding depth not only to the society she lives in, but in all the little details that are lost in a hunt to make the next novel better than the last. Funnily enough, some of my favorite characters occupy small roles in Anita’s life. Jason, Edward and Claudia to name a few. While she doesn’t love LOVE them, they help her as best they can while demanding little in return. I love Anita’s men, Micah, Nathaniel, Jean-Claud, and, well I could keep going but I’m assuming you get my point, but they each require so much from her. Exhausting.

    There are too many moments and parts to choose from for a favorite. However, it’s inspiring that even though there are moments where she faces certain death, torture, or loss of all hope, Anita tries her hardest to save everyone. While she doesn’t always come away unscathed or the savior, she still does it. It’s hard, its sucks, and it’s terrifying, but that doesn’t mean you can run away. That’s what you and Anita have taught me.

    I look forward to more of your writings.

    One of Many

  143. I started reading Anita about 7 or 8 yrs ago when my husband was on TDY for 2 yrs. These books were my companion while he was away. Helped me to take a break away from life and the kids.
    I stumbled across them at my local library and that was it…I had to go out and buy every single book! It took me a while because I hate paperback and hunted down all the hard cover editions. These are still my go to books when I just need to escape life…I love the stories and your attention to detail. I look forward to your books every year. I love to see how much Anita has grown since the begining. She will always be my favorite badass chick!

    I don’t know who is my favorite guy, I’ll always have a soft spot for Nathaniel and Jean Claude though. <3

    I also love you as an author…taking the time to talk and interact with your fans. There are some who are "too busy" to bother. I like hearing about your life and struggles and acheivements…you are just a normal person just like we are with every day problems and the fact that you share those moments with us makes you even more special. I feel like you love your fans as much as we love you!

    Thank you for all you do and here's to another 20+ years!

  144. I have followed Anita since 2003. I came across “Lunatic Cafe” which was a compilation of the 1st three books, I think. Don’t quote me on that, I could be wrong. Anyway, after reading that, I had to keep going. I was hooked. When two my girls were old enough to handle the sex scenes, I introduced them to Anita’s world. And they, too, became hooked. We’ve followed Anita through her struggles with her own identity, her tumultuous love-life, and her acceptance of who she really is. For myself, raising two daughters alone is hard in a world that still sees women as the weaker sex. Anita, with your guidance, has shown them that women can be tough as nails and still be valued for everything they are and aren’t. I see Anita as a role model (not with the harem of course) for my girl- someone who stands her ground, speaks her mind, and truly isn’t afraid of what people think of her. You have also inspired the writers in myself and my 16 year old. Here’s to hoping she makes it big enough to meet you in person, Laurell. And thanks for the many memories. There are just too many to list as far as my faves. So I’ll just say, all of them.

  145. I started reading this series about six years ago and instantly fell in love with the characters. I love to get lost in Anita’s world! I have to say that I think Edward is my all time favorite character in the series. The connection that him and Anita share is wonderful but I worry that one day they may have to go head to head. All my favorite scenes involve Edward! My least favorite character is Asher because, idk, he just really gets on my nerves…lol but I think everyone has that someone that they just can’t stand but tolerate anyway. That is Asher for me in Anita’s world. I look forward to many more years of Anita and all her boys! Thanks for sharing them with us all.

  146. I was in a little used book store with my daughter and the owner gave her a free children’s book. Feeling that I should return the favor, and in need of a new book, I picked up a copy of Guilty Pleasures. Without knowing anything about it I took it home and started reading. Not far into I though, “Man, I don’t know if I want to read this, Anita is a total bitch!” But I kept reading, and instantly fell in love with Jean Claude, which prompted me to continue. Half-way through I realized that Anita was not a bitch at all-but exactly who I would want to be in my fantasies-a self-reliant, independent, hard-core, kick-ass feminist who can take care of herself without the assistance of a member of the opposite sex. God, I love her.

  147. My uncle gave me a bag of books from a woman who was selling her house and needed to unload. I started with the first and was hooked! I think I read the whole series last summer during my break from teaching. I love Anita’s morals. She will do whatever needs to be done to keep anyone around her safe. Although she is so strong on the outside, she has many internal insecurities which makes her relatable. Obsidian Butterfly is my favorite book. Something about Anita being able to mimic the vampire skills is awesome. I love the imagery every time her eyes change to black.
    Thanks for keeping the series going. I am looking forward to Affliction!

  148. You Asked, “If your new to my writing, how did you discover it, and what took you so long to come play?”
    I started reading the Anita Blake books in Summer 2009, all that were available at that time (which I believe was Skin Trade). It was for summer reading program at my local library, and I read all that were available in a week. Well, actually, 5 days. It was an instant addiction. Your writing style was simply smooth, and I automatically slipped into Anita, and it wasn’t even reading, it was just living the books, breathing, feeling their panic, and their love, and their angst and….. everything.

    You asked, “What’s your favorite scene, or moment, in the books?”
    Can I just say all of the moments that involve Nathaniel/Jason being incredibly insightful and brash with Anita, in order to get her to see the light. I love these moment where their normal personality flips a little, and they become aggressive enough, and get away with it, because Anita loves them. These scenes, moments, show best the effect of ‘true’ love in the relationships.

    You asked, “What has reading the books for all these years meant to you?”
    More than anything they’ve shown my how to cope with inner demons, and how to accept love. They have been an escape from reality, in order to find a calm, so I could return and deal with my problems. Without Anita and the Gang, I would probably be a lot more insane, as it is, I just embrace my brand of Crazy, and know that everything will turn out alright, with a little give and take between myself and all my friend, and those that I love.

    You asked, “To all of you who love Anita and the gang, how have the books affected your real life?”
    Well, first off – the covers of your books made my high school very nervous. When I was reading them while still in high school, teachers would often give me the elastic book covers to wrap around them, as they made them blush, hahahah. I myself think they are beautiful and amazing.
    As for how the stories have affected me, well, I said that above, and I often think that they have also helped me be more secure in my sexuality, and willing to embrace it as normal, thanks to Nathaniel and Jean Claude, showing me that just because not everyone is into it, doesn’t mean that it is bad.

    You requested, “Tell me what you love in my imaginary world, and which of my imaginary friends has meant the most to you?”
    Nathaniel has truly always been my favorite, and Micah a close second, and the third is Raina. Nathaniel, for being the teacher and student of sexuality/love, Micah for being the support and strength when needed, and Raina, for reminding me that lines are meant to be drawn, and that sometimes a little evil can be turned to good, if you wish it to be.


    Laurell K Hamilton, your writing has changed my views on everything, between your Merry books and your Anita books, I have come to be accepting of myself, and to see what needs to be achieved for balance, and know that you have to be willing to go out on a limb, for love. I also understand kindness better, and what loyalty means. Your books have touched me, and taught me, and molded me, and just… made me. (To avoid sounding like the obsessed fan, it is you and a few authors who have touched me this way)

    Thank you for letting us into your world, letting us see your demons, and see you conquer them.

    Stay Healthy,
    Nicole B

  149. I first started reading you books about 10 years ago . My husband bought me home Guilty
    Pleasures to help me do research because I wanted to be a writer. Then I thought thats it I cant do it , Ill never be as good but he told me that if I try and practice I can. I still doubt Ill ever be as good but one day maybe one day Ill come close. You are my inspiration. My two favorite books are the book that Anita and Jean Claude finally get together , the book where they are in his office and Once in a Blue Moon . Though I love them all.

  150. I stumbled into an Anita book almost 12 or 15 years ago.. I was a teenager, walking around in the library looking for something interesting. Actually, I don’t even remember which book I read first, and then I picked up some other books with no order… at least, I started from the beginning and read all the story.
    I always felt like there is just another world, Anita’s world, that pauses itself and wait for me every time I close the book… everything is simply so real that it seems that characters like Asher, or Nathaniel (I simply love them) are just like old friends of mine.
    I cannot wait to have the new book translated into Italian!!

  151. I was in the lockdown ward of a physchiatric hospital in 1999, recovering from an attempted suicide. One of the other patients was reading an Anita book and she told me it was about Vampires, which I have always loved. She lent me the first book and I ended up reading the entire series in the hospital and have been a HUGE fan ever since. The books allowed me to escape from my grim reality and live in the imaginary world of Anita and friends. Anita is still IMO the single best heroine in the written form and I wish big time for a day we may see her on the big screen. In the meantime, I hope you never stop writing Anita stories. 😉

  152. Wow. What is there to say about Anita and the gang that hasn’t already been said? Anita..well…she’s such an inspiration. The way she can work through her relationships, all of them, and even admit when the relationship isn’t going to work is what inspires me to be more true to my own. I don’t have a bevy of men like she does, and I don’t have the courage that she does.. but I want to (well, want to have the courage not the men^_- ). I want to be able to always speak my mind, to have that trust in the man I am with to know that when the shit hits the fan he knows exactly what to do to keep me sane.
    Anita is the heroine of heroines. She’s bad ass, sexy as hell, tough and girly when needs to be. I’ve been reading and re-reading the series so many times just to get lost in the lives again and again. Your series has been an inspiration to me to keep writing a dream even if I never complete or finish a book. To be able to dive into another world and be my absolute self, to live in the dangerous moments while sitting safely at a desk, to feel my heart racing with anxiety while a character is close to falling off the anita..her boys, even the girls are just proof that we can live happily in whatever situation we are in. We can mak our own world, we can break away from the bad things and have the strength and courage to make our lives and our little world good and whole again.
    Anita gives us, gives me strength and hope and I thank you for that with each book I re-read, each new book of yours I pick up..
    Thank you.

  153. I have been reading Anita since 2003. I was late to the party. I began at the beginning on the suggestion of a friend. I had just finished The Vampire Chronicles and needed something new. I have been in love ever since. I’m in love with Anita, most of the boys, the entire world. I read and reread them all the time. I learned a lot of interesting things that my then husband was able to reap the benefits of. I think my son was conceived due the HOTNESS in Cerulean Sins. I just love you and your writing and I appreciate your interaction with you came your fans. You respond when I tweet and you were awesome when you came to San Diego last year for the Kiss the Dead book signing. Thank you many times over for your novels.

  154. Anita has saved my sanity. That is not an exaggeration. She has been able to push beyond limitations, those set by others and by herself. She has learned to cope with many changes, those foreseen and unforeseen. She has gathered about her a support system of friends — near family now — to keep her strong, and, in the process, has exorcised from her life the deceitful, the back-stabbers, and as much pain as possible. I have done likewise.

    My character to hold dear to my heart has been Nathaniel. With so much physical beauty in the novels, I believe Nathaniel might not dismiss a person offhand for not being high in the power structure. He would get to know the person anyway. I have trouble imagining being anyone’s “everything” — since it worked out sooo well for the last ten years — but perhaps I could be strong enough, smart enough, and kind enough for that one special leopard. If only the characters I love to read about were real and not just magnified incomplete sketches of people we’ll never know.

  155. I started reading Anita about 5 years ago now and fell instantly in love the serious! I picked up the first 3 books in the library and once i finished them started buying them and now I cant wait for the new ones each year! 🙂 I love how each character have thier own stories and love to follow how they overcome something from thier past! I am now about to start the Merry Gentry serious too!! 🙂 xx

  156. I was around fifteen when I visited a small coffee shop/bookshop and found my first Anita Blake book Blue Moon. I was hooked. I frequently reread the whole set. I also reread Merry and a few other authors but Anita is my favorite. Anita is dark and started out innocent. I felt like I was growing up and maturing with Anita. It seems like Anita has grown with each and every book especially since Narcissus in Chains. I hope you are much better from your earlier health scare. Please keep writing. I enjoy everything from Anita to Merry and even Strange Candy.

  157. I started reading Anita about 2 1/2 years ago. I wasnt into reading much, never could get into the stories. But Anita and Merry have helped me to enjoy it. I discovered you on XM book radio when they played Obsidian Butterfly. I couldnt catch all of the story, so I went searching and found a world I have come to love. Thank you for that.

    The scene I enjoy the most in Anita World is where she finally gives in to Jean Claude. I think that was when she realized that love aint so bad, but it can be tough.

    For me, reading Anita has made me more willing to stand up for my self. She is small, a girl, can kick ass, and has no problem telling people what she thinks. It was in “Kiss the Dead” when Zerbrowski said she liked knocking things off the shelf and letting the pieces fall where they may.
    That is SOOOO Anita. I cant wait for Affliction.

    Thank you for introducing your world to me. And by the way, more Jean Claude would totally rock. LOL. He has to be the sexiest vampire in history.

  158. I have been reading and re-reading these books for a number of years, I can’t say 20 years but at least between 13 and 15 years, I even have exclusive books that are not sold anywhere other than a science fiction book club site, not to mention the comic books, it was nice to see the visuals as well. I picked up the first book in the series after having read a number of other supernatural type books finding that I quite enjoy them and can immerse myself in that book or world if you will, so long as I am reading the book, I have been hooked ever since. Anita is one of my favorite characters though there were times when I just wanted to reach out and choke her. I loved Jean Claude right away and miss having him so much in play in these later books. I liked Richard to start with and then just didn’t really like him so much anymore as his character developed. Micah is a strong character and I do like him, though I would love to see more Jean Claude, wish he were talking to you and your muse more. I seem to get into the scenes more so when Anita is kicking butt, thought it would take her forever to realize how she could rid herself and everyone else of the threat of the Mother of Darkness…only a few weeks more and another chapter in Anita’s life will be available, can’t wait to read all about it!

  159. I stumbled upon Anita in the late 90s, looking for something new and different than the standard fantasy/horror genre. I remember buying Guilty Pleasures and being excited at this new take on the world, then promptly buying the entire series. Every five years or so I re-read them and love them all the more.

    Anita and gang are your friends, but when I read of her adventures, I feel as if I’m across the table from a good friend of my own, encouraging her and learning from her example. I can picture Anita as my kick-ass friend who faces challenges and overcomes, but not without a price, not without true feeling and emotion. She is brave, but smart enough to be scared. You write her so well, she is real to me. Thank you for sharing her, and your, journey with us readers. Blessed be.

  160. My first Anita Book was Narcissus in Chains. The first few chapters had been in Out of this World. I was captivated and order the book right away. I read the book even though I had realized it wasn’t the first in the series. It was too good to put down. I fell in love with Anita, even when she is being stubborn, silly, or just plain difficult. Before each new book I reread the last two or three. (I have just finished rereading Bullet). I have to say my favorite moments with Anita are those she has with Nathaniel. I had never read anything like this series before nor has anything else I have read come close. The mythology is brilliant. For the last ten years these characters have been my friends and I wait impatiently for the next.

  161. I discovered Anita through Incubbus Dreams, and fell in love with Richard. Him running to ground Anita was the most erotic and pagan action that didn’t involve removing his clothes that I have ever read. I thought he was beautiful.

  162. I discovered Anita Blake my junior year in high school, 8 years ago, when half the girls in my grade were just raving about these awesome books. I asked what they were about and they told me they were vampire books. I had never really been into vampire books, so many of them I find boring, but being a really big fan of Buffy and Angel, I thought why not check it out, always trying to find something new and interesting to read, and hey, vampires are cool. So anyway, went to the bookstore to find the first book, and went home to read a bit and I couldn’t put it down. I sat and read the whole book that night, and was instantly hooked. Went back to the book store the next day to get the next 2 books. I just love how strong Anita is, and I love how much she has changed. Every year or so I start reading from the beginning again and it just amazes how much Anita has evolved. I love everything about these books. Every time I get a new one I just can’t put it down, and I am so excited to read Affiliction. You have gotten me addicted to this series in a way no other series has. I have read these books more than any other books I own. Hope Anita never ends.

  163. I am a key chain welding member of your fan club. Discovered Guilty Pleasures and then ordered the whole series. I am rereading in order to read Affliction the day it comes out. Hmmmm, when is that? Oh yes, July 2nd. Counting days.

  164. I discovered Anita in 2005 and the first book I read was Narcissus in Chains. From there, I devoured the books that came later (Cerulean Sins and Incubus Dreams). After finishing those, I found the rest of them and just could not stop reading. I’ve even gotten others addicted to Anita and all of the gang. Anita reminds me a lot of myself. She’s been through a lot, but doesn’t let her past dictate where she’s heading. I’ve always loved the way it seems like it could be the real world. The same issues that Anita goes through are issues that others go through. My favorite scenes are where Anita figures something out about herself or one of her loves. It’s like watching the “light bulb” come on.

    Congratulations on your 20th Anniversary. May there be many more anniversaries.

  165. My Dearest Laurell K. Hamilton,

    You and Anita and the entire gang have done so much for me. I started reading the series when Cerulean Sins was released. I was in a book store looking for something to jump out at me and someone dropped the book on my foot. We actually had coffee over the encounter and I ended up buying the entire series that day. I was in love by the end of Guilty Pleasures. I read the entire series that week, and pined for the next book to be released. I re-read those books a dozen times before Incubus finally arrived on my door step.

    I had just found out that I was pregnant with my daughter when Anita had her pregnancy scare. Talk about timing. I read the entire series to my unborn daughter. The great part was all the deep dark secrets of Anita’s world seemed to calm and soothe not only me but my child as well. Maybe it was the sound of my voice, but I swear to this day that it was the world you ahd created that kept her so captivated.

    I introduced Anita to my mother when she and I came out to each other about being Poly, Pansexual and in the Kink lifestyle. I told my mother and I will tell you… that watching Anita cope with all these new lifestyles made it so much easier for me to go out into my community and find the resources I needed to deal with my own life and lifestyle crises. Thanks to Nathanial being okay and open about therapy, I felt okay and open about my therapy. When Anita realized that working with Maryanne was actually her version of therapy I laughed so hard I almost cried. She reminded me so much of me and my therapist…

    But in truth the biggest impact that Anita and her world have had on me was that I grew the courage to chase my own dreams and write. It has been a long hard and vicious journey but I am now a fully published author of my own twisted reality.

    You and Anita are my hero’s. I have fallen in love time and again with all the characters and creations in your world. Thank you so much for giving her to us. And thank you so much for sharing this amazing piece of yourself with all of us…

    Blessed Be

    Fyre Dancer

  166. Funnily enough, my now ex-wife introduced me to the series 🙂 I kind of like the notion that Anita has been something I can positively attribute to my life and previous marriage…at least we agreed on something.

    Surprisingly, the way in which weres are written into the series played a HUGE role in continued interest with Anitaverse. For once, I discovered an author who had the foresight to write weres in a less ‘pet’ role to vampires YAYHOOO! My cultural heritage lends itself to the idea that we humans are members of nature, hence the tendency to champion weres…and to be frank, I’m tired of were-bats *ahem* sorry – vampires being the top of the food chain HAA! HAA!

    I have to be honest and put it out there, the best aspect of my experience with Anita is I enjoy the blood and gore aspect of her character. Her independence is something to be admired. Yet the biggest win for Anita and I? Some days she straight pisses me off! Sends me up in flames. I start chewing on the carpet and gnawing on the furniture. Yep – REAL talk! Although it’s proven to be occasionally awkward – I know I’m into a character when I start snapping, snarling and howling at a page…and Anita has a certain penchant for my triggers 😀 (I know I’m not alone – keep smiling LOL)

    The way Anita rolled with the über-bad-preters…like Seraphina, Raina…in the beginning of the series scooped me up – hook, line and sinker. Almost as much as her knowledge of religion and world history. Anita’s journey with Richard (don’t throw les rotten vege) has been one of the most REAL depictions of love-gone-wrong, that as a male fan, I can truly appreciate. Her familiarity with arms or weaponry is OFF THE CHAIN!

    Given I get to ‘hear’ her reflections, helps me to have a greater context that I may not agree with all of the time, but honesty is a remarkable and practical tool in life and in Anitaverse. That’s definitely a win 🙂

    So, LKH – thank you for your bravery in breaking the preter-mould and growing a character I can really ‘sink my teeth into 😉 HAAA! HAAA!

  167. Hmm..where to start? I just started reading again about 4 years ago and someone let me borrow “Burnt Offerings”, I think I was hooked in the first chapter..I re-read the entire series every time a new book comes out!! My fav thing about the series is watching Anita come to terms with the changes in her life and overcoming so many of her preconceived notions. Her relationship with Micah and Nathaniel is my favorite and I love the scenes with them the most..the fact that they are the most helpful and supportive of all the men and that she can be vulnerable with them!! I love all the characters and they each have their great points but that core relationship still makes me feel the most. I love that you take chances and unconventional roads with the sex and romance scenes..I never know what is going to happen and so many other series become predictable. Thank you for creating this lovely world where I can go to dream and fantasize and play to my hearts content!!

  168. I discovered Anita (and Richard and Jean-Claude) by accident about 10 years ago. I was reading a book of short paranormal stories and the scene at Narcissus in Chains was in there. Decided I wanted to read more. Totally fell in love with Nathaniel. I have loved watching him grow from the broken, abused kid (basically) that he was to the self-assured man he is now. I have cried along with many of the characters and cursed others! Now every year, the new Anita book is the only one I mark on my calendar! Can’t wait for the next one!

  169. I was in a dry spell between authors and doing my normal wandering through Barnes & Nobles to alleviate the problem when the cover of a new paperback by an author I had never read caught my attention. I picked it up, found a place to sit and started reading. I didn’t stop until the call for store closing interrupted me. Barely managing to navigate my way to the register with my nose still in the book I bought it, finished it that night and went back the next day. I needed to read everything that came out before it. The book was Danse Macabre and I was hooked by Anita and her world in the first chapter. Wanting to discuss and debate and have someone else wonder “what next” with I let my brother borrow the first book. He finished it during his lunch break and just had to go out and buy his own copy of the rest because he didn’t want to wait long enough to borrow them.
    I’ve been frustrated, and enraged, and occasionally wished I had some of Anita’s skill with a gun when certain characters, ahem Richard, continued to be asshats. I’ve sympathized with the personal dilemmas the characters have faced, the confusion they felt over their reactions, and felt a sense of relief and joy at how love and acceptance of what make a person happy has mostly triumphed over societal expectations and narrow interpretations of religion.
    Neither my brother nor I have ever managed to correctly guess “what next” and I continue to read, re-read and recommend these books to people. Thank you for bringing these wonderful, fascinating, terrifying, individuals into my life.

  170. I honestly can’t remember how many years I’ve been reading your books, but I know it’s been over 8. I can’t explain enough how much value this series. Whenever I’m having a bad day, in the mood to stay home and read, or just bored at work, I start re-reading the series. My favorite books are Narcissus in Chains, Incubus Dreams and Bullet. My favorite scenes include Nathaniel/Micah/Anita and Anita/Jean Claude. I love how the characters have evolved, especially Anita. I can’t wait until Affliction comes out!

  171. I was in the service the first time I’d read Anita Blake. It was a three in one book combining Guilty Pleasures, Lunatic Cafe and Bloody Bones. I literally was coming into things in the middle of the saga at the time. 6 months at sea with those stories and All I could do was read and re-read and read some more. With internet access I was able to find out it wasn’t just those three stories and I ordered everything to date (2001) When I got home those books were waiting for me. Reading about Richard (Who happens to share the same name as my husband), Anita and Jean-Claude got me through 6 months overseas in Kuwait and Iraq. Happy “Anitaversary” To everyone!

  172. Omg….trying to list my favorite scenes will put me in the same predicament as you trying to blog your milestone. There are so many favorite scenes & characters! 22 books, that list is practically endless lol. I can tell you what I love most is your interpretation of magic; the dynamics of the how’s & whys & what are entralling. It was actually “Burnt Offerings” that cemented me as an AB fan forever! Close to the end, the battle w the Master of Beasts and Raina’s munin riding her when she put a metaphysical death grib on Padma’s heart and forced him to atone for the transgression against Sylvie…man oh man I was hooked. There have been many other books that got me just as excited; to name a few: Narcissus In Chains, The Harlequin, Skin Trade, Flirt & Bullet are all my favorites in the series. Thank you for sharing your wonderfully creative imagination w me & many many many thanks to your publisher for having the good sense to sign you!
    PS: I’ve often wondered, do any of the AB fans like Richard? I for one can’t stand him

  173. I found Anita completely by accident.About 17 years ago I was looking for a book about the history of the Blake family, my family, and came across this amazing story line of a dark haired young woman who is fierce and fantastic. It fed my love of the horror, fantasy, and mystery genres. I went out and picked up Guilty Pleasures. I read it in less than a day. I loved it! I was hooked. I went out and got the rest of the series which I completely devoured. I was so excited I had to tell my Aunt who shares my tastes in literature and movies. I found out she was already an Anita fan and we shared our favorite parts. We still to this day will rush out and get the books they day they are released and read them and then call and share our thoughts about the newest look in to Anita’s world. Thank you for letting us be part of your imaginary friends lives.

  174. I belonged to science fiction and fantasy book club and one day I was going through my monthly order book and saw this book about a vampire hunter! It was called club vampire an omnibus edition.I got it and the next two omnibus editions right away and have been a fan ever since. Then I reconnected with my best friend from high school and she was a big fan also She got to meet you when you were in Oregon. I was so jealous as it was only a month until I was due to visit. She introduced me to the Merry Gentry series and I was hooked there too.I was always team Jean Claude rather than team Richard but I was happy when they finally found a way to work together.I have enjoyed seeing her grow and learn to love her menagerie of men and to believe she was someone who deserved to be loved. That was something she helped me learn also everyone deserves to be loved. Thank you for 23 wonderful books.Can’t wait for more!

  175. My first book was Blue Moon, after reading it I ran out and bought all of those before it and those that were available to the current day. Now like many I impatiently await each new novel. I have reread the compleat series several times enjoying it each time and often seeing something I missed before.
    Anita has helped this little ole lady grow and be more sure of herself, more comfortable with herself in the bedroom. Having been brought up by very old fashion standards my husband finds my outlook very refreshing. LOL. Thanks Anita and Laurell !

  176. I suffered from clinical Depression and came back from it, all thanks to Anita and the one quote that stood out to me like a drop of rain in the summer.

    “Fears are not meant to be shared; they’re meant to be conquered”.

    And by God, I have been conquering those fears one step at a time, and have learnt so much on the way; very much like Anita herself.

    I thank you for bringing the world of Anita to life and look forward to reading more journeys, lessons, laughs, and cries with another twenty years of Anita Blake, vampire hunter.

    Congratulations Laurell, and thank you. B

  177. I started late but read them quick, and after catching up wait every year for the newest of both MG and AB. Love not only the fantasy and the intricacies’ of the worlds you have created but of the truths Anita and Merry portray of everyday life and struggle that is applicable to all in this world, now.

  178. I have more then one favorite, but this has to trump them all. When she pull a gun on Jason in the hotel room. And he asks why and she say the list time I saw you you where trying to eat me. I have loved reading your books and watching the character’s grow and change. I do enjoy reading about the wicked truth brother’s. Thank you for your wonderful imagination.

  179. Well, I discovered Anita’s world about 5 year ago. It started as a curiosity, but then I just realized that I’d read all 15 books in a blink of an eye and couldn’t wait for the new one. I was already addicted, so in a way Anita’s series really helped me improve my english (I’m brazilian). hehehe
    But more than this, I fell in love with her character, with her strenght and with her stubborn way… Jean-Claude, well, that man can be practical but I still get impressed by him and how with a simple gesture he can show how much he loves her.
    I could go on and on talking about each character and how much they captivated me but in a few words, Anita Blake series is for me a magical place that I go when I start reading it. I’ve connected with the history in the moment I read the first word. I laughed,I cried, I got angry and happy with them. I forget about everything else.
    I love all the gang but I miss seeing Anita more with Jean-Claude, because these are my favorite scenes. In book 6 when she first let him love her and in book 12 when they recite that poem from Richard Lovelace… that’s just beautiful. 🙂
    In this last book, it broke my heart seeing Asher leaving even if that was necessary. He is one of my favorite too… he’s difficult, really, but somehow I admire how he was still able to love after being for so long with Belle. I still have some hope for him.
    So, just thank you Laurell for creating such a wonderful world. Happy 20th Anniversary and can we hope for more 20 years of Anita? hehehe

  180. I first discovered Anita & the gang in the sixth grade I am now 24 & have grown up with this series! My favorite character is Nathaniel because he has grown up the most. When he was introduced I did not understand him at all but he was obviously a sweet but misguided person. So being able to see his journey to the strong independent person he is now has been wonderful. As for affecting my real life I would say that Anita’s character has touched me the most because of her journey from closed off & scared of love to being able to open her heart to numerous individuals.

  181. I have a lot of favorite moments but the one at the top of my list is when Anita finally gives into Nathaniel sexually. He is my favorite of all her men and I was so happy to see him get what he wanted for so long. This series means the world to me. There is a part of me that thinks it would be great to have that many gorgeous men in my life who love me and it is wonderful to read how she manages to make it work for her. I’ve learned a few things from her that have made my husband a very happy man, so thank you!

  182. I was 16 when I happened across my first Anita Blake novel. I was browsing a Borders in Santa Barbara and found Circus of the Damned on a display table. The cover looked interesting so I opened it and perused the first chapter. I was persuaded to buy it after I read “If you came here to call me names, get the hell out of my office. If you have real business, state it, then get the hell out of my office.” That line reminded me of another literary character that I loved, Robert B. Parker’s Spenser. So I figured, hey, why not give this story a shot.
    Over the past three years, I’ve managed to buy a copy of every book in the series. I still love rereading them when I’m home from college on break.

  183. I just started reading Anita’s series in the last few months. I picked up Guilty Pleasures at a used book store and liked it, but I wanted a little more romance. It wasn’t until I was reading the second book that I realized this was something worth reading, something unexpected, like nothing I had read before. I put book 2 down (about 2 chapters in) and reread book 1. That was it, I was hooked. I went to get the next 2 books the very next day and I haven’t stopped yet. I read a lot but never has a series been able to blend romance, horror, fantasy, and mystery together so seamlessly. I find myself always wondering, “What would Anita do?” She is a true heroine-the way she always puts the ones she loves before herself. I love how she admits her fears and then sets about conquering them.
    I love and adore the (mouthwatering!) men in Anita’s life!! From the start, I loved Jean-Claude and he remains one of my very favorite characters. Sometimes I miss the scenes with just him and Anita. I love the relationships Anita has with Micah, Nathaniel, and Jason too! I adore Jason with his easy humor and incredible insight. One of my favorite scenes was in Blood Noir when Nathaniel and Anita decide to cheer up a heartbroken Jason. I have to say I am also a sucker for the weretigers and the Wicked Truth.

    Please Laurell, please keep writing about Anita and her lovely men! Your books are my vacations! And thank you for the insight into how you get your ideas at the end of Flirt. That was really fun to learn about!
    Thank you and Happy Happy Anniversary! Here’s to 20 more years of Anita Blake!!

  184. The first book I read was “Blood Noir”. I bought it at WalMart. The few word description caught my eye. I flipped through the book and was instantly captured. I read that entire book in about a day. (I was in high school so I had to keep it kinda hiddne from my teachers. I was kinda embarrassed as to what they would say if they saw a 16 year old reading a book like that! Otherwise I would have been done way sooner.) Then I slowly bought up the rest of the series. I’ve read the books so many times, I forget which parts of a certain book is in which book. Anita, Jean Claude, and the gang got me through some rough times. I can flip back through a book, and I have a wave of nostalgia. A scene in one of the books can put me back to where I was the very first time I read that book. Or the third or fourth time. I can’t tell you, Laurell, how much I love your writing and your books. Of course, my favorite charachter is Anita, because she’s kick ass!! But, I also love Jean-Claude, Jason, Asher, Dolph, and Zebrowski. And pretty much everyone else except for Hayden and Damien.
    Keep up the great work!!! I can’t wait to read the new ones!!!

  185. I found your books one day about 20 or so years ago. I was in Coles bookstore looking for something new to read. I did not recognize your name or the book. ( I am a print addict albeit a critical one ) so I bought the book Guilty Pleasures. The best sceen in the book is where she informs the womanwho set her up that she will kill her if anything happens to heer friend. When the &^^ tells her that the vampires will bring her back she tells her in great detail in a dispassionate way how she will do the deed so that a return will be impossible. This was a most powerfull scene I I do not do it justice here.

  186. I started reading the Anita books about 1998. I found them through the SiFi Book Club. The first 3 novels were available as an omnibus and I was instantly
    hooked. I drove around town (Houston, TX) to about 8 different book stores to find the next 5 books! Since then I’ve purchased each new book as soon as it was released. I love how your characters are not static, but grow and change. Too many long book series begin to lose their impact over time, because the characters and stories become repetitive. With Anita and the gang, things just keep getting deeper, richer and more engrossing with each new book. Happy twentieth and here’s hoping for may more.

  187. I instantly became a fan when I read the first book. I was definitely hooked :)) In the beginning of December (2012), I came across your series because I’m totally into kickass heroine characters. It’s almost July now, and I am currently reading Kiss The Dead. I love Anita, her lovers, and friends. I try to live to Anita’s standards because I believe in them. This is one of the several lessons I’ve learned from this extraordinary character (and of course, the author as well!): Don’t give a shit about what everyone else thinks about you. Anita is constantly hated on for a lot of things, but she keeps her chin up high and strides forward, ready to raise a zombie, kill a naughty vampire, and keep on loving her all her boyfriends.
    I sincerely wish all the best for Anita and you, Laurell! Thank you for sharing something that has inspired me and many others! I look forward to you kicking ass alongside Anita 🙂

  188. i’ve only been reading a.b. series (and merry’s too) for the last 9-10 yrs. i started when my mom was ill, and i was looking for a good book to occupy my time sitting at the hospital. anita (and eventually merry, lol) did that in spades! i devoured them all and jones like an addict waiting for the next book!
    as for my favorite character, it would probably be anita (and merry from the other series). but really, they are all like family! i can’t wait to see where they go form here.
    happy reading!

  189. I love the Anita Blake series! I started with Merry and was scared to start Anita because I was afraid I wouldn’t love it as much. I was so wrong! I’ve reread the entire series at least 4 times in the past year. The first time I read the first 20 books in a month.

    Anita validated many of the non mainstream thoughts I already had about life. I love that she is a strong female character and these books have helped me overcome difficult and stressful times. They were a great way to escape during my first year of law school too. I love Edward, Micah, Nathaniel, Jason, Zebrowski, and Jean Claude. I have to admit I also like Olaf even though he is psychotic, hopefully he comes back into the picture. Obsidian Butterfly is my favorite book!

    These characters seem so real and I have real emotional reactions when they do something disappointing (Larry in Kiss the Dead). I will keep reading for as long as you keep writing. Thank you for your wonderful work, it has touched my life more than you know.

  190. The scene in one of the early books, with JC in the bathtub at a hotel…I must have reread it a hundred times.

  191. Dear Laurell

    A dear friend introduced me to Anita about 3 years ago. He had all of your books on his Ipod. I was hooked from the beginning. I think that Edward is a great character because he is comic relief for Anitas seriousness. I spend a lot of time in and out of the hospital and Anita and everyone comes with me. They keep me company. A you going to do anything with Olaf/Otto with the were lion aspect. It would be an exciting hunt for Anita and Edward. Hit List was very exciting I felt like I was there when Anita and Edward were having a shoot out with the Harlequin on the road. Please leave in the sound effects in the audio books love it.
    I was hooked from Guilty Pleasures to the present. I love the were animals, vampires,zombies and all of the humans also. They have given me hours of pleasure and comfort. Thank you Laurell for your imagination and for the last 20 years of hard work.
    with much love cappi

  192. I started reading Anita Blake when I was around 13. Before then, I wasn’t much of a reader -reading was something I had to do for school. But now I couldn’t live without books -I’m a bookaholic and AB is what got me hooked.
    My favourite scenes are ones where Anita and Jean Claude share a special moment in between crises. Especially the scene where they recite “To Lucasta, Going to the Wars” -it felt perfect and really left an impression in me.
    Jean Claude, being the ‘first’ for Anita, has a special place in my heart. He is still the standard I measure men by (and no man has even come close yet).

  193. I have been a fan of Anita ever since my best friend introduced me to your first book, which she had just discovered. She actually started me with the Merry Gentry books and then one day was bubbling about having found Guilty Pleasures. By the time I’d finished reading the first book I was so hooked I had to go find as many as I could. Since this was in the early 2000s, there were already a fair few to find! I have too many favourite moments to be able to pick just one, and each new book brings out new gems. I have the whole series now, granted some are as ebooks. I love the escape into a world that’s our but just… not quite 🙂

  194. I’ve been reading Anita (and the rest of your books) for about 8 years now.
    One of my goals in life is to meet you in person, shake your hand and possibly give you a hug(if you’re comfortable hugging a stranger lol).
    I don’t remember how I found them, but once I did I devoured them in a short time. To date I’ve reread the entire Anita Blake series 30 times. It is the only series I have reread that many times and I will never tire of it.

    Growing up I had an abusive father, he ruined my childhood and my life. I have tried to kill myself too many times to count, living was just not worth it.
    Your books saved my life. I found them at the age of 15, and the characters became my best friends. Anita became my strength. When I was on the edge, planning another suicide, I’d just think about not being alive to read the next Anita book, or how Anita has been through so much and she wouldn’t do this. I didn’t feel quite so alone anymore. I buried myself in your world, because it was so much better than mine, and it helped me survive.
    I’ve raged with Anita, cried with her, bled with her, been heartbroken with her and I lived with her.
    The characters are apart of me, apart of my life. Jean-Claude(especially) and all of Anita’s men have taught me that there is someone out there for me. And no matter how badly my parents treated me, that someone one day will be able to accept me and love me with all of my flaws.

    You are an amazing author and my favorite on this planet. I know you write these books for everyone, but I can’t help but feel like you were writing them just for me. 🙂 I cannot wait for Affliction to come out, I know it will be amazing and I love being able to continue on this journey with you!

    Thank you so much for introducing me to this amazing world. I don’t know where I’d be without you and the Anita series. <3


  195. I was introduced to Anita about two years ago by a friend who had read the books. I dove into the series and read all 20 books in the span of a little over a year. When I finished Anita’s, I read Merry’s.

    I love Anita and her gang. I’ve always been an avid reader, but most of the authors I follow don’t do a long-running series. It’s nice to have these characters grow and see how they change. And fall in love with them more and more as time goes on.

    I’ve recently started rereading the series and it’s so strange to be back before a lot of the metaphysical powers had manifested. I’m used to the characters as they are now. But I’m loving the books all over again. I’m coming across scenes I had forgotten about. I’m picking up on details that may not have been as noticable the first time.

    My favorite character is Jean-Claude. I adore him. I’ve always been a vampire fan and he takes the top place above Dracula, Spike (from Buffy), Bill and Eric, and even Damon. He is so suave and such a gentleman, most of the time. ; )

    The rest of Anita’s regular men are wonderful too, and Jason is probably just after Jean-Claude. I go back and forth about Richard. Micah is a wonderful character as well. Nathaniel is awesome. (I feel like my vocabulary is lacking here. LOL)

    I wish, as I’m sure many women do, that there were guys like this out in the real world. Of course if there were, I would probably not be so lucky as to have one interested in me! So it’s nice to think maybe they are out there somewhere. Books give me my escape and I can’t think of many better groups of people to escape with than Anita and her gang. Thank you for them.

  196. I discovered Anita right out of high school and you quickly became my favorite author and your characters some of my very favorites. Both Anita and Merry have taught me things, opened my eyes in so many ways. Anita especially has had a huge personal evolution and I wish I could be half the woman she is. Sometimes when I am faced with a horrible decision or things just go badly I think, “Anita could handle this, this is cake compared to her troubles” and it makes it a lot more bearable. I love that both Anita and Merry stay true to themselves no matter what, which is something so struggle with all the time. They don’t care what outsiders think in a way I wish I didn’t, a way I strive to be. Plus learning about all the BDSM is neat too!

  197. A friend of mine introduced me to your books about 7 years ago. I was hooked from the first page. What I love the most about the Anita books is Anita’s journey through them, getting to know herself and what it is she really needs out of her life. I can’t think of another female character in fiction that I respect more. One of my favorite story arcs has been with Anita, Micah, and Nathaniel. Especially the arc between Anita and Nathaniel, it warms my heart every time I read their story. I love Nathaniel’s quiet strength, and his attitude. I have also enjoyed reading about Anita and Jean-Claude. It is such a joy when they are together on the page.
    The Anita Blake series are my favorite books. I am having a difficult time expressing how much your books mean to me. They have gotten me through a lot of tough times. Thank you for sharing your imaginary friends with us!

  198. I started reading Anita back in 2008. I found your books randomly at the library and DEVOURED them! I think I grabbed all of the books the library had (probably 9 or 10) and finished them within a week and a half. I absolutely fell in love with Anita, her men, and her world. I love everything about it. I probably read Anita once a year. I can always tell when it is time to read her again because scenes will pop into my head. When I’m not reading another series, it’s great because I can just jump in. When I am reading a series, like now, I am almost angry at the series I am reading because I want to read Anita. For the last month almost, I have been craving Anita, and I can almost start reading her again. I am so excited, it’s just so much fun to read her!

    I think one of my favorite scenes was when Anita has sex with London for the first time. And he is drunk on power and trips and falls on his way to a seat, and peers over the bed to see if anyone notices. I just loved the imagery of that scene.

  199. I started reading your books in 2001 when I found them in a news agency. I have read them all so many times my copies are about to fall apart. I think my favorite part was when Anita finally accepted that her life would be filled with amazing men and she stopped fighting herself and them. I am not sure if I can pick a favorite out of Nathaniel, Jean Claude, Micah and Edward. I think My favorite book was Obsidian Butterfly.

    The Anita Blake series is amazing. Congratulations Laurell on creating a wonderful series. After getting hooked on the Anita blake series I quickly went out and bought all the Merry Gentry series as well.

    You are a Fabulous writer and I have enjoyed all your books very much. Thank you.

  200. I’ve been on board with Anita almost since the beginning — I picked up _The Laughing Corpse_ while searching for a sequel to _Nightseer_. I would have purchased _Guilty Pleasures_ too but the bookstore was out! Ever since, I’ve bought every new AB book as it came out, which in the old days meant an eager trek to the bookstore, trembling anticipation and furtive reading while waiting in line to pay, and up until dawn reading the whole thing. Now (oh Amazon Prime, how you spoil me) I still read it in one lovely gulp but have less traveling to do to get it.

    My favorite character is Anita (of course) — my favorite part is Anita’s unflinching commitment to her own personal growth. I love how she has changed over the years, even as I myself have changed. Life hasn’t turned out for her as she expected, as life does, and her courage and fumbles and failures and honesty inspire and comfort me even as I laugh and sometimes squirm in sympathetic embarrassment with her.

    My favorite memory of reading AB is once, while laying in bed late one night reading the latest AB book, my partner rolled over and wrapped her arm around me and playfully bit my back EXACTLY at the same time I was reading a scene where Anita is bitten in the back by something bad (a werewolf? A vampire? A small child?). I’m surprised the neighbors didn’t call the cops, I screamed so loud. New house rule: no biting while people are reading Anita Blake!

    Thank you, LKH, for twenty wonderful years. I have so enjoyed spending them with you.

  201. I just started reading Anita Blake last summer, i believe. I’ve loved them ever since and i can’t wait for Affliction to be out. 🙂 Even though I maybe kind of a newbie with the series and I haven’t gotten/found all the books yet. I shall get them all soon hopefully. I’ve also gotten my grandma to reading the series as well. Even though i can keep track of more of everything that’s all going on with Anita and her gang. I’d have to say that Micah, Nathaniel, Jason and Edward are probably my most favorite of Anita’s gang, though I do enjoy them all. Except Asher, he’s kinda been getting on my nerves lately with his attitude and such and i’m glad that Anita and Jean-Claude are finally doing something to change it though i’m probably going to be a little sad to see him go if he does stay permanantly where he’s at now.

    Happy 20th Anniversary!! I cant believe its been 20 years already even though I may not have been apart of it since beginning but i’m glad to be apart of it now. 🙂

  202. I discovered Anita a few years ago when my boyfriend’s mother passed away and knowing my love for books she left me her entire collection of paranormal books.I picked up Guilty Pleasures and I couldn’t stop until I got to Skin Trade and had to wait for Flirt to come out. I love all of the characters but besides Anita my top four (I couldn’t pick one fave LOL) are Edward, Jason, Nathaniel, and Damian.

    My favorite scenes (like characters I can’t pick just one):
    *Cerulean Sins- Anita has to feed from Jason for the first time and he says “I’ll take one for the team.” Then later in the book he tells Caleb it was his turn to take one for the team and that he (Caleb) was going to get munched on.

    *Incubus Dreams-“Sex doesn’t make you a couple, Richard, love makes you a couple.”
    I just love how she admitted that she loved Nathaniel and was shocked that she had said it.

    *Incubus Dreams- Anita is confused about her feelings for Micah and Jean Claude showed her memories that involved Asher, himself, Julianna, Anita, and Micah. Then he said,”If this is not love, ma petite, then I know nothing of it. If this is not love, then no one since time began has ever loved. You ask yourself, What is love? Am I in love?, when what you should be asking is What is not love?, ma petite. What is it that this man does for you that is not done out of love?”

    *Blood Noir- Anita told Jason’s father- “So you’re dying, so fucking what? We’re all dying, Mr. Schuyler, you just know the checkout time and how much the bill will be.”
    I loved the whole scene but that was my favorite part.

    *Obsidian Butterfly- Where Edward says that Anita is his soul mate.

    The truth is I could think of so many more scenes that I enjoyed because your books are full of them. Thank you for all of your wonderful work on both Anita and Merry’s worlds and I look forward to reading your work for years to come. Happy 20th Anniversary!

  203. First time I ever read Anita, one of my good friends said, “Read this from here to here.” We were in high school, my sophomore year and it was the sex scene (Anita with Jean-Claude, on his desk). After that I wanted to read the series (she let me read her Anita books), I fell in love with the series (and with Merry), and HAD to have the books. I actually have two copies of Kiss the Dead. One I pre-ordered and one signed by you when you were in Atlanta on tour =)

    I’ve always been on Jean-Claude’s team, and now I love Micah & Nathaniel too. Favorite scenes would have to be anything with Edward (my husband loves his guns so somethings Edward says remind me of my hubby) and Jean-Claude. I love the other men too (except,… well Richard) but I have always been a Jean-Claude fan.

    Can’t wait to hear about Micah’s family and I love your books!!!!!!!

  204. A friend suggested that I read your books, that was a few years ago and 22 books later I still love your books. The best moments, for me, is where Anita deals with the people in her life. And how she faces’ the problems at work and gets on with it, even if no-one else likes it or her. Love the books, don’t stop!

  205. I found Anita by accident while looking for something to read. I was in the book store looking at the new releases and was intrigued by the back cover blurb. Anita’s books are one of a very small number of books that I followed into the hardback editions and now into digital. Knowing that a new Anita Blake book is coming out is something that I’ll look forward to for months.

    Favorite scenes, there are too many. Anita’s joy with being in love with Richard, her heartbreak over their break up, her learning more about what really makes her life work, her estrangement from her own family. I could go on but I have read Anita Blake books from the time they were first published and they are my favorite novels. Your imagination and creativity are a wonder and I thank you for sharing with the rest of us.

  206. What did the series mean to me? Lets just say, there is literally NO-ONE ELSE I read as much, and as faithfully, as I read the Anita Blake series. I am not a fan-type person, and I think no-one should be idolized, nor blindly followed. But.. somehow I did end up bespelled by the characters’ attraction – and.. I don’t mind it at all. The way Anita’s stories are written, are technically a guideline for me how to survive and handle my own life’s catastrophes. Psychologically I am (and I think we all are) going through emotions which metaphorically “put us into” situations, at which we have the same questions rising what Anita has to face. Like: “I wondered if screaming at her would make her go away any faster. Naw, She’d probably cry”. Or some life decisions I have to make, and have to make them fast – and I only have the “bad choice, the worse choice..”, and I better not wait till “no choice”.
    These are good examples for how I could really use and internalize some of the lessons you thought us threw Anita.

    My ultimate favorite character is Edward. I love every scene where he’s in, and although I would (very much) like to be shown other aspects of him as well, I love that him and Anita could develop a deep, but non-sexual relationship.

    Throughout the series, the action scenes are gripping, I am boundlessly entertained by the humor, but what I love the most: is how Anita thinks. She has an outstanding personality with a unique attitude. It.. doesn’t make me agree with her all the time, but she thinks in a way which is worth listening to.

    But whats not Anita Blake but entirely Laurell K Hamilton; are the situations which Anita is placed into. Much of those are just freakin’-incredibly- genius!! I love that I am shown one of the scariest turn-ons of my life. (Like: meeting Jason for the first time, or the deadly scene with Gabriel)
    And I also love that I am shown one of the creepiest contexts as well: like the scene where Olaf is trying to flirt with Anita on an autopsy setting. The way he is striving to get closer to her.. over the dead body of a cruelly murdered victim.. by using the tools and his knowledge of sadism… It is: redoubtable.

    At this point I have to acknowledge another thing: I love when there is fantasy in darkness. And most of all, when there’s: meaning. The series is unique in unfolding this aspect; which also have affected my relationship with the so-called bad side, and darkness itself. I got to gain expanded knowledge of fear, persistence and will.

    I also learned about: love. Threw Anita I learned how many forms, sides and levels it can take – and I also found about my own preferences, and discovered that I am: polyamorous. It was Tristan Taormino’s book: Opening Up, what cleared out everything; what YOU Ms Hamilton were recommending in one of your blogs!! It is amazing how everything interweaved with the Anita Blake series, that: gently showed me paths where I could go, and helped me be who I LOVE to be today!

    I would very much like to also outline the metaphysical side of the books, and their significance to me, though they are very hard to express in words. One thing for sure: everything that is written down about vampire powers, controlling the dead or inner animals, fear, darkness and power: just – feels- real, and as a metaphor or an analogy I could apply the insights described. That, helped me fight my own demons and helped to expand my understanding.

    I first encountered the series when I was at high school. A friend of mine brought The Lunatic Café to a school trip – and I felt an instant attraction. But the story only began when I found Guilty Pleasures AT HOME. (Seems like my Dad has a good taste for literature as well) It was a sign from above. I opened the book, and a few days later – I knew my life has changed forever. I FOUND the world where I felt like home.
    As I am Hungarian, I started to read in my language first, but when the translators couldn’t keep up with my passion I developed the habit of ordering the US copies and threatening everyone who went to Britain to BRING ME my rightly deserved Vampire Hunter books.
    Its been 8 years, and Anita is part of my life ever since. And I know: every time I open the book, all the power of imagination, fantasy and passion comes to my call… and Anita, Edward, Jean-Claude, Jason and everyone I love there… is with me.

  207. I guess it was around 13-14 years ago for me when I found the series via a friend who is now a sister of mine. I had grown very bored of reading the parent approved books that were all based on furthering my religious indoctrination into their religious choice. I used to hang out at said friends house after school a lot during high school and she handed me guilty pleasures to read and said that I could leave it at her house to keep my parents from discovering it. I spent many hours at her house us both reading together for hours. I was immediately hooked on the series and it grew from checking the books out at the library when i moved to college to be able to read them while i couldn’t make it to my sisters house and was also to broke to buy books. Now I am with my partner who is a fan of the series as well and let me read some of their copies. As of late I have become a release day drive over an hour to be at a tour location/stop by the booth at Dragon*Con type fan. As for the books effect on my life they taught me how to be a self rescuing princess, kept me sex positive during the overly religious “missionary is the only sanctioned position after marriage” type sexual upbringing I had. Let me know that my desire to have more than one partner at a time is okay and I am not broken because of it. My fav characters have to be Micah, Nathanial, Jean-Claude, and Asher all for a different reason. Now to anxiously await for Affliction next month.

  208. Narcissus In Chains, 2002. I bought it at a drug store I worked at to read during my lunch hour. How thrilled I was by chapter four, to realize that this was a series, and there were 9 books ahead of this one, that absolutely captured me from the first self description of Anita, let alone all the beautiful characters. I picked up new books over the years, a few are hard cover, because I couldn’t wait for paper back, and I had stopped at “Micah” a few years ago. Then, just this winter picked up “Danse Macabre” through ” Blood Noir”. My sons girlfriend asked me if I knew a good series to read. ” Why yes, yes I do. Two series actually, follow me to the attic.” I said. That is where I handed her Guilty Pleasures, and I told her there was more where that came from.
    I then thought, why not start from the beginning again. Do I have one particular character, book, or “scene” I deem a favorite? No. All your work is amazing, and you make it hard to hate even the ones who are the “bad guys”. Oh yes, Laurell, you are far and away my favorite author. Rereading the series makes me remember why I loved it the first time around. Anita first reminds me find self worth, and the worth of all others. Second, she reminds me to accept things for what they are, don’t read into much, and its best just to face things you cannot change head on. While I was still “collecting” the Anita Blake series, I was on vacation, finished a book and needed my fix. I went to an unfamiliar book store and asked where I might find books by Laurell K. Hamilton. The girl behind the counter, long, shiny, burgundy hair, expertly done make up,and tasteful, but many piercings, looked at me and said, ” Ahh, faerie porn. Right this way.” I looked at her puzzled, but didn’t ask what she meant. Then I met Merry a few months later. LOL. I said, “AHH,..faerie porn!”, I get it. I am now rereading the Merry Gentry series, as I have not been to book store since winter. (nearest one is 1hr away from my home in “Podunk” NH). I get to work @ 6:30am and make sure that all my work is done before 12:00pm so I can read for the last two hours. I love Anita and Merry land. They are my escape, and some day’s, my backbone. I even lock myself in the bathroom occasionally at home, just to read a chapter. Twenty years. Bravo, Ms. Hamilton. Well done.
    Speaking for myself, I cannot thank you enough for all you do for me with your, and I quote, “…fertile imagination.” HH

  209. I got turned onto Anita Blake by a friend. I’m a die hard Buffy fan & she knew i would love Anita. I have read & reread all your books,I love merry also. I now turn others onto your books. Laurell, your stories take us to another world when this one gets to stupid ,or boring, or overwhelming. I can’t come up with a favorite moment, so much goes on in each book. I do love the relationship with Edward, he is one of my fav’s. That man is so scary & all human, that makes him such a bad ass ! Your books share space on my Buffy shrine right next to my bed on the bookshelf. Only you & Dave Grohl from the FooFighters get that privilege. Rock on & keep up the good works. Take care of yourself & be well. Thank you, Glori.

  210. I’ve read and reread your books many times; they have been a comfort when I was ill or sad and a joy I shared with those I love. Anticipating the coming storms in Anita and Meredith’s lives while they move on, grow and evolve has been a rare pleasure.
    Your characters are people: emotional, needy, full of life’s pleasures and so very human. The villains as much as the heroes are realized and fleshed out; the people in your world may act out of emotion or impulse, but I never see your characters act stupidly or close one of your books and feel frustrated about their actions. Even the objects in your worlds are solid, real things and I can see clearly that you do good research.

    I can still remember when I discovered that you were friends with Jennie Breeden and how a few of the little worlds I love so much drew closer together.
    It is a wonderful thing when you not only can do what you love to do, but give others the opportunity to explore and choose to love your world as well. I wish you every happiness and joy now and forever. BB.


  211. I started with Obsidian Butterfly loaned to me by a friend, absolutely loved it! It’s probably still my favorite of all of them. I loaned it to someone else and then started the series at the beginning and have been reading them ever since. I love how Anita is such a strong female character and how much she has grown over the series. I love that Jason has been so insightful and I have learned some of those things about me from him too. Nathaniel is probably my favorite of the guys, I just want to wrap him up in my arms and protect him from the world. I have laughed and cried along with Anita and hope that her world never ends.

  212. Started reading Anita about 5 years ago and haven’t looked back :). First book I read was Blue Moon, being for East Tennessee and Smoky Mt area it took all I had not to warn tourist about trolls instead of the bear ~laughs~. I have loved watching Anita grow up and get out of her own way when dealing love and life in general. I wasn’t much of a reader growing up until I started read Anita and your other works. Thank you for being a GREAT writer!

  213. I’m 21, and discovered Anita Blake completely by accident when I was eleven. It was Circus Of The Damned.
    I got it out from my local library, thinking it was a book in another series I had been reading. I quickly found out that it wasn’t, but I was ecstatic to have discovered it!
    Reading Anita Blake has not only provided me with an outlet to escape the world, but has helped me deal with many issues in my life, including coming to terms with my sexuality.
    I have read every book several times, and most of them at least thirty (without exaggeration. ..) I own every book, and some of them I have duplicate and triplicate copies as the covers are different.

    My favourite book is Obsidian Butterfly. I have loved watching Anita grow and the world develop in new ways, but the first ten, in my opinion, are the best.

    Congratulations on reaching twenty years! And thank you for continuing to share your amazi g world with us.

  214. Wow. Twenty years! That is so amazing! I just love vampires and anything fantasy, dragons, fairies, zombies, the whole nine. I found you while searching for a new series to read on my Nook. I read the title and summary for the first Anita book and then all of the comments about it. Needless to say, I just had to get it! That was about two years ago. I kick myself that I didn’t find you sooner! It was, however, such an awesome adventure to be able to read each book as I completed the last…. Because they were already out! (giggling) I’ve have been dying to read number 23 though! Lol! My favorite character has to be *drumroll* Anita! She has balls bigger then a brahma bull!! She’s beautiful, she’s intelligent, she’s petite, she’s *ahem Hispanic (like me) that in itself causes a fire in her that will never be put out! Even though she faces controversy, she’s tough and so strong.. Plus, she’s sexy as hell! She’s got all these amazing qualities yet still she’s humble and modest. I love her so much and honest to goddess, i try to be like her everyday. And because you wrote her, she has got to be you! You have to have those same qualities! You’re so awesome LKH! You’re my hero!

  215. I have been reading your books for 20 years. Wow, I remenber reading the first book and I kept thinking about Robert B Parker. It waas the description of Anita’s reaction to her enviroment and the decsriptions of her clothes, including sneakers. And the night scenes, inthe first and second books with the police, I miss Dolph, and Larry,. Most important was Anita’s voice and character,she was so well formed and so strong, I could hear her voice when she descrided the texture and color of blood. Simply riveting, I never read anything like this,and I was hooked.
    And then there was jean-Claude and ma petite, and don’t forget the penguins and the coffee mugs with their pithy saying. You haave created a wonderful scary and at times deeply religious world. Faith is so intergral portion of your books. i remember at the Circus when Jean claude and Richard were dying and you pleaded with God tosave them. Your Faith and Will is remarkable. I try to think like Anita when I am in crisis ar tested.The last 3 years My Mom battled Cancer and Alzheimers, Anita helped . Thank you

  216. I discovered Anita around 7 years ago. Guilty Pleasures was recommended to me by Amazon UK, I bought the first 3 books after reading the blurb on Guilty Pleasures it sounded that good. I would start work at 6am after reading until 2 or 3am and all the time I was in work whenever it got quiet I would be thinking “I could be at home reading now.” After I finished the first 3 I bought all the next 12 books up to The Harlequin all together on one order I loved them. My favourite character apart from Anita is Nathaniel he is so loving and giving even though he has had such a hard life. Of all the books my favourite part is in chapter 24 of Incubus Dreams when Anita is arguing with Richard about Nathaniel and she says that sex doesn’t make you a couple that love makes you a couple then Nathaniel realises that she loves him. This made me realise that love doesn’t have to be hot and heavy from the start that a friend can become the love of your life.

  217. I have been reading Anita books since 1999 my last year of high school and still read them today, oh and by the way yesterday was my wedding anniversary too.
    love your books keep up the great work that you do.

  218. Congratulations on 20 years of Anita Blake! The first book I read was Circus of the Damned. I saw it in my local bookstore and was drawn in by the cover (the one with the red pointy finger nail!) and as soon as I started I was drawn in by Anita and then every thing else about the book, and I was addicted! I really like Nathaniel and Micah, and every part with them in it is a favorite! I’m looking forward to reading Affliction, and how ever more Anita Blake book there will be to come!
    Thank you so much for all of your hard work creating this awesome series that has touched so many people’s lives.

  219. I started reading the Anita books in 2003 when a friend gave me Guilty Pleasures and said she thought I would love them. I was hooked from the first and devour each book as they come out. I was thrilled when I found the Merry Gentry series as well because I really get drawn in by your storytelling. As each book comes out I reread the entire series because they are just that good.

    My favorite character, other than the obvious of Anita, is Edward. I especially love Obsidian Butterfly because you really get to see the bond that Anita and Edward have. I love when Edward says that Anita is his soulmate. It is refreshing to have such a strong male character in Anita’s life that is not a romantic partner, but an equal and a close friend.

  220. I only started reading your books about 4 years ago when my much younger sister introduced them to me. I was then 60. I so wish that these books had been around 40 years ago. My favorite character, (aside from Anita – she will always be favorite of course), is Jean-Claude. I love how he has progressed from being just being concerned about building his power base to actually being concerned about his people’s well-being and becoming more “human”. My least favorite is Richard. I think he the most completely selfish character in the series, only worried about how things affect him. The scene where they are all confronting the Harlequin and Richard is complaining about the number of Anita’s lovers, (less than 20), when he can number his lovers at over a 100 really shows just how hypocritical he is.

    My favorite quote, (which I can’t find – damn it!), is Anita musing on the best way to a man’s heart which is of course 6 inches of blade. I think it continues something like, 4 inches might do but 6 inches is better. Whoever says size doesn’t matter has being playing with too many small knives.

    The next week is going to seem much too long. Can’t wait until “Affliction” is here!

    Thank you, Laurell, for enlivening many dreary hours. Long may you reign in Anitaverse!

  221. This is by far one of my most favorite series ever. Anita Blake has it all and I can’t help but wish I could have a bit of the life she leads, all those men – it’s quite unfair but it makes for one of the steamy-est reads out there. My favorite characters are Nathaniel and Micah. It’s just something about that feline magnetism, although right up there too is Jean Claude, no vampire I have read could beat his place in my heart so far. I feel a kinship with Nathaniel, something about being broken inside and needing an outlet such as need submission and a leader to follow reminds me so much of myself. I too am healing though, and to read how he is healing too helps my self confidence. As for my favorite scene would have to be when Nathaniel dominates Anita in the office, I’d been rooting for him for so long that when the time finally came I was caught off guard and yelling for more! The scene made me squeal in delight and I can’t wait to catch up on their exploits, I am ashamed to admit that I have fallen behind, but I will certainly fix the problem soon. I can’t believe it’s been twenty years, I only started reading them about five years ago when I found it in a library in the fiction section, Circus of the Damned, it certainly caught my heartstrings and my attention that fateful day. One day I hope I can live in a world were people like Nathaniel and Jean Claude exist because I truly believe that it exists and that I only need to find that special place for myself to live comfortably with friends like the ones Anita has surrounding her life.

    I have also replied with the same post on

  222. Twenty years! Congratualations. I found Anita and Co about half way through but they are my Guilty Pleasure I’m very partial to Nathanial something about him makes me go MMMM. The whole world so dark and yet so hopeful so different and yet normal the paradoxis are fasinating.

  223. Once upon a time, in a book store long, long ago, I picked up Guilty Pleasures just because I liked the fact that the lead character was a small, petite kick-ass female vampire hunter. I was hooked from the very beginning and have read all 22 books several times over. Each time I find something that I missed the first two or three times around. I love Anita’s morals and values, how she really “sees” a person for who they are.
    Anitas “no flinchin” rule- no matter how hard it is for her, if she can’t fix it, the least she can do is be there, or listen, or watch. No turning away even though that would be easier.
    My favorite characters have to be Anita (of course), Jean-Claude ( want more alone time between those two) and Richard even though I want to smack him alot sometimes. I hope therapy works for him cause the three of them together could really kick some ass! Lol.
    One of my favorite scenes is when Mommie Dearest is trying to possess Anita in Hit List and Anita says ” Take off the gloves at least, because when you aren’t vampire enough to roll my ass, I don’t want you bitching”. God she’s got balls!
    Ms Hamilton, you are an amazing writer and you have brought joy, laughter, tears, and more into my life and I want to thank you. You are by far one of my favorite authors. I have gone back through your blogs from 2007 till today and I can only say that you are an amazing and beautiful lady, to have gone through all that you have and still be a positive and giving person is just inspiring.
    Congratulations on 20 years and heres hoping for another 20! If you keep writing, we will definetly keep reading.

  224. I first got introduce to Anita four years ago by one of my best friends. I borrowed the first three books from her and fell in love with the world you created. I couldn’t put the books down and now I own all of them. Hard to believe that it’s been twenty years and I am twenty-nine! There are way too many memories and moments that are my favorites. I would have to say that the one moment that stands out has to be when Anita finally admits that she loves Nathaniel. I was so happy when that moment came. I love Micah, Nathaniel, Jean-Claude, Nicky, and of course Jason and Zerbrowski. Those are my top picks.
    I recently introduced my older sister and my husband to Anita. They of course are hooked.
    Thank you, Laurell! You are by far my favorite author. I would love to get the chance to meet you in person. Your books and Anita have given me encouragement and confidence to love myself and be myself. I feel like I have grown with her through the years. Once again, thank you!

  225. Anita got me through my later high school years, college years, and now she is helping me round out some of my rocky starts in my married years. I’m eagerly awaiting Afliction like an addict in need of her next fix.

  226. I started reading Anita when I discovered that vampires could be in romances! I read your first book about four years ago and went through the series pretty fast. Totally loved Anita and Jean Claude! I was thrilled when they finally got together in Killing Dance. I then was thrilled with Micha and have enjoyed their romance. I look forward to each new release. I’ve also enjoyed Merri. Keep up the good work!

  227. Where do I even start?? I was 12 when I first read
    Obsidian Butterfly, honestly one of your milder books in the series and I was caught from the
    First page! Here was this heroine of sorts who was dirty gritty and flawed yet
    Humble and down to earth. I kid U not i fell in love with Anita that day… I think of
    Her as a best friend, a mentor, an enigma and even a lover in my fangirl dreams ;p
    After that first read I spent the rest of the summer catching up in order. I’m 25 now and I
    Must say the journey with Anita has been intense, satisfying but also worrisome with the Advent
    Of a complete change in her lifestyle before then (think the killing dance and blue moon).
    But with each year that passes eAch new book I fall more and more in love with
    This character you have created.

  228. When I started reading the Anita Blake series, it contained no more than two or three books (yeah, I’ve been a fan for a while–mid-1990s, I think). I’m a voracious reader, but I wasn’t into any kind of horror at all. The series was brought to my attention by my brother-in-law, who is a journalist/publicist and discovered the series through professional contacts. I was initially intrigued because the series was set here in St. Louis where I live (how unusual is THAT?!), and I loved reading about different locations and being able to say, “Hey, I was there last month!” It’s a lot of fun seeing familiar places through someone else’s eyes.

    I was thrilled every time Laurell did a signing here in the ol’ home town and I got to hear her talk and maybe meet her briefly to get a book or two signed. If I remember correctly, at one of those meetings I mentioned noticing that the recognizable locations listed in the books seemed to have diminished, and she told me that restaurants and such she mentioned in the books kept going out of business, so she started limiting it to strictly fictional ones. I appreciated her taking the time to sign books and answer questions, sticking with it until everyone had had a chance to go through the line and meet her, even though the bookstore had long since officially closed and she and everyone else must have been exhausted.

    Initially I had a hard time with the gore in the books, but about halfway through the first book I managed to detach from making it too real, so it suddenly stopped bothering me. Now I’m a big fan of murder mysteries of all types, both cozy and not-so-cozy, so now I can eat dinner quite calmly while reading through a bloody murder scene.

    I’m not sure I can pick a favorite scene, but it’s such a dark and serious series overall that I love the little funny moments that pop up now and then. My favorite characters are Jason, Larry (who I don’t think has been seen in much too long), Zerbrowski, and (my guilty admission) Edward. Unlike most fans (apparently), I much prefer Richard to Jean-Claude, even if I want to slap him silly occasionally; Richard is much more my type, I suppose. I’d love to see Anita working with RPIT again–I keep wondering what has happened with all of her local police associates, or if I missed some things. Did Dolph ever make peace with the daughter-in-law situation? Did Zerbrowski and Katie ever have Anita over for that backyard barbecue? Did Larry’s sweetness ever temper Tammy’s prickliness? Inquiring minds want to know!

    I was already an adult when I picked up Guilty Pleasures for the first time, so my character was pretty well established; however, reading Anita has helped me to become a tougher woman, I think, although I’ll never be as hard as she can be. I think Anita has also helped me become more comfortable with being who I really am, even when it defies convention. I hate shopping and don’t care about clothes or shoes or appearance to any great degree, and I’m fine with that. I already believed that women can do anything we want to do, and glass ceilings deserve to be broken into tiny little pieces. I will never be a fan of firearms, but I love that Anita doesn’t let being a woman stop her from being a person to be reckoned with in every sense of the word, and yet she uses and appreciates her feminine side when it serves her purposes. I appreciate the fact that she has grown throughout the series and is wiser about a lot of things now, and not as touchy and defensive. Anita is a lot of things I’m not, but one thing we share is a small stature, and I appreciate knowing that I’m not the only one who’s so used to being little that we don’t let anyone use their larger size to intimidate us!

    Thanks so much for sticking with Anita and company for all these years and continuing to tell us her story. I look forward to seeing what happens to her next.

  229. I was lent your books by a friend back in 06 and once I blew through her books I went out and bought my own set. Once I got my Nook I replaced my paperback/hardback collection to ebook. Honestly I can’t choose just one book or just one moment with the books but I look forward to each new book coming out each year, regardless of whether it is Merry or Anita. And each time a new book comes out I get to enjoy either series from the beginning,(refreshers of course but who can resist rereading the books?) with Anita granted I do have to start reading about a month or to before the release of he new book but I always have everything fresh.

    Thank you for one of he best series’s I have ever had the privilege to read, followed, Merry being in my top 5 series’s.

  230. First i found in my local bookstore, searching in the fantasy – englisch section, a Merry Gentry book and i started with that one. (is there going to be another Merry Gentry book?)
    After reading those i found the anita blake books on your website…ordered them….and was immediately addicted! I made them a gift too myself after doing some serious studying…what a way to motivate myself!
    I love it that Anita is not a ‘large’ girl. I’m also not that big and i recognize some of her problems so well!
    At this moment i’m starting with dance macabre (still studying so can’t read them als quick as i would like to..)
    I just love the books, and at this moment i’m trying to get some friends to read them too… i would love to talk with my friends about the books!
    Thanks for writing such amazing story’s!

    greetings from the Netherlands (my excuse for stupid mistakes in my writing..)

  231. I don’t remember when I found Anita, but I know I went back and bought every book in the series I could find before joining the waiting camp. At some point Merry came out and I hooked onto that. I marvelled at how you communicated with your readers and how you put books out so regularly when I had other authors who I hadn’t heard from in years. Your dedication to your readers is why I’ve hung around so long. It’s the least I could do. I fell in love with Anita because she’s what a woman should be – strong, smart. I love how she stood up for herself, despite the crap. How she won respect. Solving mysteries, raising zombies bringing down the bad guy – loved it all. When the sex increased in the books, I took it in stride. The character was developing, handling changes in life. I knew that things had to get back to “normal” eventually. And recent books have proven this. Thank you!
    oh – one more note: I really like how you explain the diversity in sex. It’s been very educational and helpful in making me more comfortable with myself.

  232. First got hooked on the books when my friends introduced me to the first book. Ever since I feel like a kid on Christmas morning waiting to open her present..aka new book of yours, Favorite memory I have associated with this series is actually when Guilty pleasures became a comic. Me and two of my friends actually picked characters to read as and acted out the story. So fun! Thanks for all the great memories Laurell 🙂

  233. Hi Laurell,
    I have been rereading your books for around 10years! And the quotes or parts like like best are about facing your fears. Anita and her friends are in a lot of scary situations and the way they over come the fear they feel are the parts like like best. Sometimes it’s a gun fight and sometimes it’s her boyfriend crying in her kitchen. But how we react to fear is part of what makes us who we are. Anita has the same rules i do about fear… 1. There is a fine line between courage and stupidy. That line is called fear. 2. Any fear must be faced, to be over come. Thank you for sharing with us the life of Anita Blake. We love visiting her world. I have all the books in print and as many of the audio books as I can get in Australia. As well as all the listing on my kindle. The print versions have been all over this country, and it’s not a small one. As I only lend out the print versions, and most of the people I have let read your books have ended up with their own copies, bought by them. Now I just tell them when the next books is due out. And watch them head out to put it on preorder.

  234. Last year I started reading the Anita series. I had found these books by going to barnes and nobles a couple of years ago and picking up a Merry book (Seduced by Moonlight). I read that series and when it was over I went digging for more books. I picked up an Anita book about April or May of last year and read 21 books by June. One of my favorite things about the novels is that Anita goes through a lot and she always comes out stronger, even if its just realizing that being strong means sometimes asking other people for help. Her strength has helped me a lot over the years (even if the first novel is as old as I am!)

  235. I have been with you since almost the beginning; I picked up The Laughing Corpse in 1994, and immediately went after Circus of the Damned. I have waited impatiently for each and every “new arrival” since. I have always loved stories like this, which are set in our reality with a twist. I love her change over the years … it’s been fantastic to watch her grow up. I can’t thank you enough for all the hours that you have shared, both in reading & contemplating. I was injured in 1997, and have had many periods of bed rest since. Anita & the gang are 1st on my list each time & have helped to keep my spirits up. Although I have enjoyed so many of the characters, J.C. & Richard will always be my favorites … even when I want to duct tape Richard & beat him about the head & shoulders! Thank you ever so much for sharing both Anita’s & Meredith’s worlds with us, I hope we continue to have both for many years to come.

  236. What’s your favorite scene, or moment, in the books? Oh this is hard, there are so many moments that are my favorite, I probably have a favorite moment per book. But overall I enjoy the most when Anita steps out of her comfort zone. In Incubus Dreams, when she goes to JC’s office and sits on his desk, wow I think remembering her from book one where she was just not comfortable wearing tight clothes or even around JC, that’s amazing she was able to find herself and be who she is!

    What has reading the books for all these years meant to you? It’s not only a great escape from the real world, but is amazing to be part of your legacy and this world you created and shared with us.

    If your new to my writing, how did you discover it, and what took you so long to come play? I found your books the year Skin Trade came out, but I started from book one.

    How have the books affected your real life? I started doing more things by myself. I think more than the books, you Laurell inspired me to change my way of thinking… it gave me creative Freedom. I thought one had to be young (14) to write books.

    Tell me what you love in my imaginary world, and which of my imaginary friends has meant the most to you? Anita for sure. I love JC and Micah, but Anita really has inspired me to not be afraid of life, to step out of my comfort zone, and to have integrity even if it costs more. I love how she says she would not ask someone to do something she wouldn’t do herself. To me that’s integrity. I love that the most about your imaginary world.

  237. A friend recommended the Anita Blake series to me about 5 years ago. I logged in quite a few hours with the local library getting caught up in the series. I love the action and the intricacies of the characters’ development. I think it’s been most fascinating to watch Anita and her once-upon-a-time sweetheart Richard deal with their “Monster” labels differently. Richard is such an interesting foil for Anita (as is Edward). That’s not to say I don’t appreciate other characters like Jean Claude, Micah, etc. They have all pushed her forward and help her grow (whether she wanted to or not). I think the appeal lies in that perhaps we all have a Richard in our lives. Someone who was once very dear to us, but hasn’t grown “with” us. Someone with whom we miss that close relationship, but we know there’s no going back to that simpler time when we were both different people.

  238. I’ve been a fan for about 6 years or more. I sometimes can’t believe that I’m still reading the series. I say this, because I have read other long running series, and get bored. You know, same storyline, same plot different characters and one dimentional. But you, you keep us the readers hooked! I’ve loved watching how Anita has evolved and learned to accept and over-come her demons and face adversity. It gives me strength to do the same. Your imaginary friends have become my imaginary friends and I thank you for that. Your books brought me and my bff closer, and it was not unusual for us to have real-life conversations and debates over your characters as if they truly existed. Even though I lost my bff last year, I can still read the books and I know she is laughing, crying and ranting right there with me. The books and Anita remind me that it’s okay to be a bad-ass bitch and have a soft heart. Thank you so much for all you have created!

  239. Hi i am from Denmark, skandinavia in europ.

    As so many of you other fans, has anita and her family help me eskape my owen reality. And cope with my proplems. It is a true plausre reading your books. Saddely you are not so known her.
    As for favorit moment it is (there are meny) when she has one of her quiet moments, and can relax with her boys. And watch them grow.

    Kærlig hilsner og tusin tak fra Danmark

  240. Wonderful to see a successful person enjoying the fruits of their labour (sorry I am Canadian and not under 40 – I still spell words with “our”) . I have been reading your books (both AB and MG) for 7 or 8 years. I have read them all and am hopeful you will continue to write them. Strong characters and strong emotions, great work! Cheers – here’s to 20 more years! 😉

  241. I quoted Anita to my husband on our wedding day and our first anniversary this past May. So many of her lines about what love and home really are, have truly touched me. Your writing is beautiful. Anita is beautiful, and has helped make me more confident. I love that Jean-Claude’s skin is marred by a cross that matches Anita’s, that Nathaniel’s beautiful hair always smells like vanilla and Micah’s eyes will always be that of his leopard. I’ve wondered a few times if Anita would like me if she met me. It sounds extremely strange to admit that. I’m a stronger woman for having ‘witnessed’ her growth, faith, loyalty and unfailing courage. My daughter is 6 months old now. And everyday when we read our bedtime story, I wonder if she’ll ever fall so in love with a series as I have. I hope so. There is always a new world to explore and new people to love. Thank you for this one. You’ve unknowingly given me something I would never trade away.

  242. my favorite parts the parts i choose to savor when im not actively reading it
    is Anita and Nathaniel
    the development of the relationship from totally taboo to so strong and mature.
    the way the love has made Nathaneil so confident in himself and his place in his life and of Anita. it makes them and their love very real to me.
    love it! love them! thank you

  243. I love the series and the fact that Anita can look after herself! I love the short tough female hero that is attractive, but doesn’t really see herself as beautiful. I started reading the books way back in the late 90’s when my boss gave me a few of them to read, she told me that hey were really good.
    Well.. I started reading them from book 1 and there was many a time I caught myself blushing at all of her erotic escapades!
    My favorite character? One I would like to see developed even more… Olaf!

  244. I don’t remember exactly when I started reading the Anita Blake series, but it’s been ages back. My favorite character (well, the one who stays up in the top 10 on a constant basis) is Nathaniel. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching him evolve. My second favorite would have to be Asher. No idea why, but he’s up there, a close second to Nathaniel. My least favorite is Richard…always has been, even when he and Anita were first together. I have noticed that Richard has slowly dropped out of the picture…if he weren’t part of the triumvirate I would say dispense with him permanently. I haven’t noticed him being of that much use in most of the later books.

  245. I met Anita when I was 28 (now I’m 32) looking for a book about vampires.That time I extremely needed an argument that I have a right to hate people and wish them death. I speak about rapists. Everybody told me that I was lucky and had to thank my good luck. But I felt that I don’t have strength for that. Anita helped me to survive that time. She was strong, she fighted and killed bad guys.
    My favourite character except of Anita is Eduard, than Jean-Claude.
    The scene in Obsidian Butterfly when women punish the rapist impressed me deeply. First sex with Jean-Claude was marvellous.
    Thanks for your works! They touch the deepest emotions.

  246. Anita herself has kind of been an inspiration for me in my harder times. Hey, I have to deal with bills my job can’t cover, but Anita has to go kill a bunch of bloodsuckers or furballs! I have the WAY safer job.

    The books success has also encouraged me to keep going as a writer, and not to give up. When I found that stubborn streak in myself, I was also able to say no to people who were taking advantage of me. So the books have really improved my life in a few different ways.

    There’s a certain honesty in the series, as well, that I don’t find often in fiction. In the real world, people do have realistic problems, and so does Anita and the lot. There’s a sense of truth behind her actions and words, and it takes a lot of skill to bring that out in a written form.

    So thank you. Thank you for these books, and thank you for keeping them going!

    -A. J.

  247. I think the biggest thing that the Anita Blake books have taught me is to be strong, believe in myself and never to give up even when things go wrong. I have been reading these books from about the age of 14 and Anita’s willpower and strength has helped me develop into who I am today. Thank you.

  248. Brightest Blessings Laurell….and Heartfelt Congratulations!!!! You and your erotic, vivid imagination and “families” have been in my life since 1994. I had a very close friend who knew me well and on a photo shoot /bike run to upstate new york, i was gifted with your first anita novel. Needless to say, while they were out riding and partying , i was back at the inn with my nose, mind and soul buried in your book!! Although it was perfect weather for riding , i refused to put the book down and get on my Harley. Entranced , i was !!!! I have never encountered a writer that i related to more than you!! You are so very independent,outspoken,secure in yourself and in what YOU want to do ,beautiful,erotic,crazy ocd bout some things ,love penguins,love guns,love leather,love mindblowing love makin with gorgeous long haired men….LOVE YOUR FAMILY,animals,friends and fans….I was born in Baltimore ,Maryland February 9th,1958…and you and yours have been part of my world since 1994. I wish i had had the chance to know you personally and be your friend !! You have kept me from going crazy when my world fell apart. We all have a fantasy…you get to live yours and i am so pleased that you do!! Anita is an awesome , inspiring woman!!! As is Meredith…You have been with me through the most heartbreaking years of my life …from 1994 to now….you have kept me wrapped in the wonderful worlds you have created…and that has sometimes kept me safer(and saner) than my own weapons could have.blessed Be Laurell. with Love and Respect, you are a seriously righteous woman!! skye elizabeth

  249. Hello Ms. Hamilton, my name is Jolynn Jordan. I am 23 years old and I live in Vacaville, California. I have been reading Anita Blake since I was 10 years old when my mother bought the ace edition of Guilty Pleasures for herself to read. I was curious about the book because I’ve been a fan of vampires for most of my life and I saw Jean-Claude on the front cover. The Anita Blake series was the first book/novel that I started to read on my own as a hobby (without my mom or teacher doing the reading for me) and I’ve been hooked on it ever since. Reading your books all these years has meant so much to me because, being introverted, I didn’t have a lot of friends to spend time with so I spent most of my free time reading about all the things that Anita was up to. Even when I don’t have free time I find myself daydreaming about Anita and the gang and imagining my own stories with them. Anita has been a part of my life for so long that I think of her as my very best friend because I no that when times get hard I will always have her to take my mind off things and to help me stay just as strong as she is. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me such a clear picture of your imaginary friends and for giving me wonderful stories for so many years. I look forward to Affliction and the years of friendship with Anita in the future.

  250. My how time flies! I began reading Anita around 2000. I LOVE the series and have loaded all of my first editions onto my kindle making re-reads quite easy and frequent. Anita’s strength, crisis’ of conscience, morality and humanity have been mesmerizing for me and easy to draw many parallels to real life. Watching her grow, bend and mellow keep her tactile for me — people do and can change if they are willing

    Anita is always my favorite but Edward, Micah and Claudia are at the top with her. Anita’s evolving/deepening friendship with Edward has been a quite humorous and heartfelt read. Claudia’s strength and snark are always fabulous and too bad I can’t seem to find the nice, caring guy that Micah is in fiction in real life

    We need more champions for right and wrong and for things/people that don’t have a voice — she is that in fiction and a reminder for us to be that way in real life

    Thank you for a great alternative universe with great people! Congratulations on a huge milestone and I look forward to many years to come

  251. Laurell,

    The Anita Blake series has, and continues to, help me develop my life. In the times where I question my existence, I turn to Anita; there is always a keen piece of advice in each book, something I can take away and apply to my own life.

    There have been many suicidal moments in my life, but Anita has pulled me back from it all; your writing helped me regain my balance in this ever turbulent world.

    My favorite scene… there are so many …. The scene at the end of Burnt Offerings with Asher, as she tells him he is truly beautiful; or when she accidentally tells her men she might be pregnant, and she pretty much shuts Richard down; When her and Olaf cut out that vampire’s heart in the Harlequin; or when she and Bernardo, in Obsidian Butterfly, are in the bar and she has to guess at his… man stuff; the scene after Richard eats Marcus, where Anita runs to Jean-Claude; or when Haven dies (poor cookie monster). There have been so many resounding parts and each have moved me. I wish I could crawl into her world, just for a little while.

    Thank you so much, Laurell, for the words you have writen, the lives you have created, and mine, which you have saved.


  252. I love the Anita Blake series. They are the only books I have ever read over and I have read them more than once. I love the Merry Gentry series too, but I so look forward to the new Anita Blake books. I am so happy that this is a long one. I think some of my favorite scenes have been Anita’s struggle with worrying about going bad. The one where she sits in the kitchen with Nathaniel and other guards and talks about whether they would rather be the monster. ALso when she gets the wicked truth to promise to kill her if she goes bad. ANd of course all the relationships with her men. Too many good things to choose from!

  253. I’ve deleted repeatedly now, so let me say that there is just way too much to say! how about I share a family moment with you instead? My oldest daughter and I both like Anita books. She is into several hobbies that require gear, you know odd things like perko clips and climbing halters etc., and one year she had a bunch of equipment on her amazon list for her many hobbies. I was looking at it and thinking about Anita’s “kits” so I went to your site and got an Anita Bag, and a mug, then bought a bunch of the equipment on her list and stuffed a Stuffed Penguin into the top of the bag… She had a good laugh and still uses it all, including the Penguin. My younger daughter didn’t get the joke so I sent her Guilty Pleasures so she could be in on it. the younger majored in Psychology, GP irritated her because she couldn’t just go round up all these fictitious people and get them into a group therapy session… 🙂 (which is kinda funny since she is the one that likes Zombie movies) and yes we all know I’m an Edward fan. My kids are so much better at relationships and such than I am, people generally just annoy me. Maybe after dealing with me as their mother everyone else is just easygoing!

    Happy Anniversary!

    MissBHavens as usual!

  254. I first read Incubus Dreams in high school, in 2005. I was 16, I think. I had a cool friend named Amanda and she was the first person to love the same exact things as me. I would go to her house and we would watch Phantom of the Opera, watch some anime or talk about books. We both loved vampire books and she would let me borrow all sorts of things.

    One day she ordered a book online that looked interesting but she had no idea it was part of a book series. She read some but it was too much for her so she handed it to me to read, as I was the more adventurous one. Before I read it I figured out it was part of series but I read it anyway.

    I was confused, the steamer parts made me blush hardcore. But I kept reading; it took me a week to read. I handed it back to her and could not look her in the face to explain it all. I don’t remember what I told her but I was embarrassed. Haha…

    Even though it was a very interesting book to read… I just couldn’t bring myself to read the rest of the series.

    It wasn’t ’till 2009 that I rediscovered this book series by accident. I just picked it up at the library and started reading. I read three books before I realized that I might be reading ‘THAT’ series again but I wasn’t 100% sure until I read Incubus Dreams. It was a real eye opener. It totally made sense this time! Ha!

    It’s my favorite books series and since then I have turned my aunt on to it but she hasn’t started on anyone of the… steamier books. I can’t think of a better term. I wonder what she will say once she has, not that she is a prude. Hahahah….

    Not too long, I hope….

  255. Twenty years! Anita Blake is older than me! I started when I was fourteen, so that’s five years ago. My pal introduced it to me, when I was in my ‘vampire phase’. Of course, now, five years down the road, I’m over the phase. But I’m not over Anita Blake. I’m still diligently following her on her various exploits. My favorite moment of the series is, hands down, when Anita and Jean-Claude quote Richard Lovelace’s poem, To Lucasta, On Going to the Warres, to each other. I loved it so much, I memorized the poem myself. The line: ‘I could not love thee dear so much loved I not honour more’ was hauntingly memorable.

    And I’ve something incredibly embarrassing to admit. In Singapore, we have this thing called the NAPFA test, it’s a physical fitness assessment, and it’s mandatory for all students. The section I absolutely loathe is the 2.4 kilometers run. So yes, when I’m running, there’s this litany going on inside my head, something like ‘If Anita can do it, so can you’. ‘Anita would have no problem running 2.4 kilometers, so why can’t you do it to?’ When I’m breathless and ragged, I’ll be thinking of how Anita would ace the test easily, and honestly, the thought keeps me going. So I’m going to have to thank you, and Anita, for all my NAPFA passes. (Goodness, this is embarrassing.)

    I use to have this story-book-crush on Jean-Claude. But I’m pretty sure I’m over it now. I love Anita best, of course, but after her, I love Jean-Claude. I like to think of him as an accidental hero. Because he doesn’t have huge ideals like world peace and saving humanity (at least, I think he doesn’t. In some ways, Jean-Claude remains the most enigmatic of Anita’s men), he’s just protecting what matters most to him. But still he… picks up strays along the way. I think that makes him a very real person, a good person too.

    Okay, that’s pretty much all I have to say… Anita and the gang, they wrench my heart, they make me laugh, make me cry… And I can’t wait for the things in store in their future.

  256. I started reading Anita Blake in 2009. I actually read the Meredith Gentry series first (which I miss by the way) and once I completed those, I had to find other books by LKH. I loved the way they are written and I am just smitten with the worlds that she created. I love to get lost within her pages. I have so many favorite scenes, way to much to write about, however, my favorite character is Jean Claude. There is just something about him that is sooooooooo sexy. I even named my car after him. So keep up the great work and congratulations. I can’t wait for the new book and get Afflicted.

  257. I have been reading AB books for 12 years. I am a guy and what I need to tell you is that in your world of Anita Blake is one of which is to be truly appreciated. How many books merge the degree of imagination as yours. Think of the copulation of elements and thoroughness of your books. You got people of all paranormal natures as well as occupations. Police and their sub branches, Teachers, Consultants, Specialist, Government and sub divisions, Gang lords, mobs, Mafia, strippers, and many more. I love how not only do you create a world believable conjoining to ours but people to occupy it. Monsters of all kinds, assassins, And Edward! He and Anita together are my favorite characters. And I say together because it seems to me that Anita changes or is brought forth to being a more Survivable character when they are together, She is almost a different character altogether and its fun reading how she brings Edwards feelings out when he doesn’t want to. But I think that is why their interactions are fun. Edwards and Anita both influence each other like a yin yang symbol. Naturally Edward is a ROBOT ASSASIN and Anita is to passionate. It Seems that they influence each to balance out Anita turns more Robot and Edward for lack of better words more human. Together they were their own personal army. And it seems Edward is the only Thing to keep up with Anita. Just love your books.

  258. I first began reading the series about three years ago. I happened to find the first few in the series at a flea market. I was already a huge fan of Merry so I thought I would pick them up and give them a try. That being said, it didn’t take me long to try and track down all of the books in the series.

    Anita’s world has been my place to escape to when I just need a break. Sometimes it’s truly interesting to experience the changes and growth of a character. I often find myself being able to not only sympathize with Anita, but also learn from her. It is so wonderful to see her in a place where she can have such love for so many amazing people in her life. I think we all wish to have just a piece of that one day.

    My favorite thing about this series is being able to share it with my Mother. After I started collecting books in the series I shared them with her. We would get so excited when we finished a book because it meant we could go to the book store together. Being able to share the books gave us just another way to connect with one another. I think that is the most valuable thing that I’ve received from this series. (Yes we plan to go together to get Affliction when it comes out!)

  259. I began reading the Anita Blake series in 2012 which was actually during my most demanding year because of the pressure of having to get into university and i literally read the first 10 books in 3 weeks! I fell in love with the series but i didnt actually begin with the first book! Burnt Offerings was the very first book out of the series that i read and i remember quite vivdly how much i appreciated the descriptions of blood gore and just plain old good violence. The protagonist herself was captivating, i had always preferred strong female lead characters and Anita just did it for me. She isn’t perfect in fact she is so flawed but yet entirely incredible!

    Her flaws and her almost real problems really allowed me to consider my narrow perception of the world and the sheer ability of love to be not traditional.

    My favourite characters are undoubtedly Nathaniel, Asher, Nicky and of course Anita herself!!
    Thank you so very much for writing this series i am a really big fan, because they are no longer just books to me but a world in itself. It came alive for me. Thank you!

  260. when i started to read Anita Blake i fell in love with her she inspires me at every turn. with every book i read i take a little of her with me as if she follows me and helps me along my journey threw life. my favorite characters would have to be Edward and Nathaniel i could never choose between them there always my favorites. Anita’s books teach me new things about my self because as time goes i find my self alone in this world and she helps me see that im alone but there is always some one watching whether a sociopath or an angel in the sky.

  261. I first met Anita in 2005 in ‘Bite’ so i had plenty of books to quench my appetite for more. My favourite moment by far has to be the accidental making of the triumverate with Damien and Nate. I love how Nate is growing and coming into himself and as for Damiem, what can i say, he just flat out does it for me. Of course who can resist the charms of Jason? The only character i don’t completely love is Richard, but i do love to hate him. Every time something good is happening i start to wonder how he can ruin it. My only problem with the books is that i HAVE to read the whole book when i first get it and now i have two children aged 3 and 22 months it makes it hard to get up the following morning.

  262. I have loved this series from the moment I read my first book of it. I didn’t start with book one, I started with book 3. Circus of the Damned. I had no idea that I was reading part of a series- and I fell in love. With the story, the characters, and the writing. I have since read all of the books, and stories I can find pertaining to Anita. I own the series- in e format as well as print. Anita has been a hero for many years for this girl. Being the only non-white person in my perfect family, being ‘too short’, ‘too curvy’ etc. Her attitude always makes me smile.

    The only thing I see missing is Edward because he’s a badass, and the OLD Richard. The Richard we all swooned for, who was compassionate, carefree, handsome and wonderful. I know Anita’s dance card is full, but I keep wishing she and Richard could really be friends. A lunch where they discuss life, and it doesn’t end bitterly, would be amazing.

    I’m very excited to meet Micah’s family, and have been waiting for it since I learned of them. Now if only the boys had a reason to meet the Blakes! 😉

    I’m waiting with baited breath for this book, and the 2nd of July cannot come soon enough.

    Thank you for writing, and continuing to write. <3

  263. Hi. In the late 1990’s I was given a book that had the first 3 books in one by a friend who shortly was murdered soon after. I got lost in the book to share a moment with him. But I loved the idea if those things hidden in the shadows now out and we know. I loved the idea of a vampire next door or a were teacher. As a Kansas Citizen I felt connect more so. I took to heart that courage is facing those things that scare you. To keep on open mind about things because I never know when that people could end up being a very strong person to have on my side. That we all have flaws and we are still can be great. My fave is Richard. He seems real. That while trying to protect himself against the monsters but end up one and on that path discover you are only a monster if you chose to be. Those things that society claims are monster-like are not true. To seek inside yourself to know who you are not what society says is so. He grows and is learning. He is changing what others have told him and seeks the truth and with his friends.. those who really love him gives him strength and or a kick in the ass. Thank you for sharing your friends with us and here is to many more years if adventures.

  264. I was working a second job in a bookstore and many of my customers raved about your books. I had read an excerpt of Narcissus in Chains in an anthology and it was to dark, to violent for my tastes. Your loyal readers kept trying to convert me and one day a customer suggested I read the Merry Gentry series first. We had a copy on hand so I bought it, read it and was back the next night looking for the second book. After I finished the three books in the series at that time, I decided to give Anita another try. I read the first seven in a week. Now Narcissus in Chains is my favorite book of the series so far. My favorite scene is from Incubus Dreams, when Anita calls Wicked and Truth to her aid at the Church of Eternal Life, then binds them to Jean-Claude. Have my copy of Affliction pre-ordered!

  265. If only my parents knew what I was reading in the 5th grade (Big fan of Nikolaos by the way. Probably one of my favorite antagonists next to Chimera). I suppose my parents were just happy I was reading something. Now that I’m about to turn 30 I have a few things to say good and bad.
    First, I greatly appreciate all of your stories. I find that my appointments with the optometrist always come shortly after the release of your new books because my eyes are destroyed after reading for hours without pause.
    Second, I rarely ever like female heroines but Anita does it for me. She’s a tough chick that I find myself appreciating/respecting more than lusting after. Besides Ripley from Aliens I’d say she’s one of the most badass female characters I’ve come across.
    Third, yay for Edward coming back!
    Fourth, (ignore if you don’t like fan feedback) ever since “Obsidian Butterfly” I have found myself overloaded by the chaos that surrounds Anita. I strongly feel like we need to kill off several people in her life (similar to Phillip in GP). It’s becoming difficult for me to associate, connect, feel intimacy for Anita’s complex life style. I understand that’s the fun of it but there’s only so many names I can remember. We all feel so close to Jean Claude because he is such a profound character in Anita’s life. Richard . . . never mind don’t get me started. Micah because he just makes sense. Micah is like those pair of socks that fit perfectly even though you have no idea where they came from. I feel like Anita just doesn’t say no anymore. She’s like those people you see on TV with 87 cats but in Anita’s case it’s lovers. Makes my brain hurt keeping up.
    I am truly happy with the last 20 years I’ve spent reading your novels. I hope you continue for another 20 years.
    With respect and appreciation,

  266. The first time she was with JC…. She wasn’t conflicted…. Helped me make the right decision and marry the love of my life… He was everything I never looked for and exactly what I needed… Reminded of that with Micah…. How I fought it for 2 yrs reminded me of Nathaniel… Part part of me knew the very first time we kissed 😉

  267. I just started reading Guilty Pleasures. I overheard my sister talking about your series and it piqued my interest. I have to say, its wonderful and I cant wait to read the rest of the series! I wish I would have found your books sooner than this. I love how Anita is so complex. I feel like you have captured the true woman…lol On the outside she shows indepence, attitude, cockiness and carries herself with such a “dont f with me air”, but deep inside she is confused, scared and unsure of the way she feels. LOVE IT! After reading the other posts, I cant wait to see how she evolves! Thanks for the great read/adventure/getaway!!

  268. 20! same as me(: I love love love the series!!! The best part is how real it feels! It draws you in on a such personal level, that you truly start to live in the story! I cried, i laughed, i cursed, i cheered, i hated, i loved.. cheers!

    My fave is the Obsidian Butterfly, you should definitely get a medal for it!:D The part where she converses with the ”immortal god” aaaahhhh.. it cracked me up so much i had to take several brakes, because i couldn’t see through the tears anymore haha.. And i love Edward.

    I had this thought for a while, that i definitely would love to read a book from you with no supernatural in it, but lots of guns, police work, sociopathic fellas and some new kickass heroine.. you would surely rock it.. ahh a girl can dream right?:D

    Anyway, thank you for being so amazingly awesome!!!

  269. I love reading Anita Blake stories. I really liked it when she had to be tough and willing to do what is needed of her. I miss her kicking butt (sorry) I miss her taking on the bad, the big and the uglies (that needs to be a dictionary). She fought the monsters and shown no matter what life throws out at you, you pull on your big girl pants and wade into the middle of the fight. I would love to see more of that, but it is also nice to the soft side to her as well. I also like reading Meredith Gentry books as well. It would be nice to see her and Anita team up as well. Maybe some day.

    1. I was thinking the same thing earlier, wouldnt it be something if Merry and Anitas worlds clashed?? think of the possibilties in that story lol

  270. I’ve been reading the Anita stories from the very beginning – 20 years, wow, that’s hard for me to believe, too! I don’t know that I can adequately express what Anita and her stories have meant to me. I identified not only with her physically – yep, another short, kick-ass woman here – but I felt exceptionally close to her description of her rage-driven persona and how it fuels her life in different ways. I’ve loved the mystery, the alternate history, the crime dramas, the supernatural mythology you set up, the relationship twists and turns, and the sex. I love that you feel free enough to write about the sex the way you do and to have the discussions about it that you’ve had in the books. It made me look at how I viewed sex/love/intimacy in my life and how societal ‘norms’ made me crazy.
    It has been easy to sink into the Anita world, not only because I grew up in the area in which it’s set, but also because Anita had many of the same values I have had all my life – and she got to do so many things I would have loved to have done. You let us see her struggling with issues that are ones that we all deal with, but also with ones that we might never deal with except in a vicarious way – both things that make a book/character wonderful to read.
    I’m twice as old as Anita now and I still love seeing where you’re going to take her in every book. I think Anita has made my journey into middle age more interesting. I hope she’s made your last twenty equally so. Thanks for all the lovely, wicked, heart-breaking, life-affirming memories!

  271. Some random thoughts I’d like to share about Anita:

    I met Anita Blake in my middle school library when I was eleven or twelve. I’m 27 now. I have literally grown up reading about Anita. haha.

    My mother also fell in love with Anita and started a vampire book collection, which now numbers beyond counting- maybe 3000 books total? and it all started with a beat up paperback copy of Guilty Pleasures. She passed away a few years ago and she loved Anita right up until the end- She asked us to bring her “Hit List” when it came out, right to the hospital.

    I lost a baby while I was reading “Danse Macabre” so I related to Anita very heavily with that book.

    A lot of characters have come and gone but I’ve always been fond of Asher and Jason. I loved seeing Jason’s character developed more in Blood Noir. Olaf takes creepy to a new level each time he shows up. Edward has developed into an interesting counterpart to Anita. I liked Cookie Monster. The mother of all vampires plotline was intriguing. Damian’s plotline makes me feel heartbreakingly sad for him.

    It’s pretty hard for me to pick out a single book I liked best, since there are so many! I could make a small list. Guilty Pleasures, Laughing Corpse, Killing Dance, Obsidian Butterfly and The Harlequin.

    Thank you for writing these wonderful books, which have been part of my life for such a long time.

  272. I didn’t see this post until now, but maybe you’ll read my comments anyways.
    I started reading Anita Blake when I was 15, after Guilty Pleasures was given to me as a Christmas present (recommended to my mother by a store clerk). When I hit puberty, I realized I wasn’t ever going to be very good at this whole “girl” thing. I felt constantly at odds with this label of “girl”, and a lot of that had to do with the role models available in a “gossip girl”,”Legally Blonde”, and “Bond Girl” dominated culture.
    So many of the female role models presented to us, event the supposedly strong and liberated ones, still always seem to end up needing saving from a stronger male counterpart, or are love obsessed, or not particularly bright, or are “kick-ass in pink (Stilettos)”, watered down by some ridiculous set of feminine stereotypes to make them less dangerous and more conventional.
    Anita Blake was probably the first fictional female character I ever really identified with and wanted to be more like. Looking back, it was a really big deal for me when she chose Jean-Claude instead of Richard. That she decided that maybe the white picket fence and a more traditional life (as traditional as you can get while raising zombies for a living) wasn’t really what she wanted after all. It was a really big deal for me when she started getting over her hang-ups about sex, and refused to feel guilty or shameful about having sexual desire in the first place, but instead learned to embrace it as something healthy. It was a big deal for me when she had felt the need to tend to the garden in front of her new house, and admitted to being uncomfortable with her more feminine side. It continues to be a big deal for me every time she shows herself to be incredibly resourceful, competent, and lethal,proving she’s the protector rather than the protected.
    I wasn’t always happy about being a girl. I didn’t want to spent onerous amounts of time worrying about things like my hair. I didn’t want to wear “pretty” clothes so that people would think I was “cute”. I was so terribly sick of family members asking me about boyfriends rather than career ambitions and college plans. I looked around me and decided that if this is what it meant to be successful at being a “girl”, then I wanted out. Then I looked at Anita Blake, and I saw my first prototype of a truly strong and independent “woman”. And as I got to know her over the years, I decided that if being a woman could mean being someone more like her, then maybe that was something I could be happy with.

  273. i think my favorite scene is when they kill marcus and Anita freaks out and ends up in the arms of Jean-Claude….the first time they are together intimatly is one of the many key moments in their relationship. There is so much raw emotion in that scene. For me it is definetly a BIG BIG moment!!

  274. I can’t put my finger on which book it is at the moment, but my favorite quote in the whole series to date is about sleeping with a cat. When the thought that there are tiny claws in the darkness to protect you. Breaks me up every time i even think about it. In some ways my favorite character is Jason, the guy who can really talk to Anita even when she doesn’t want to hear what he has to say.

  275. I would have to say that reading your books, particularly those things that talk about your methods of work and those blogs about why you write really inspire me. I’m a writer myself and it’s kinda freaky to see so much of what I know and believe coming from another. I love it because it makes me feel like I’m on the right path. I actually refer to my characters as my imaginary friends as well and they are an amazing bunch that I can’t wait to share with the world someday. As for how the Anita Blake series has affected me and my life, it’s made me bolder in my writing, more comfortable with myself (both in and out of the bedroom), and it’s given me more ideas on how I want to write, where I want to go with my life, and how I want to be as a person. As to my favorite character, the words “Coffin bait but only for Jean-Claude” come to mind. I’ve been a fangirl for more than ten years. J.C.’s always made me laugh, cry, shiver, and blush. I love the guy and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for him and Anita.

  276. I am one of the people you help keep sane. For the past 5 years I have escaped into your world. The first 4 were while my daughter had cancer and the last has been after her death. While I love all of your characters I have to say Death is one of my favorites. There is just something about Edward that draws me. Thank you for writing stories that are so good that they can distract me from the worst that life can offer.

  277. Hello Laurell, I found your series one day walking through the library looking for believe it or not vampire romance books, and came across The Harlequin. I think I read it I about 10 hours. I could not put it down. The next day I did a search got our entire book list, and started to check them out, in order so I cold try and figure out what really was going on. I ended up checking out both series, six times before I just bought them all, and am now starting on the comics. As far as which character means the most to me, I would have to say Anita. Although they all mean a lot s they all bring something different to the table. I know I am submitting this entry late, but like you mentioned in the after blog, I too have left an abusive marriage, I have learned to get over my fears, little by little, as they are many. To work harder in my therapy, to try t become more independent, and more confidant in my self, and to start to teach my kids the same things, and also the value of such things. To me you books are an escape that is desperately needed, and encouragement for me to be better, do better and to think better of my self. Your books have also open my eyes about how sex/love is supposed to be about give and receive, I never knew that. I have o say that I have grow as woman and as a person, Thank-you.

  278. I was introduced to Anita Blake and Merry Gentry by a co-worker. I don’t usually like scary movies or stories. I’ve read one or two, watched a few movies but don’t intentionally seek them out. Once I had my daughter I stayed away from those types of movies and books. I’m not sure why. Maybe I’m just a bit squeemish. I’ve always loved to read but moved away from reading for pleasure when I started college, then married, and having a daughter and step children took up all my time. When I was done with school still didn’t read much because there was no time with work and family. But then I was given an e-reader and discovered books on CD which I played in my car. That’s when it all took off.

    My co-work let me borrow her Merry Gentry and Anita Blake books. 🙂 OMG. I read all the Merry Gentry books and the Anita Blake books between April and June of this year. I am now anxiously awaiting Affliction (tomorrooooooooowww) 🙂

    I love your books and the world you have created. I sometimes sit and wonder, what if….

    I am amazed at how detailed your stories are. I am happy to have discovered this new world. Ilove it. Please keep them coming.


  279. Robert K. Stillwell I am a new reader I started 2yr ago. When do to unemployment I had to barrow some of my brother in-laws books and found Anita. Your writing has a harmony to it that gives it a flavor all its own feel. Like all great writers can do. My fava parts are early on when Anita was more of a Sam spade. And then the story line when she had to deal with a small town pack. I always smile when she says to her self WHO ME ! PS Have an idea for you if the opportunity should arise. A big foot would make a great shape shifter. It would explain why you only see one at a time. And there seen near towns and city’s.

  280. Oddly enough, my favorite Anita Blake character is Larry Kirkland. I loved the idea of a normal down-to-earth guy really in over his head. Watching Anita blake educate him in how to be “hero” (or what passes for it in the Anitaverse) was a big deal and I was glad to see him mature into a full-fledged Necromancer and Vampire Executioner.

    I’m sorry he and Anita are on the outs.

  281. I started reading your books when I was very young. To be honest, I think I was in sixth grade. I had transferred from a private school to a public school and the transition was very hard for me. I was tested and they told be that I was reading at a 3rd grade level, so I was put in a remedial reading class. The teacher told me to pick a book any book and just read. She told me to find something that I enjoyed reading. Within that year I found your books, and I was hooked. I have gotten and read every book. I have waited every year for you to release another book. Right before I turned 16, we had a house fire. I lost everything. When my parents asked me what I wanted for Christmas that year, I told them that I wanted your books, the ones that I had lost. Well, I got them for Christmas, and still have them. If you were to see them now, they are in sad shape because I still read them at least once a year.
    By the way, I am from St. Charles, I lived for a month at the Red Roof Inn that you wrote about in the first book. And my dad’s name is John Burke. I love that you used details in your book about the St. Louis area. It made thing so real for me.
    Laurell, I do not know if you will read this but I’ve wanted to tell you this for years. Your books are the sole reason why I love to read. They helped me through a couple of tough transitions in my life. I want to thank you for your books and the time it takes to write them.

  282. I started reading Anita Blake when I was sixteen. I was very sick and in the middle of a huge existential crisis and I needed something to get my mind off of things. I browsed through a huge box of books that my grandmother had purchased at a garage sale and I stumbled upon Burnt Offerings, which was my first (and to this day, I think my favorite) Anita Blake novel.

    From that day, I sought out each and every novel and read them. I actually continued on from Burnt Offering and didn’t read Killing Dance and below until a year or two later >.> but it’s been a magical ride.

    Anita taught me to not take as much crap as I did. Jean-Claude taught me how to treat the person I love. Micah taught me that I need to compromise sometimes. Nathaniel taught me to not be ashamed at certain parts of myself. Damien taught me the wonders of controlling my temper. And lastly, Nicky taught me that no matter what, the person who truly loves you will see you as beautiful; even when you don’t.

    I thank you so much Laurell for writing this series and saving lives. You truly are a miracle worker and I can’t wait to read Affliction.

  283. I cannot begin to discribe how much I love all your books…both series. I finished Affliction and it was awesome as usual but Im also sad because I know it will be the last Anita book I will get to read. Books have always been my escape from the horrors of the world and your books more then any other. I get so lost in reading your books that I am actually able to laugh and feel true happiness. I have laughed and cried and truely felt like I was part of the book. I cannot give you my favorite book or character because I love them all for different reasons. Each character is alive to me in more ways then the “real” world is. One of my friends said that they should make movies out of your books but I disagree, I think it would take away something from the magicalness of the characters. In my head they are more real to me and I wouldnt want that image ruined. Anyways I just wanted to thank you for both The Anita series and the Merry series. I hope you continue to write for many years to come. Thank you for helping postpone my life and for giving me friends to hold onto.

  284. I started reading Anita in 2007 and since then have bought and read them all. I was hooked from the start. My favorite part is when Anita runs from Richard, after he changed. She was in that leather number which ended up a complete mess, but she runs straight to Jean-Claude. He helps her with the straps and all that follows. That is only one of my favorite moments. I love the fact that a lot of the men have long hair, I personally find that really attractive on a man.

  285. I found Anita about ten years ago. I started the series backwards. I read the newest release at the time, then realized I was in the middle of a series after I read it. I started from the beginning and continued to read, caught up way too quickly, and eagerly anticipated each and every release after. I recommended the series to many friends, subsequently we’ve bonded over the books! I have always been a strong woman, raised by a strong woman, whom was also raised by a strong woman, so I connected with Anita immediately! You (Laurell K. Hamilton) have brought me much joy, sorrow, and many more emotions with your amazing ability to bring the characters to life! I lost my daughter’s father just over two years ago. Part of my daughter died with him. She was 5 at the time. Anita losing her mother at 8, and the adult struggles she has had and overcome throughout the series have helped give me insight to help my daughter with her turmoil. I don’t have a favorite book, because I’ve loved each and every one of them. I do however like the ones with the preternatural and police stories more because I love the Ted, and Olaf characters. The dark side of them as well as the alter-ego’s. thank you for spending twenty years of your life (and more) to bring enjoyment to ours. You’re a gift from God.

  286. I love the Anita Blake series. I am in love with any of the scenes with her penguin Sigmound in them as well as Nathaniel. All these years of reading the books even more than twice has just made me fall more in love with her world and her gang of misfits. The character that means the most is Nathaniel from coming to Anita a beaten and broken werelepoard to now her boyfriend who is comfortable in his own skin. I can’t wait to read Affliction and the especial beauty.

  287. I’ve learned to be tough, & to say enough from Anita. But I’ve learned from Ronnie & Louis (& maybe Anita also) is that when you have love & someone worth fighting for then grab it instead of doing 20 questions. I know, I know easier said than done, right??*laughs* Wonder whatever happened to Ronnie & Louis. I hope they got engaged, & getting married or already ARE married. *grins*

  288. I started reading anita when I was 13. It was around the time I “discovered” romance novels which ultimately seemed cheesy and overplayed. You provide an alternative view to the supernatural with real problems and issues that other authors of the paranormal romance leave unresolved. I just want to say congratulations. You deserve every achievement and

    accolade you’ve received. The realness of your character captures. me eveeytime

  289. I agree with you! Micah was always my favorite from the moment in the showers to the last book in the hospital room. I most attracted to Nathaniel and Jason (blood noir scene with the two of them). But my FAVORITE is Nicky!!!!

  290. The Anita series has taught me to stand up for myself in many ways. She is my best friend in a way. I love Edward, Nathaniel, and Asher. They r all unique and have their own issues. Thank u for being awesome!

  291. Ms. Hamilton – I just finished reading Affliction. And I have just one thing to say…OMGDMF AWESOME! Thank you! Well done. That’s the Anita Blake et al I love. Thank you again!

  292. I just cried reading that about Nathaniel. He’s one of my favorite’s he gives me strength. I went through a lot as kid. Bad memories have been resurfacing lately. If he can over come it so can I. I just discorved the blog today. All of your books mean a lot to. Edward is by far one of my favorite characters. I like his take no shit attitude. He always gets the job done no matter what. Thank you for all the years you have given me with them. When I start one of your books I don’t put it down till I fall asleep reading it or finish it.

  293. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the wonderful books that you have written I’m a huge fan of both Anita and Meredith! And have almost all of both series! Reading your books has been such a great experience and I’m always on the look out for the next one. I would have to say that I’m a huge Nathaniel fan, I love how he’s become more confident and is a much loved character! I also really enjoy frost and for some reason I love Jonty the red cap lol big favorite 🙂 I love how Anita has grown throughout the series how she used to be so strict on her beliefs and not so open minded, that she’s learned to open up and just enjoy what life brings her! I just want to say thank you again and know that your books have meaning to me and i appreciate your hard work 🙂

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