Wish me luck
Only four pages today, but spent the rest of the morning session in research. Research I needed before I could even know enough to do the next section. I can’t even tell you what that research is because it would give away too much. The book is in the end game whether that end game is a hundred pages or three hundred pages. Still not sure on that.
But I’m not going to be able to work on the scene really tomorrow, because tomorrow is our next trip. It’s a family vacation/research trip. But for family, research, or tour, tomorrow is still a plane ride and I’m still scared. I’m reading a book on how to conquer your fear of flying, but since part of it’s way of reassuring is to point out how dangerous other things are, like cars, it’s not really helping. I’m already afraid of riding in cars, I really don’t need to know the stats on how very dangerous it is. Life would be simpler if I just had one fear at a time.
And yes, I get in cars all the time. I find though that if I go too many days without riding in a car I start getting more nervous about it, so I just have to make myself do it at least every other day. It would have been so easy with my work to just begin to limit my life so I could avoid what I was afraid of, but that’s just not an option. You give an inch to your fears and they take a mile. It’s just the way it is.
Anyway, instead of finishing up the next chapter of the Jason book, I’ll be getting on a plane with my family. Trinity is very excited. I think Jon would be more excited if I was less nervous. I guess, me too. I’ll be okay once we get on the ground safely and can start looking at stuff. But until then . . . I’ve got to go finish packing. Wish me luck.