
Dec 06, 2005

This weekend was not relaxing, but it was very family. We did breakfast with Santa at the Misourri Botanical Gardens on Saturday. We got up earlier for it, than we do for school. Trin had a wonderful time. She was in her social element. By the time we got a compliment on her Christmas dress she was off to another costumed character. She never stayed to hear the compliments. We told her later. Her activity level is what mine might have been as a child if punishment in school had been less punitive. But her socialization desire is my mother’s. I don’t remember it, but she, like Trin, was running into people that knew her name whenever we went out and about. Though, I know for a fact, that I’m not the only parent that has had the experience of being out with your kid and they know more people than we do. Especially when you work out of the house, you just don’t see that many people daily.
Sunday morning, up for church. Trinity has requested to go with Jon’s parents to church, and since we believe that religion is a personal choice between you and Diety, we’re cool with that. Christianity is fine religion, and I trust to Mary and Art to guide her around the fanatics or the misogynists.
We did holiday shopping after breakfast with Santa. Braving the malls all dressed up and pleasantly for us there were very few crowds. Mary told us that later in the day it was so crowded she could barely stand to be there, so going early was good. Tiring, but good. Jon and I will never be morning people, and it’s nice to be married to someone who shares with me the puzzlement of being at places full of Yuletide cheer and costumed reindeer. Rudolph did a nice tap dance. There were lots of babies in the cutest Christmas outfits. But there are usually moments in the middle of such events where I feel completely out of my element. Where I want to pinch myself and wonder how I ended up here. I have one of those Addams family moments where I’d rather be dressed in black and lurking in a corner instead of in red and green and smiling. But the red and green and smiling is me, too. I love Christmas, the whole Christmas season. But that all black, lurking in the corner is me, as well. But now, I’m married to someone that also understands that dichotomy. That some weekends you feel like playing Santa, and some weekends you’d rather be in that black t-shirt being anti-social.