What happens next?

Aug 08, 2007

Eight pages on the Jason book today. Wish I could share with you, because the book has done a runner. What does that mean? It means I am so far off the plot that I had planned for this book that all bets are off. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I mean I had plotted out a two hundred, or less, page book, and am now on page three hundred and something, nearly four hundred. It’s at least a five hundred page book, and maybe six. It’s all good stuff. It picks back up some minor plot points in earlier books and proves that there really isn’t any such thing as a minor plot point when it comes to my books. My subconscious is always ahead of me. Sometimes I can run and keep up, but today I got left so far in the dust that all I could do was go, well, damn.
I can’t share because it is like a major plot surprise. Does this constitute teasing? Maybe. But it was either this or nothing. I’ve tried to write about other things today for the blog, but the twist the book has taken is pretty much what is on my mind.
Again, apologies for not being able to share more in depth details, but even if I could, I can’t tell you how it turns out. Why not? Because thanks to the turn the plot has taken I no longer know.
This isn’t the first time a book has done this to me. Narcissus in Chains did it. Obsidian Butterfly did it. Heck, Guilty Pleasures did it. Though the mystery never changed in that first Anita book. Has Merry surprised me this badly? Yes. I didn’t expect Doyle to be a major player for her heart, only the throne. Some people that I thought would be villains just won’t do it. A Lick of Frost surprised me, again, like Guilty Pleasures, the main plot remained the same, but some major points didn’t go as planned.
I guess if I was one of those writers that outline extensively this would stop happening. If I was one of those writers that has to control their world and their characters I could beat them into the shape, and plot, I wanted. But, come on, where would be the fun in that?
I can hardly wait to get to work tomorrow and find out what happens next.