Upcoming Appearence
Up coming appearance: SciFest 2009 at the St. Louis Science Center. October 10th, 8 – 10 PM in the Exploradome. Tickets are $10.00 and can be purchased in advance at
Just so no one will complain that they didn’t know in time to get tickets. Here’s the information again. So, you have now been warned. Come hear me talk, and you can ask questions in person. Bear in mind that this will be one of the very few public appearances this year. I’ll be talking about the research I did for SKIN TRADE, and other books. You get me for an hour, and if you have kids and can persuade someone to stay with them while you enjoy the Q & A there is a science fiction film festival from 6:00 until 9:00 and it will be MSTied by real scientists. If you want to know if that could really happen, now you’ll have scientists to explain how likely it is to be reality, or how far out from reality it is. You have to have someone to stay behind with the younger kids, because this is a fun event, not a babysitting service. Older children, if you are assured they are old enough can be at the movies alone. You know your kids better than anyone, do you trust them alone, if so, act accordingly. If not, send a chaperone.
So, if you can get that chaperone/babysitter you can give them movies with real scientists, and you get an hour, or more, without the kids, with me. Why does it say 8-10 which is two hours for my talk? Because they’ve kindly given us enough time for me to natter on about research, and then for you to ask your questions. Remember reading that book of mine and wondering what the heck I meant by that, well now you can ask. Though, most likely, the answer will be, "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
I’ve been told that 400 people is the goal, but if you guys lose your heads and we end up with a hundred more people, making 500 of you guys, they will be able to put a 100 more chairs in just for you. It is an absolute maximum of 500 or the fire marshal gets mad at us, so if you want tickets buy early. We may not sale out, but if we do I don’t want people complaining later that they didn’t know. Sometimes I don’t know ahead of time how many people and what the max at an event is, and I, and you guys have been caught off guard when the limit is reached, but this time I do and I’m passing the information on so you will know as much as I do.
Anyway, come play at our wonderful Science Center here in St. Louis. See you there.