
Aug 08, 2006

Jon and I voted today. We wanted to have a voice in who got on the final ballot. Because we both felt that last time, for many of the races, the people we wanted to vote for, didn’t make it to the final ballot. But we hadn’t voted in the primaries, so we hadn’t helped choose. This time, we helped. This time if the people we voted for aren’t on the final ballot, it won’t be because we thought someone else would vote for them. This time, if we don’t get the people we wanted, we can bitch because we voted for them. My rule is if you didn’t vote, you can’t bitch. So vote, so your complaint is legitimate. Get out there and vote, every chance you have. Did you know that the last president of the this country was voted in by less than half of the eligible voters in this country. Why? Because that’s all that showed up. You think the primaries don’t matter; yeah, they do. This is our chance to get our choices on the ballot. This is your chance to have your vote count, now. All of you who don’t vote are giving away a right that your ancestors fought and died for. If they could die for it, can’t you get off work a little early, or take a longer lunch and punch a card, or use the new touch-screen? The touch-screen was very cool. It gave you several chances to look over your ballot and change your mind, if you wished. It was very clear, and easy to use. Even I, the technophobe, liked it.
By the way, if your work place tells you they won’t let you off to vote, that’s illegal in most states. They have to let you vote. They aren’t allowed to hinder your constitutional right to vote for your elected officials. Though, Darla, informs me that here in Missouri you have to give your employer twenty-four hour notice that you want to vote. I didn’t know that last bit either. Sorry. But you know for next time, and most places will let you off a little early so you can vote. Vote now, so you can bitch later.