Why Goths should avoid the Sun
I’m sitting at my desk in my black high-heeled boots, skin tight jeans tucked into them, and the little black t-shirt with it’s slightly threatening slogan on it. One thing ruins the Goth look; the sunburn. It’s sort of another souvenir from Florida. We both burned through 70 SPF sunscreen. Of course, maybe it was that seven hours on the open water with 30 mile an hour wind gusts that did the sunscreen in. Rule from now on, reapply spackling every four hours regardless of how much sun, shade, or whatever, because sunlight bounces off of water and hits you in places you just didn’t just think it could reach. The sunburn on my shoulders is an odd contrast to all the black, but red would look worse, maybe I’ll try purple tomorrow.
If you haven’t guessed we’re back from vacation. It was a wonderful trip, but we were all ready to come home. I have to admit though, that I hadn’t had a tense muscle, or headache the entire time we were gone. That can’t be said for today. But it’s always hard the first day back from a great vacation. It’s wrenching in a way, to find that all the responsibilities, problems, all of it, just waited for you to come back. Nothing got done. Nothing got solved. It all just waited. If my business was a more typical business, there would be more chances to delegate, but I had the person I delegate the most to with me on vacation. Jon and I were both out of the office. The comic book is our baby. The novels are my babies. The blog is mine, unless I can convince Jon or Darla to take a guest shot. There is so much to do, and more coming, that I am actually almost to needing that clip-board assistant. Someone who can help organize me. Several people here have tried for this part of the job, but either they are less organized than I am, or, my way of working defeats traditional methods. Where is that girl, or guy, Friday, when you need them?