What we’ve been doing

Mar 26, 2008

What we’ve done so far:
A nature center where we could view the original flora of the area. We also saw a wild bird rehab center. We hiked. Took pictures of wild life, though admittedly most of the wild life was of the small kind; insects and arachnids. We’ll post pictures when we get home.
We swam with dolphins at a research facility. Again, we’ll post pictures later. Trinity and I both had a blast. Interestingly enough dolphins have no discernible odor. They don’t smell fishy, or of anything really. I know they’re mammals so expecting them to smell fishy maybe a prejudice on my part, but I expected some scent, other large animals have distinct odor. Wolves, big cats, you name it, the animal smells unique. Since I started writing the shapeshifters I’ve become more aware of scent, and I just found it interesting that dolphins were scentless to me. Maybe they aren’t to their trainers, but I had one put it’s beak (nose is a misnomer since they don’t really have a nose like we do) pressed against my cheek in a kiss for a long time, and I could feel dolphin, but smell nothing but the ocean water. Just thought that was interesting.
Jon and his parents watched us swim, though Jon might be persuaded if we do it again. Apparently, it was fun to watch as well as participate.