What we’ve been doing today.

Dec 13, 2007

I’ve done the first read through of the edits of BLOOD NOIR. I am now color coating the first round of sticky notes on the second go through. What do I mean by that?
Research changes are color coated in one color. Major scene additions a second color. Small changes another color. You get the idea. I’ve never actually done it quite this way before, but it will allow me to do all the major scenes in one day. Do most of the research in one day, if I want, or I can be more traditional and do it as I get to it. I like the idea of options, and besides, more uses for sticky notes, and an excuse to ‘need’ more colors. Oooh. More color is good.
I have no idea why I love sticky notes. I just do. When something feeds your muse, don’t knock it, just run with it. My muse loves sticky notes, and so do I.
Jon and I worked on more comic stuff today. More art, covers, promotional stuff. Lots of fun stuff today.
Did I mention that Jon and I are both down with a different flavor of winter bug? We actually tried to take a nap this afternoon, but it was like the phone suddenly went into over drive. Yes, Darla was downstairs answering it, but it still rang beside the bed. After it went off the second time, like some kind of mini-fire alarm we turned the ringer off. Yes, it took twice of scaring the bejesus out of us before we thought of it. I told you we’re sick. The thinkie parts weren’t working so well by that part of the afternoon.
Funny thing for me, I’m fine when I’m fine, then I work a little too hard and suddenly I’m beat. Then I get to rest. Rest is good, and by evening I’m done. Like falling asleep at around six-thirty last night, done. Slept all the way through the night, and felt much better in the morning. But better is not well, and my body is reminding me of that as I type this. So that’s it for us for tonight. Our date night is going to consist of dinner at home and a video. A short video.