What I did yesterday

Dec 23, 2006

Charles came over for lunch yesterday. It turned out to be very good timing. I’d just finished rewriting the beginning of the next Anita book. Yes, finally, I’m happy that this chapter is the beginning. I now have two other chapters that go somewhere near the beginning, possibly two and three, but maybe four and five. But still, really cool. But why was Charles coming by a good thing, more than just the pleasure of his company? He’s police. I had the police interacting with Anita in the first chapter. I needed to ask some opinions of someone who’s done this for real, and viola Charles is here. So part of lunch was discussing work, which usually happens when I get around anyone with a police or military background. I just can’t help myself, we talk shop.
The four pages of the new Merry book had to be scrapped because it wasn’t Merry; it was Anita. It was so Anita’s voice, just the characters were different. I have to get Anita out of my head before I can move on to Merry. Which means I’ve got to finish the rewrite of THE HARLEQIN before I can really start on Merry. Because I can’t afford to have Anita’s voice out of my head while still trying to write her, just so I can start Merry earlier. Sigh. So while I’m working on the rewrite for Anita, I’ve also started the next book so when I sit down months from now I won’t have a blank screen to start with. Yea!