Signed copy of A Shiver of Light, if you order by 8PM tonight!

May 20, 2014

Here’s a link to a live interview I did last night at BookTalkNation answering questions about A Shiver of Light, Merry Gentry and all her men, plus yes, the babies will be born in this book! Uterine liberation, at last! I also answer questions about Anita Blake and her cast of characters, my writing process, how I world build, and my best advice for all you beginning writers.

If you order by 8PM tonight you can have a signed, and personalized copy of A Shiver of Light. I will not be personalizing at most of the events across the country, sorry, so this maybe your chance at that. Apparently, to sign as much as you guys want me to I’d need the biceps of Arnold Schwarzenegger. *laughs*

109 thoughts on “Signed copy of A Shiver of Light, if you order by 8PM tonight!”

  1. You have an amazing gift, I know your books have helped my Son and many other in their deployments and for me getting me through very long lonely nights knowing he was not in a safe place. Thank You and Please keep up the great work.

  2. Are you signing at Dragoncon? I stuck between buying it now or getting one signed in person (which would be awesome).

  3. I would like to order a copy of A Shiver of Light. Please let me know what I need to do.

    Thank you,
    Beth Steen

    1. I copied the link on my phone and it pulled up there. not sure why it wasn’t letting me on my computer but I was able to order it from my phone.

    2. You can order the book if you go to the. booktalknation webpage listed above. Purchase instructions are right there. 🙂

  4. I would love to order a signed copy of A Shiver of Light but can’t seem to find a way to do that on this website. Do I need to go somewhere else? Thanks.

    1. Copy and paste the link at the bottom of her post, then you can get a signed copy. 🙂

    2. I went to the website for Left Bank Books and ordered through them by searching for Shiver of Light. I put in the note that I had come from this site and asked that the copy be signed and personalized as I was ordering at 5PM. I guess we will see if that worked…

    1. I’m sorry, I followed the link and found the place to order. Thank you anyway!

      1. Im a bit irritated. I clicked the link under the post before I asked in thread how to order-there was no order link, just the video. I looked a few times yesterday prior to 8pm and did not see one. She is in CDT, so I assumed 8pm CDT was the cut off. maybe the site had a glitch, I don’t know.

        1. Yeah same. Couldnt find a link to order so I could get the book for my sis for her bday in july and have it signed. She would of freaked out. Would hate the killes and hugs but she is my sis so I would have to suck it up, lol!!

  5. would also love to order a book, and would do so today, if i could find a way to do so!

  6. OK, so I followed the link from FB but can’t find how to order. My partner and I own everything you’ve written Both Anita & Merry. We have so been wanting this book. An autographed, personalized copy would be such a thrill. Please let me know how to order.

  7. I would like to order I’m a new mommy and need a new good read. I’ve read all the series thus far so it only seems right this be my next book 🙂 please let me know what to do

  8. It was an amazing interview! You are one of the most creative and talented writers I’ve ever read. I often find myself comparing other writers to you. Their work I mean. In most where I find typos, grammatical errors, a part of the plot falling flat or it just not keeping me engaged, I often find myself thinking I don’t find any of these problems in your writing. I’ve read all of the Anita and Merry books and I think it may be time to go back and read them again! Thank you for doing what you do. You got me sucked back in to reading and helped me find my love of the paranormal romance genre.

  9. I would love a signed copy, but Booktalk Nation says they don’t have any more copies of A Shiver of Light in stock. 🙁

  10. Would also like ordering information – the book is not listed in your store.

  11. I would love to order the signed copy but I cannot find the link anywhere on the booktalk site. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks

  12. I tried to find where to order the book and there is no link or place to order it when I go to booknation website to order like it says it tells me there are no books available how do I order a copy I would love to have it signed Ive been waiting years for this books im so excited to finally read it.

  13. YESSSSS!!!!!!!! ME PLEASE!!!!!!! I have waited for so long for this book to come out! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!

  14. Looking so forward to the new book.I have read all of the books from both series. I feel like a drug addict waiting for the new Thank you and Keep up the good work.

  15. I don’t get paid til Thursday, so can you still at least buy tickets to the sit down with you even if we can’t get a copy of the book on Thursday?

  16. I can’t find where to order. Is there someplace special we are supposed to go to to order?

  17. I live in the middle of Nebraska, how do I go about ordering a signed copy of ” A Shiver of Light” . The video link from :, did not have a way for me to purchase. I would love to, In the middle of Nebraska the closest authors get is usually Chicago, Denver or KC. and well they never work out for getting time of from work just to go see Laurell. 🙁

  18. I have already pre ordered my copy from barns and noble ordered it last week I think

  19. hmm small glitch?… I cant seem to locate a place to purchase the book (by 8pm tonight) on this site. Should we be ordering it through your publisher Penguin directly? eek I have just under 10 hours to complete the quest! HELP!

    1. p.s. nevermind.. book was ‘sold out’ within 30 minutes of you posting this… SHEESH! your fans are quick! lol

  20. Laurell I cant seem to find where it is that I can purchase your new book Shiver of Light could you please let me know before you’re cutoff time because i would really love a autographed copy of your book. You are awesome and I’ve waited such a long time for a new Merry Gentry book. Please let me know I want to order your book!!!

  21. I am having the same problem as everyone else. I would like to order a signed copy, but cannot find a way to do so. Thanks!

  22. Okay so what link do I go to to order the signed book? Help please lol!!!

  23. I would love to order a signed copy of A Shiver of Light. Please let me know how to order and where.
    I love all your books and read them over and over.

  24. D-O-N-E!! I am soooo excited. I have ALL your books (I even have a copy of #24 Star Trek the Next Generation Nightshade) and working on getting all the graphic novels.

    Can’t wait to see what you and your muse come up with next..

  25. I love all your books! I have them all displayed beautifully. I would love to order a signed copy of the new Meredith Gentry book, “A Shiver of Light”, but just like the former comment posters I am unable to find a way to do that. Please let us know what we need to do.
    Thank you for all your creative, beautiful work.

    Tina McNees, a loyal fan!

  26. Is this going to be the last book in the series? I love this series and hope you keep it going!

  27. I would love to have one made for my wife who is a huge fan of your work.

  28. Ditto, would love to order, but don’t see a link or information on how to do so. Love you and your writing and have been waiting so long for Merry!

  29. I also would like a signed copy of A Shiver of Light. Link does not take me to where I can order one.

  30. same problem here, was going to buy one, but can’t find it on the site and really don’t want to miss this offer. could you post the actual link? and if for some reason we aren’t able to access before 8pm, since we’ve tried to do so…will we still be able to get the signed copy?

  31. Tried to order a signed copy for my daughters birthday but it seems to be only available in the USA??!
    Any chance of this opening up to the rest of us???

  32. Hi guys just for those wondering where to order the book go to the link that she posted. If you go to that link there is a place for you to order the signed copy. Just ordered mine I cant wait!

  33. I would also like to order a signed copy of A Shiver of Light. I can’t find under special offers, signed items or books. Help!

  34. Ok in order to order the book. There is a website name (booknation) at the bottom of the blog. Its not a link so you have to copy and paste into your browser. It takes you to the interview and on the far right of the page is where the order form is. Hope this helps.

  35. Is this eastern or pacific time? Get paid at 8pm tonight but was hoping it was pacific so I can get a copy for my sis who loves you and your books.

  36. I would like a signed copy of Shiver of Light, is there a pacific website I need to go to, to pre-order?

  37. I would order in a heartbeat if I could find the item. I’m rereading all of the books in anticipation!

  38. Thank you…..for sharing your worlds with all of us. You have an enormous gift.

    I don’t seem to be able to use the link provided. Is there something else I need to do when my only internet is by android? (Rural Big Island Hawai’i)

    Mahalo!….. Thank you

  39. I would love a signed copy of A Shiver of Light, where do I order it from?

    Thank you

  40. Has anyone figured out how to order this yet? Would love to order for a gift but can’t seem to find the book in the store here yet.

  41. I am so in love with all of your books that I have them on NOOK and on my bookshelf. My husband thinks I am insane. 😉 a signed copy would so make my day, month, year.

  42. Hi Laurell,
    Can you post a transcript of the interview, please? I have satellite internet, and it’s nearly impossible to stream more than two minutes of anything. I am very interested in hearing about your writing process, world building, and any advice you have for aspiring writers. Thanks so much!!
    PS ~ Can’t wait to get my signed book! I have the full sets of both Anita and Merry, and this will be my first signed edition! 😀

  43. I would love to order A Shiver Of Light…please tell me how I want to get a special one

  44. I cannot find the link to order the book by 8:00 and it is getting late. Help!

  45. I just ordered mine and am so excited to be able to get back to Merry’s (and her men 😉 story. Have been missing her!

  46. Where can you order the signed book? I couldn’t find it on here either & would REALLY like to order the signed book! Thanks You for all your AMAZING BOOKS!!! God Bless & Love & Light!!

  47. Also am very excited to buy a signed copy but can not find a link or the book for slaw on this sight. Where do we go to get in on this amazing deal!!

  48. 8pm What time zone? Im currently working in Pacific, but my watch is still set to Central for when I go home in a few days…

  49. what do i need to do where do i need to go to get this signed personalized copy of A Shiver of Light?

    1. never mind 🙂 found and ordered 🙂 been sick now smiling first time in days 🙂

  50. Would dearly love to have one but my pay check doesn’t hit the bank until a little after midnight maybe I’ll get lucky on the next book

  51. I would be so happy to have a signed copy of you book and I can’t wait to read it
    Your fan

  52. I want to order a signed, personilized copy of Shiver of Light. It is not available in the store. How can I order a copy?

  53. I too am finding it impossible to find where to purchase Shiver of Light so I can get an autographed copy…

  54. I tried to order the book but the link said that It was no longer avaliable how can I still buy the book before 8 pm tonight?

  55. Hi, I’m trying to order the signed copy and I can’t find the spot! I’d love to have a book signed by you! Any book! I had planned on pre-ordering A shiver of light on my kobo but I’ll buy the hard cover to have you sign it lol. I tell all my friends about your books. I’ve read hundreds or books, dozens of series, and you still remain my favorite! Absolutely love your writing.

  56. I have already ordered my book on Barnes and Noble for 15$ and I can’t wait for the day it’s out

  57. I preordered my copy from i would love a signed copy love all your books.

  58. I have been looking all afternoon and evening to find where the link to buy this signed book by 8pm and I haven’t been able to find it… Am I blind? I found the Signed books area, but not “A Shiver of Light”? Please Help me… I know I’m late with this post but I’m lost and my wife was begging me to get it for her…

    Thank you for your time.

  59. I would love to order but share the same problem…I can’t find the link to order..

  60. I don’t think people outside America can order this signed copy. I have looked everywhere for the link to get this signed copy 🙁

  61. Are there any of the other signings where a personalized copy can be bought? I have personalized copies of all the other books in the series. Thanks.

  62. I have read your series 2 can’t wait for the next books days after you release one. I know some don’t care for the way anita has progressed in your books but for me and the friends I turn onto them that are perfect except some are too short. We can’t get enough. Plz keep writing these books. I know it can be hard to keep imaging where to go with each book. We can’t wait for shiver of light. Plz let me know how to get to the Web page to buy tonight.

  63. Laurell, I still can’t find out how to order your book. I really would love to but can’t find where to do it. Could you please help me so I could get a signed copy. I know I’m not the only one who’s looking for that place to order just like me. Please help before the deadline!!!

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